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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
"You son of a bitch!" Lydia Rockwell opens the door to the penthouse that she shares with Kent Blackmore and storms inside, slamming the door behind her. Lydia had been having dinner with her children, Cole Rockwell, Lex Rockwell and Stacey Rockwell, when she announced that she and Kent were engaged again. Stacey was horrified by the news and revealed to Lydia that Kent was the one who arranged for Stacey to be shot; she can't believe that her fiancé tried to kill her daughter. "You better start explaining yourself before I kill you with my bare hands!" Kent turns around as he takes a sip of his whiskey and sees Lydia looking beat red. He can only imagine what Lex told him about the events leading up to Stacey's shooting. "Darling, you're home," he calmly replies to her. "How was dinner with your children?" "Don't you do that," she yells back to him. "Don't you pretend everything is fine when you know damn well what you have done! How could you? How could you have my daughter shot? You tried to kill her, for crying out loud!" Kent sets his glass down and then looks back at his fiancé. "What you don't know, darling, are the events that lead up to that decision. You weren't here when Stacey was running Blackmore Ltd. The things she did to me and my company were unforgivable." "So, you decided the best option was to murder her?" Lydia shrieks back to him. "You are very lucky that she lived, or so help me God " "Lydia, please understand me," Kent tries to calmly tell her, but she slaps him hard across the face. "Understand this," she spits at him. "You tried to kill my daughter, nothing you say will ever make it okay to me, do you get that?" "What are you saying?" "We are over!" she shrieks. "And, I will never, ever forgive you for this!" *** "I can't believe it," Mac Rockwell shakes his head in disgust as his children have just told him that it was Kent who arranged for Stacey to be shot; all because of her actions while she was acting CEO of Blackmore Ltd. He and Kent have long been feuding, but he never believed that Kent would actually try to hurt a member of his family, especially one that was engaged to his son at one point in time. "Kent Blackmore has done many things to this family, but attempted murder? He has officially crossed the line this time." "I should have told you," Lex replies to his father. "I learned the truth and that is when I decided to help you and Rockwell Mining obtain the Kelsey Lake mine from Blackmore Ltd. I couldn't, in good conscious, help Kent keep that mine. Not after everything he did to Stacey." "I thought that it was odd that you turned on Blackmore," Stacey tells her brother. "You were so dedicated to that CEO job and you wanted to do run the company to the best of your ability." "You're right, I did," Lex agrees with her. "But the moment I learned that Kent had you shot, it was done for me. No job is worth someone I love being killed." "Dad, what are you going to do?" Cole asks Mac, wondering if Mac is going to try to retaliate on Kent. "I can't imagine that you're going to take this news sitting down." "No, I'm certainly not," Mac replies to him quickly. "But, the truth of the matter is, Stacey will make a full recovery. And, we have the ball celebrating the return of Kelsey Lake to Rockwell Mining; I'd rather focus on those things right now instead of trying to come up with a way to get revenge on Kent Blackmore." "Daddy, I think that's the best option," Stacey nods back to him. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Lydia is going to tear a strip off Kent anyways." "And, the wonderful thing about life is that is always has a way to present an opportunity to strike when the other person isn't expecting it," Mac reveals to them. "Right now, Kent will be expecting us to lash out. But, in time, when the moment is right, I will get my revenge and Kent Blackmore won't see it coming." "I'm just glad you'll be okay Stace," Cole comes up to his sister and hugs her. "Thanks Cole," Stacey smiles back to him. "Well, everything is ready for the ball tomorrow. I hope you all have costumes." "I should tell you all something," Mac interrupts her. "I got a phone call earlier this evening." "Is everything okay?" Lex asks him. "I'd like to hope so," Mac shrugs his shoulders. "But, Stacey, we are going to have to double the security for the ball tomorrow." "Double it? Why on earth would we do that?" she asks him back, startled by his request. "The call I got, it was from the state prison," Mac reveals as he looks over at Lex. "Odette Williams was released on parole." "You've