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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
"Dixie!" Cole Rockwell continues to shake his lover, Dixie Ryan, who is not moving on the large king size bed in their hotel room at the country club. Cole and Dixie got a room at the club after Cole's father, Mac Rockwell, suspected that Dixie may have been doing drugs with Cole, which is exactly what they have been doing. After checking in, Cole and Dixie did three lines of cocaine and had hot, intense sex. Following their orgasms, Cole went for a shower and when he emerged, Dixie was asleep on the bed, or so he thought she was asleep. He hasn't been able to wake her up, which makes him wonder what the hell is going on. He finally stops shaking her and he stands up and runs his hand through his hair. He looks back at the woman laying on the bed and realizes that she's dead. "My God," he whispers to himself, his chest still slightly damp from the shower. "She must have done another line while I was in the shower." He moves back to the bed and puts two fingers on Dixie's neck, desperately searching for her pulse. Only, he doesn't find one. He moves back from her quickly; for the first time in his life, he is looking at a dead person. But not just anyone, someone he has been involved with, including 30 minutes ago. Now, she's dead, probably from an overdose. He shakes his head in shock and confusion. "How the hell can this be happening? What am I going to do? How the hell could Dixie be dead?" He looks back at her and feels sad for what has happened but realizes that this is his fault. He wanted more and more drugs and now, Dixie is dead as a result. He looks at the dead woman's body and feels his heart race pick up. "What am I going to do?" *** At the hospital, Mac paces back and forth in the waiting room as he is eager to find out if his daughter, Stacey Rockwell, has survived the surgery as she was shot outside of the country club. He has so many thoughts racing through his mind, like who could have shot Stacey? Why was she shot? Will she survive this latest tragedy? Of course, he's also troubled about the fire that is at his mother's, Lucinda Rockwell's, mansion as well. The detective had advised him Lucinda was being transported to the hospital as she was found unconscious in the living room of her home; he just can't believe that his family is yet again in the midst of all this turmoil. After everything they've been through, he was hoping that things would calm down. He then wonders about his fiancé, Sabine Andrews, and why she was so determined to have the firefighters go into the basement at Lucinda's mansion. What could possibly be in the basement that would be worth saving? Before he can think of anything else, he turns around and sees Marat Kafelinkov, Celeste Baldwin and Lex Rockwell walk into the waiting room, each holding a coffee. Lex passes Mac a coffee. "Thought you could use this," Lex tells the man he believed was his father for so many years. "Any word on Stacey or Grandmother?" "No," Mac replies to them. "And, the longer Stacey is in that operating room, the more worried I get." "Where did Sabine get off too?" Celeste asks her ex-husband, as she can see the worry written all over his face. "I think she went to the chapel to pray," Mac admits to her before he looks at Marat. "How are you holding up?" Marat shrugs his shoulders, thinking about his wife in the operating room. "I'm just trying to keep it together," he admits to his father in law. "I should have protected her!" "You had no idea that someone was trying to kill her," Celeste puts his hand on his muscular arm. "We have no idea who did this. Please, stop beating yourself up, okay?" Before Marat can reply, Dr. Chen emerges in the waiting room. "Doctor, how is Stacey? How is my daughter?" Dr. Chen looks back at the family. "We were able to remove the bullet from Stacey's chest," he reveals to them, as they all breathe a sigh of relief. "The good news is that we were able to stop the internal bleeding." "Does that mean you think she will make a full recovery?" Marat asks, hopeful that Stacey will be okay. Dr. Chen nods back to him. "I believe that she is a very lucky young woman," he tells them. "Had the bullet been a couple inches over, she would have died. But, I do suspect she will be just fine in couple of days." "Oh thank God," Marat pulls Celeste into a hug, relieved that Stacey will be okay. "Thank you doctor," Mac shakes his hand. "We owe you so much. Can we see her?" "Of course," Dr. Chen replies to him. "Just keep it to one visitor at a time, okay?" "Yes, we will, thank you doctor," Marat tells him, as he and Celeste exit their embrace. "Doctor, while I have you," Mac pulls Dr. Chen aside. "My mother, Lucinda Rockwell, was apparently being brought in to the hospital following a fire at her house. Do you know if she has arrived yet?" Dr. Chen shakes his head no. "She's on her way, but she hasn't arrived yet. I will give you a full update as soon as she is here." "Thanks Doctor." *** Sabine Andrews