got to be kidding me?" Lex says in shock, knowing all that Odette tried to kill him by drugging him. "I can't believe this. Are they crazy?" "We need to be on high alert," Mac tells his children. "The warden assured me that Odette had no interest in coming back to Kelsey Lake, but after everything she put this family through, I still want us to all be extra careful. And that's why we have to make sure that we have more security at the ball." "Absolutely," Stacey nods back to him. "I'll go make some phone calls now." "Don't worry Lexington," Mac comes up to his son. "I promise you that nothing will happen to you. I won't let Odette hurt this family any more than she already has." *** The following day, Lydia sits in her bedroom putting her make up on for the ball that is taking place at the Rockwell Mansion. As she puts her lipstick on, she can't help but still feel her blood boil at the thought of Kent arranging for the shooting that almost killed Stacey. "The nerve of that man," she says to herself as she looks down at her ringer and sees the engagement ring that Kent gave her. "I need to take this off. I can't marry him. I won't do this again. He has hurt me in the worst possible of ways." *** A short time later, the ball is underway at the mansion. Guests are all wearing lavish various customers with masks to cover their face, for the masquerade ball theme. There are men wearing tuxedo's handling out glasses of champagne, wine, cocktails and anything else that anyone could want to drink. "Ladies and gentlemen," Mac stands in front of the crowd, which has gathered in the living room of the mansion. The space, however, has been transformed for the party. The furniture has been removed so there is room for people to walk around and chat amongst themselves. The French doors are open, so people can float in and out of the building as they wish. "If I could have your attention for a moment or two." The crowd hushes down and looks at Mac. "I just want to thank you all for coming tonight," he tells everyone. "Tonight is a celebratory moment for the Rockwell family and my company, Rockwell Mining. After years of being a part, Rockwell Mining has reobtained the Kelsey Lake mine under its umbrella," Mac continues to tell everyone, as Kent rolls his eyes in the audience. "And, for that, we are celebrating. So, please join me tonight; enjoy yourself, drink and eat the night away. To the Rockwell's," he raises his glass of champagne as the crowd repeats his final part of the toast. "To the Rockwell's", they say in unison before they all take their drinks. Mac happens to see Sabine Andrews walk through the crowd and up to the bar. He feels his heart skip a beat as the last time he saw his former fiancé, she was drunk and pleading with him to give her another chance but he knows that their relationship ended the moment that she lied to him about Lydia and Houston Blackmore being alive. He freezes when he sees Lydia approach her sister at the bar; the last thing he wants is for the sisters to have an altercation at the party that Stacey worked so hard to put together. "I'm surprised to see you here tonight," Lydia moves her white mask down from her face so she can look at Sabine, who is dressed in red. "I thought after Mac ended things with you, you'd have the decency to not show up here tonight. You know that you're only going to make a fool of yourself, don't you?" "You think you're so smug," Sabine replies to her as she takes a sip of her champagne. "You are engaged to Kent, you'd think you could let your ex-husband be happy with someone else, but no, not you Lydia. You have to have every man in your life wrapped around your disgusting little finger. It's actually embarrassing for you." Lydia chuckles back to her. "I'd rather be close to the people in my life instead of being so cold and distant that I don't save them when they are in trouble." "That's " "Don't even try to justify what you have done," Lydia cuts her off. "Stay away from Mac, and that's an order, Sabine." *** "You two are looking really dashing tonight," Lex smiles as he approaches Tanner Young and Brock Jennings, who are outside in the garden, each holding a cocktail. Lex can't help but remember the last time he was with the two men: they engaged in a threesome. It was the first time Lex was involved in a threesome, but he can't deny that he enjoyed it very much. He only hopes Tanner and Brock did as well. "Thanks, so are you," Tanner flashes him a smile behind his mask. "Your mask is pretty cool too." "You think?" Lex asks him, looking at the yellow and blue feathered combination that Stacey picked up for him since he didn't have time to get his own costume. "My sister got it for me." "Yea, it looks good with your eyes and your stubble," Brock tells him before he looks over at Tanner. "I haven't seen you guys since " Lex begins to say as he gets flushed a little in the face. "You know." "Yea, it was a good time," Tanner nods back to him. "Definitely something we should be doing again." "I'd be totally game," Lex agrees with him. "It was hot." "Yea, I mean, I've even read about a group of three guys being together " Tanner admits to him. "You mean like a trouple?" Brock asks him, slightly taken a back. He can't imagine that Lex would be game for it either, considering the entire time he was pursing Lex, he kept saying that he wasn't ready for a relationship. Brock has a hard time believing that now Lex will be game to have a relationship with two mean. "That's exactly what I mean," Tanner nods back to him. "I mean, we could give it a try. It was pretty clear based on the other day that we all really hit it off." "I think we should try it," Lex stuns Brock by his admission. "I haven't been able to get the other day out of my head. And, I really like both of you. I didn't to make a decision about which guy I wanted to be with because of that." "So, two of us are in," Tanner winks over to Brock. "What do you say?" "I think I need another drink and some time to think about it," Brock admits back to him. "Excuse me for a moment, will you?" Before Lex or Tanner can stop him, Brock rushes off to the bar. Tanner moves up to Lex and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. "I think he'll come around," Tanner tells Lex as their lips part. "Yea, I hope so," Lex winks back to him. *** Celeste Baldwin scans the crowded living room, desperately looking for Marat Kafelinkov. She has to find him to tell him her news: she, by a miracle, is pregnant and he has to the father of the child. She knows that the timing for this couldn't be worse as she and Cole have just reunited and Marat is married to Stacey, but she can't keep this from him. After she fell down the stairs months earlier, she was told that she could never have another child. So, for her to be in this situation now, means more to her than anything else because she has longed to be a mother. "Marat, I'm glad I found you," Celeste tells him as she reaches him as he is about to go outside. "We need to talk." "Some party, huh?" he asks as she moves him outside. She finds a spot in the garden where there are not any other guests. "What has gotten into you? Are you okay?" "No, I'm not okay," she removes her mask and looks in him the eyes. "Something has happened, and you have to know." He arches his eyebrow as he looks back to her. "You're scaring me. What has happened now?" "I wasn't feeling well the last couple of days," she reveals to him. "You know, just feeling like I was going to throw up all the time. Anyways, I bought a pregnancy test and " "No," he cuts her off, recalling how they had sex at the hospital the day Stacey survived the surgery from her shooting. "This is impossible! You can't have any more children! The doctors, they told you that." "I know," Celeste gets tears in her eyes. "That's why this is a miracle! I wasn't supposed to be able to have another child, but here I am " He looks back at her. "What the hell are we going to do?" Celeste shrugs back to him. "I have to have this baby," she replies to him. "This could be my only chance to have a baby." "What about Cole and Stacey?" he asks her. "They will be devastated by this." "I know," Celeste nods her head back to him, as Vivian Blackmore appears around another hedge in the garden. She looks closely at the scene unfolding in front of her and gets a wicked grin on her face before she disappears again. "But Marat," she grabs his hand and puts it on her stomach. "Inside of me is our child, and I'm not going throw that away again." *** Inside the living room, Vivian walks up to Cole, who is at the bar grabbing another whiskey sour. She looks at the man that she loved once and realizes that she had no idea what she was ever thinking. After everything that has happened between the two of them, she realizes that she now hates Cole Rockwell. And, after what she just saw, she hopes and prays that it means it will be the end of him and Celeste. "Fancy party," she purses her lips together before she looks at the bartender and orders a champagne cocktail. "I'm surprised your sister could put all of this together so quickly. She never struck me as the clever type." "If you're trying to hurt me, you're failing," Cole snaps at her. "You mean nothing to me, Vivian. So, the words you speak don't impact me. I will give you a piece of advice, however," he