slowly opens the door to the hospital chapel and moves inside. As she moves closer to the large cross at the end of the mini aisle, she can't help but wonder if the firefighters were able to save Lydia Rockwell and Houston Blackmore from the cage in Lucinda's basement; after she found them in the basement, she should have told Mac, or someone, that they were alive and being held hostage in Lucinda's house, but she got side-tracked by Lucinda's words that she would lose Mac to Lydia. She can't believe she was such a fool for listening to Lucinda because now, both Houston and Lydia could die in the fire. "God," she whispers as she reaches the large cross that is hanging on the wall. "I know we don't talk very often and that's my fault," she continues to say. "But, I need your help. I need you to ensure that Houston and Lydia are saved. I need you to save them; I hope that I wasn't too late in saying that they were in that basement." She shuts her eyes for a moment and when she opens them, a tear falls down her cheek. "She's my sister," she continues to say out loud. "And despite all of our differences, I do love her. I can't lose her again after just finding out she is actually alive." "So, I am begging you, do whatever you have to do to ensure that Lydia and Houston are saved. Whatever comes after, I'll handle the consequences, just let them okay." *** "I wish I knew what was taking so long to get Mother to the hospital," Mac tells Lex as they stand in the waiting room of the hospital, wondering when Lucinda will arrive at the hospital. Now that Mac knows that Stacey will be okay, he has to make sure that his mother will be okay too. "It won't be much longer, I am certain," Lex replies to him, trying to keep his father in positive spirits. "Do you want me to call the fire chief and see what the update is?" "If you don't mind, that would be great," Mac nods back to him, as his own cell phone starts to ring. "It's Cole," Mac tells Lex as he grabs his phone. "I'll give him the update on Stacey and the fire." "Cole," Mac answers his phone. "Son, I'm glad you called. I have something to tell you." "It has to wait Dad," Cole shakily replies to his Dad, still standing in the hotel room looking at Dixie's dead body. "I need your help and this can't wait. It's urgent." Mac arches his eyebrow. "Can you tell me what's going on?" "No, not over the phone; I'm at the country club, room 1102. Please, come quickly and come alone," Cole tells him. Mac sighs and nods. "Fine, I'll be right there." He hangs up the phone and looks back at Lex, who is also hanging up his phone. "The fire is out," Lex reports to him. "The chief said he has to talk to us and it was important. Something about the basement." Mac arches his eyebrow. "Okay, I have to go see Cole. I'm leaving you in charge, okay? Tell Lucinda that I will be back as soon as I can. Can you handle this?" "Yea, of course Dad, I got this," Lex nods back to him before Mac smiles and then rushes out of the waiting room. *** Lex takes a sip of his coffee as he waits for news on Lucinda's arrival at the hospital. The good news, is thinks to himself, is that the fire is out at the mansion. Still, he wonders what the fire chief has to tell the family about the basement of Lucinda's house. What could possibly be so important that he has to speak to the entire family about it? He looks over at the entry to the waiting room and sees Kent Blackmore appear. Lex stands up to greet his biological father. "Kent, what are you doing here?" "I got a call about Stacey's shooting," Kent replies to him, knowing that he is the one who set the entire thing into motion because he wanted to send a strong message to the Rockwell's that they couldn't push him around anymore. After the failed attempt to shoot Stacey at the courthouse, he is glad that the plan was executed at the country club. "How is she doing?" "She should make a full recovery," Lex reveals to Kent, who feels the blood drain from his face. He can't believe that his plan failed - again. And, now that Stacey has been shot, the police will be involved which will make it much more difficult to get to her to finish the job. "She is resting now; I think Marat is with her." "Thank God," Kent manages to say, even though he hates that she will live. "Lydia must have been looking out for her daughter." "It's just odd, you know? Who would want to kill Stacey?" Lex wonders aloud, not even thinking that Kent is behind the shooting. "This is crazy that someone tried to kill my sister." "I know that you're going through a lot with the family right now," Kent replies to him. "But, what is the latest on the Kelsey Lake mine?" "I haven't even had time to put together my final contract," Lex admits to him. "Once things calm down, I promise that I will head back to the office to finish it. I won't lose the mine." "What else is going on? I thought you said Stacey was going to make a full recovery?" "She will," Lex nods his head back to him. "There was an electrical fire at Lucinda's mansion," Lex reveals to him. "She was found unconscious