tells her. "Don't stay too late. You have a young child to get home too." Vivian chuckles back to him. "Oh Cole," she replies to him. "I saw you and Celeste Baldwin kissing at the club the other day. I take it you two are back together?" "My relationship with Celeste is none of your business," he tells her. "Well, then, I guess you don't want to know that I just saw her outside," Vivian informs him. "She was holding Marat's hand and they were whispering into one another's ears. But, you don't care because you're not in a relationship with that slut, right?" "Right," Cole lies to her, then walks away from Vivian, immediately wondering what is going on between Celeste and Marat. But he knows that he will find out. Vivian, meanwhile, takes a sip of her champagne cocktail. "Keep telling yourself that," she says to herself. *** Mac grabs another glass of champagne as he looks across the room and sees a mysterious woman watching him. Because she is wearing a mask, Mac can't tell who the woman is, but there is something oddly familiar about her. Suddenly, it dawns on him. "My God," he whispers in shock. "I think it's Odette. I think that crazy bitch is at my party." He turns to find a security guard, but sees Lydia behind him instead. "Fantastic party, Mac," she takes a sip of her champagne. "Thank you, but I need to get past you," Mac tells her urgently. "I think Odette Williams is here." "What? I thought she was in jail?" "Long story," Mac replies to her as he turns to try to show Lydia the woman in question. However, she has seemingly disappeared into the crowd at the party. "Damn it, I think I lost her!" "Mac, I think you're worrying over nothing," she replies to him. "Everyone here is wearing a mask, you are probably on edge and you thought it was Odette. She would be a fool coming back here after everything she has done to this family." Mac uneasily nods back to her. "Yea, you're right. I think I need another drink." "I think that's exactly what you need." *** While Mac is fetching another drink for himself, Lydia slowly mingles with friends that she hasn't seen in ages. Part of her being back in the land of living, she is enjoying seeing people she hasn't connected with in a very long time. She leaves a small group of women and grabs another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. Just then, Kent appears in front of her. "You look beautiful tonight," he tells her before he takes a sip of his champagne. "You shouldn't be here," she replies to him. "This party is a celebration; you and I have nothing to celebrate. In fact," she pauses while she opens her purse and pulls out his engagement ring. "You can have this back." "I'm not accepting the ring," Kent informs her. "Not until you've heard me out." "Fine, you have 5 minutes," she replies to him. He grabs her arm and ushers her into foyer of the mansion, where it is less crowded. "Thank you for agreeing to talk to me. After everything we have been through, the least you could do is listen to what I have to say." "You time is counting down," she snaps back at him. "I told you that you have 5 minutes." "While you were gone, and we all thought you were dead," Kent begins to tell her. "Stacey took over Blackmore Ltd. She had your POA and I was still recovering from the transplant that saved Lexington's life." "Yes, I've heard all of this before," Lydia advises him. "Well, Stacey, she changed while she was in the CEO position," Kent advises her. "She became a power-hungry woman that really did some questionable things. For example, she knew that I was mixing my pain medication with brandy and she took advantage of that. She tried to get me to do things her way while I was stoned. And, she encouraged me to continue to mix the medication and booze together. When I confronted her about it, we had an altercation, and she left me on the ground bleeding as my stitches came out. She left me for dead!" "You were the one mixing booze and pills together, Kent, not Stacey!" "I know, and I take ownership of that," Kent tells her. "Don't you see, Lydia? Stacey's behavior was just another Rockwell slapping me around and treating me like a piece of garbage. If you had been here, of course, I wouldn't have taken the actions that I did, but you were gone. I was lost and confused and I wanted to prove to the Rockwell's that I couldn't be taken advantage of. Not anymore, not after everything Mac has done to me!" "The Rockwell's and Blackmore's have long had a heated feud, I will give you that," Lydia purses her lips together. "And, I do agree with you that Stacey shouldn't have continued to give you booze with your medication. But, killing her Kent? Really?" "I