in the living room and the fire chief wants to speak to the entire family about something that was located in the basement." "What could be in the basement of Lucinda's old house?" Kent asks him as Lex shrugs. "Well, I do hope your Grandmother is okay Lex. But, that mine is something Blackmore Ltd. cannot lose. I refuse to allow that to happen." "I know," Lex replies to him quickly. "As soon as I find out what is going on, I will finish the bid. I won't let you down, Dad." *** "Cole, open the door, it is your father," Mac calls out from the hallway of the country club, where he is standing outside of Cole's hotel room. He hopes that everything is alright with Cole because he wants to get back to the hospital to see Stacey and to make sure that Lucinda is okay from the fire. The door slowly opens and Cole ushers his father inside the room. "Thank God you got here," he says, finally dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. "The call sounded urgent," Mac replies to him, as he moves into the hotel room and is shocked by the status of the room. There is drug paraphilia scattered everywhere, which confirms Mac's fears that Cole's is back on drugs. He turns and looks at his son. "What the hell is all of this?" "I know, I know," Cole puts his hands up. "I had a relapse, but I don't need a lecture right now." "Cole, my God, no wonder you've been out of it lately. I suspected something as going when I saw you with Dixie." "Speaking of Dixie," Cole gulps as he moves towards the bed and lifts the blankets, revealing Dixie's dead body. "She overdosed while I was in the shower. She's dead, Dad. She doesn't have a pulse." Mac uneasily looks back at Cole before he walks up to the body and puts his fingers on her neck. It confirms what Cole said: Dixie Ryan is dead. Mac covers her body back up with the blanket. "What am I going to do? I could go to jail for this," Cole admits to him feeling scared about what this means for his future. "Dad, you gotta help me. Please, tell me that you will help me get out of this." Mac looks back at his son and finds himself nodding his head back to him. "I can help you, but you have to do something for me." "Anything," Cole quickly replies to him. "I'll do anything to make this nightmare go away." Mac moves up to his son and puts his hands on Cole's shoulders. "You have to get clean," Mac tells him. "You can't continue on this path. Tell me that you see that? Tell me that you realize that this is your rock bottom?" Cole nods back to him. "Yea, I know I have to stop. It's just, this entire mess with Celeste really got to me. But I know that I have to stop. I can't keep doing drugs; my life and my future mean too much to me." "Good, I'm glad to hear that," Mac uneasily smiles back to him. "Now, I need you to clean this place up. Leave no trace of any drugs in here, okay? You're checking out. While you do that, I'll make a couple of phone calls that will help you out with this mess." "Thanks Dad, I owe you one," Cole pulls him into a hug. *** Marat moves closer to Stacey's hospital bed, unable to shake the feeling of dread as he sees her laying in the hospital bed with her eyes closed. He is still having a hard time adjusting to the fact that she was shot, literally in front of him, and she could have died. They just got married; when they said "til death to us part", he didn't think it could actually happen so soon. "Thank God you're okay," he whispers to her as he sits down and grabs her Stacy before he kisses it. "You have no idea how scared I was. You have no idea how worried I've been." He puts his head down and feels his eyes swell with water. "I just thank God that you're okay, Stacey. You will come back to me. You will wake up and I'll be able to look into your big, beautiful eyes again. I want that more than anything else in the world." He looks up when he hears Stacey start to mumble a little. He can't believe that she might already be waking up from the surgery, but it is a blessing to him. "H .ou Houston " Stacey softly says in her sleep. "Houston." Marat feels like he was just punched in the stomach; here he is, telling his wife that he loves her and he can't wait to see her again and she is mumbling the name of her dead fiancé. He knew that she still had feelings for Houston when they got together, but he really believed that in time, he would fully take over her heart. Clearly, however he was wrong. He puts her hand back down and he slowly gets up and leaves the hospital room. "Marat, are you okay?" Celeste asks him as she comes up to him. She can tell that something is wrong because he looks incredibly upset. "You look like you've had the wind knocked out of you." "I knew that she had feelings for him," Marat whispers back to her. "But, I really did think that in time she would make room for me in her heart. God, what I fool I was." Celeste shakes her head in confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about? Who is still in Stacey's heart?" "Houston," he looks into her eyes. "I'll always be second fiddle to her dead fiancé. And, I just realized that now." "Oh Marat," Celeste puts her hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help you." Marat grabs her hand and smiles back to her. "I don't know what I would do without you." "You'll never have find out," she licks her lips together as they inch closer to together. *** "You did a good job cleaning this place up," Mac looks around the hotel room and sees that Cole has cleaned up the mess that was there when Mac first arrived. "Thanks," Cole uneasily says back to him. "I'm sorry I got us into this mess, Dad. I don't know what I was thinking." "You were hurt by Celeste's secret," Mac looks at his son. "But that's all over now. You will get back on the wagon. You had a slip, but it doesn't mean your life is over." Suddenly, there's a knock on the hotel room door. Cole nervously looks at Mac as he wonders who it could be. The last thing that they need is for someone else to come into the hotel room and see Dixie's dead body. "Who the hell could that be?" Cole asks his Dad in a whispered voice, so whomever is outside doesn't hear them talking." "Our help," Mac replies to him as he turns and opens the door. On the other side, two burly men dressed in all black, stands. "Thank you for getting here so quickly." "When Mac Rockwell calls, we drop everything," one of the men say as they move into the hotel room. "You have something we have to dispose of?" "The body is on the bed," Mac replies to them. "We don't care what you do with the body, but no one is to find it ever again. And, you are never to say that you were today, understood?" "Of course," he replies to Mac, as he lifts the blanket and sees Dixie's dead body. "Too bad, she was a pretty thing." "How are they going to get her out of here?" Cole asks Mac, who waves his hand. "Don't ask questions," Mac replies to him. "Just trust me when I say that they will get rid of Dixie and we will never speak of today." "I can't thank you enough, Dad." "Don't thank me, just get sober. Now, if you're up to it, we have to get to the hospital," Mac replies to him. "The hospital? Why?" "Stacey was shot," Mac reveals as Cole gasps back to him. "Don't worry, she should be fine. But, there was a fire at your Grandmother's mansion. Just when I got your call, she was about to arrive at the hospital. I need to see if my Mother will be okay." "Fine, you drive," Cole urgently tells him before he looks over at the body still laying on the bed. "I'm sorry Dixie," he whispers to her. "I'm so sorry." *** "Dr. Chen told us that he is in with Lucinda right now," Lex reveals to Mac and Cole as they stand in the waiting room of the hospital. "He said that she was shocked, which could have started the electrical fire." "My God," Mac runs his hands over his face. "This is a nightmare. What did the fire chief say?" "He isn't here yet," Lex replies to him. "I wonder what the fire chief would want to talk to us about?" Cole wonders out loud. "We know how the fire started." "Oh Mac, you're back," Sabine says as she comes into the waiting room. "How is Lucinda?" Before he can reply, Lance Dawson walks into the waiting room. Lance has been the fire chief in Kelsey Lake for well over 20 years. He has always taken pride in his job; today, however, he saw something that he had never seen before. Now, he has to tell the families about what it is. "Sorry to interrupt, but I'm glad that you're all here," Lance announces to everyone. "Mr. Dawson," Lex shakes his hand. "Thanks for coming. I must admit, I was rather surprised that you had to talk to us." "I am interested to hear what you have to say as well," Mac agrees with Lex, as Sabine gulps, knowing very well what he found. She just hopes that Houston and Lydia are alive and well. "Under instruction from Ms. Andrews, we went into the basement of Lucinda's mansion," Lance begins to tell them. "The fire was just spreading to that part of the house, but we were able to get it under control. What we found in the basement though, is something I have never seen before in my life." "What did you find?" Mac asks him, wondering what his mother was hiding. "Your mother had built a cage in her basement," Lance reveals to them. "A cage that was almost the size of the entire basement." "I don't understand," Cole replies to him. "Why would Grandmother have a cage in her basement?" "She was keeping two people in the cage," Lance continues to tell them. "Houston Blackmore and Lydia Rockwell are alive and well; they were in the cage in Lucinda's basement. Mac, your first wife is alive." Mac feels faint. He is about to fall over when Cole catches him. "Whoa, Dad, come on. Come sit down for a moment." "I don't think I heard him correctly," Mac admits as he is seated in a chair. "Lucinda was holding Lydia and Houston captive in her basement? Is this some kind of sick joke?" "I wish it was," Lance replies to him. "My mother is alive?" a stunned Lex replies to him. "Are they going to be okay? The fire ?" "They are both here in the hospital; the doctors are checking them out now. It's a good thing we got to them when we did, or they would have died. Lydia and Houston, they are very lucky to be alive." *** "Kent," Vivian Blackmore rushes towards her ex-husband, after getting the phone call that she had to be at the hospital immediately. She couldn't believe the words that Kent was telling her: Houston, the son that they thought had died in a car accident, was actually alive and well. She still can't believe the story that Lucinda was holding her son hostage, trapped in a cage like some animal. When Vivian sees Lucinda next, she doesn't know how or what she will do to her. "Where is he? Where is Houston?" Kent hugs Vivian as they she arrives at him. They look at one another. "I can't believe this," he admits to her. "He's alive. He's really alive." "Where is he?" Vivian asks him again. "I need to see him. I need to see my son." "He's in that room over there," Kent points to a nearby door. "I wanted to wait for you; I wanted to go see our son for the first time together." Vivian grabs his hand and they rush towards the door where Houston is. She opens the door and gets tears in her eyes when she sees Houston laying in the hospital bed with an oxygen mask over his face. "My God," she gasps as she rushes up to him and touches his face. A tear strolls down her face when she realizes that Houston is real. Up until this point, she thought that maybe she was dreaming, but here she is, touching her son's face. "You're alive! You're really alive!" "It's a miracle," Kent also gets choked up. Houston opens his eyes and sees his parents. "Baby, you're back," Vivian cries to him. Houston slowly removes the mask and smiles at them. "I'm so happy to see you two," he manages to say. "I missed you so much." "We missed you too," Kent tells his son. "But, just rest right now. We have all the time in the world to catch up. The most important thing is that you're alive and well." "And, we are never leaving your side again," Vivian kisses his forehead. "You're alive, our baby is alive," she looks over at Kent with a smile on her face, trying to adjust to what is happening. *** Cole and Lex slowly open the door to Lydia's hospital room and move inside quickly. They look at one another and then back at their mother, who is also wearing an oxygen mask. The doctors have told them that she will make a full recovery, but neither Cole nor Lex can believe the sight in front of them. For months now, they have believed that Lydia was killed in a plane crash. They have no idea how or why Lydia is alive and why Lucinda was holding her hostage. The months leading up to Lydia's death, all of Lydia's children were incredibly cold to her because of all the lies and schemes Lydia had told. That being said, no one wanted Lydia to die, regardless of what she had done to them. "I can't believe she's alive and in front of us," Cole manages to say to Lex, who can't stop looking at his mother. "Me either," Lex admits to him. "It's surreal. Not only is she alive, but Grandma was holding her and Houston hostage? I don't know what is happening." "Neither do I," Cole admits to him as he comes up to Lydia and grabs her hand. He looks back at Lex. "But Mom is alive. And you know what this means, right?" Lex shrugs his shoulders back to him. "Everything is about to change again," Cole continues to tell him. "Mom is back. She's alive. Our lives will all change now." *** In a nearby janitor's closet, Celeste digs her nails heavily into Marat's back as he thrusts deeply into her. Her back is up against the wall and his pants are around his ankles, as they are engaged in hot sex together. After hearing Stacey mumble Houston's name and feeling dejected, Celeste offered comfort to her friend. One thing lead to another and they ended up kissing. Unable to deny their attraction to each other, they found the janitor's closet and now he is deep inside her. "Oh Marat," she moans in pleasure as he grunts as he continues to thrust inside her. "Please don't stop." "You're so hot," he moans back to her. "God, I needed this so badly." *** Mac opens the door to Stacey's hospital room and tries to not get emotional at the sight of his daughter laying in the hospital bed. Memories of her being in the hospital following her car accident come rushing back to him. The good news is that, like the car accident, Stacey will be just fine. And, he has news for her that he can't even believe himself: Houston and Lydia are both alive. "Stacey, my goodness, you gave us a scare," Mac sits next to her and grabs her hand. "I'm just glad that you're going to be okay." Stacey slowly opens her eyes and looks up at her father. "Daddy," she whispers back to him. "What happened?" "You were shot," he tells her. "Don't try to speak, the most important thing is that you're going to be just fine. You're going to be okay." "Who would do this to me?" she asks him, ignoring his request to stay quiet. "That's not important," he replies to her. "I have news for you, but I don't want you to get worked up, okay? Just listen to me." "What is it?" "Your mother," Mac tells her. "She's alive. It's a miracle, but Lydia is alive and well." Stacey gets tears in her eyes hearing that Lydia is alive and well. "I don't believe it," she whispers back to him. "Daddy, Mom is alive? How did this happen?" "I'll explain it all to you later. Right now, I want you to get some rest." *** "I can't believe we just did that," Celeste fixes her dress as she and Marat exit the janitor's room. The last thing she thought would happen is her and Marat would have sex, especially considering everything that is going on right now. Still, despite knowing that it was wrong, Celeste needed a man. And, Marat is just as good of a lover as she remembers him to be. "Neither can I," Marat looks at her. "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry," Celeste replies to him. "We both needed it. And don't worry, I won't say anything. I know you're married. We can pass it off as being stressed." "I appreciate that," Marat tells her, as Cole approaches them. "Hey guys, I'm glad I found you," Cole announces to them, as Celeste and Marat look back at him and try to act normal. "There's been some updates." "Is Stacey okay?" Marat asks him. "Yea, she's fine," Cole replies to them. "But, the fire at Lucinda's it revealed that she was holding people hostage in her basement." "What?" Celeste shrieks in shock. "Who was she keeping down there?" "Lydia and Houston," Cole announces as they look back in shock. "They are alive. We don't know all the details yet, but my mother and Stacey's fiancé are alive and well." "I have to go to Stacey," Marat quickly says. "She should hear this from me. Excuse me, will you." Cole looks back at Celeste and realizes how beautiful she still is. He, also, realizes how cruel he has been to her because of how hurt her was because of her secret that she was keeping. "How are you doing?" he asks her. "Fine," she quickly replies to him. "I'm sorry that all this is happening to your family." "Yea, it seems like this is a never ending saga, hey?" "What's wrong?" "Nothing," he replies to her. "Why does something have to be wrong?" "Because, you're being so nice to me. You've been nothing but cold and cruel to me since our wedding day," she admits to him. "I'm not sure why you are being so nice." Cole shrugs, thinking about his day and how he has realized how short life is. He doesn't want to waste another moment of it. He wants to get sober and he wants his life back. "I'm sorry," he whispers back to her. "I know I've been an asshole, but I see the light now. And, I will make it up to you, Celeste. I promise, I will make it up to you." *** "You're awake," Marat says to Stacey as he opens the door to her hospital and he sees his wife with her eyes wide open. Seeing her, he is suddenly overwhelmed with feeling of guilt for having sex with Celeste. He can't tell her because he can't lose Stacey, especially now that he feels like he will have to fight for her because Houston is alive. "I am," she looks at him. "My Dad was just here. You won't believe what happened." "I heard," he nods back to her. "Your Mom?" "I can't believe that she's alive," Stacey lets a tear fall down her cheek. "After all the sad times we had, she's actually alive." "What else did your Dad say?" he asks as he moves closer to her. "What do you mean? What else is there to say?" she asks him, confused by what he is telling her. Marat sits next to Stacey and grabs her hand quickly. "Someone else was with your Mom," he tells her as he looks into her eyes. "But before I tell you, you have to know how much I love you." "I know," she nods back to him. "I love you too. What else is going on, Marat? Please tell me, you're scaring me." "Houston," he shocks her. "He is alive. He was with your Mother." *** Mac slowly walks up to Lydia's hospital room door and peers through the window. He can see Sabine standing in her sister's room watching Lydia as she sleeps. Mac opens the door and looks over at his fiancé. "It's a miracle, isn't it?" he asks her as the door closes. "After everything we went through, Lydia is alive and well." "I can't believe it myself," Sabine replies to him. "But, as soon as I touched Lydia, it became a reality. She's alive and well. I can't help but wonder what this means for all of us though." "What do you mean?" Sabine shrugs back to him. "Have you heard anything about Lucinda?" "Dr. Chen told me that he was going to look at her and let me know," he replies to her quickly. "Apparently, she had inhaled a lot of smoke." "What a nightmare this has been," Sabine tells him as she looks over at Lydia. "Wait," Mac stops her as he looks at Lydia and then back over to her. "You were the one who told the fire fighters to look in the basement. How did you know that Houston and Lydia were there?" Sabine gulps and turns her back to Mac as a tears swell in her eyes. "Answer me, Sabine. How did you know that Houston and Lydia were in the basement?" She turns around and looks back at him. "Because," she says as a tear falls down her cheek. "I saw them in the cage. I saw them in Lucinda's basement!" |
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