know I was wrong," he agrees with her. "I thank God every day that the plan failed. Because now, you and I, we can move forward together and put all of this behind us. We don't have to have this as a way to stop us from being together. Look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don't love me." "I can't, and you know that," she admits to him. "It's just " "No, nothing else matters then, Lydia," he tells her, as he grabs her hand and slides the engagement ring on her finger. "Let's get married and have the future we've always wanted." "God help me but I can't resist you," Lydia leans in and kisses him passionately. "But if you ever hurt one of my children again, you will answer to me." "Don't worry, darling," Kent smiles back to her. "With you by my side, I am a better man." *** "You certainly know how to throw a fantastic party," Houston comes up to Stacey at the bar and orders a Moscow Mule. "Not that I am surprised, you are amazing at everything you do." Stacey blushes back to him. "You're always so good to me." "You deserve that," he nods back to her. "Look, while we have a moment alone, I wanted to apologize to you." "Apologize, to me? For what?" "Fighting with Marat yesterday," Houston looks back at her. "I didn't mean to punch him, he just gets under my skin." "You two need to learn that I'm not a prized object," she stands up for herself. "I am a person with feelings." "I know," he looks into her eyes. "And, I think if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize that you still have feelings for me." "Houston, I'm married to Marat " "I know you are," he continues to look into her eyes. "But our future, the one we were meant to have, it was robbed from us because of Lucinda. If she hadn't faked my death, we would be the ones married right now. You wouldn't have even have looked at Marat, you have to admit that." "What the hell is going on here?" Marat asks the two of them as he comes up to them. Marat has had all that he can take with seeing Houston making a play on his wife. "Why is it that every fucking time I turn around, I see you harassing my wife? What is it going to take for you to realize that Stacey is married to me?" "Marat please," Stacey pleads with him. "We were just talking." "Talking? About what? How you should be with him and not me?" Marat asks her. "Yes!" Stacey tells him. "And you know what? He has a point," she shocks Marat. "Because, if I am honest with everyone here, I do still love Houston! I love him very much!" *** Outside, Cole sees Celeste walking slowly through the garden. He can't help but remember what Vivian just told him: that Celeste was with Marat and they were seemingly in an embrace. He wonders what is going on with Celeste; she wasn't feeling the best the last couple of days and now Vivian has told him that she was being cozy with Marat. "Celeste, there you are," Cole says as he approaches her. "I was beginning to think that you didn't make the party." "I just got warm inside," she replies to him. "It's such a beautiful night, I wanted to come and get some air." "That makes sense," he nods back to her. "And, you're right. It is a beautiful night." "Are you having a good time?" "Yea, I am. We haven't had a good party at the mansion in a long time. Stacey did a great job of organizing." "Yes, she certainly did," Celeste agrees with him. "I did see Vivian though," Cole admits to her. "I think she's still trying to cause trouble for me." "Why doesn't' that surprise me?" Celeste asks him with a chuckle. "That woman will never learn." "She told me that she saw you in the garden with Marat," Cole reveals to her. "Is that true? Were you with Marat?" "Yes, I was," Celeste admits to him. "We are friends, Cole. You don't have to worry about anything." "I'm not worried, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." "I'm fine," she smiles back to him. "Come on, let's enjoy the party." *** Back inside, Cole moves up to the bar to grab a drink and a club soda for Celeste. He isn't sure why Celeste isn't drinking at the party, but he isn't going to question her. After he gets his drinks, he turns to leave but he sees Brock approaching him. "Brock, what's up? You look upset?" "Nah, I'm fine," he replies to him. "It's just, life sure has a way of throwing you a curve ball, hey?" Cole chuckles back to him. "Yea, that's putting it mildly. You never know what is happening next." "Do you want to get away for a few minutes?" Brock asks him, being bold. Cole arches his eyebrow. "Get away? I don't understand?" "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Brock blushes. "I just hoping you needed a blow job again. I shouldn't have asked." Cole uneasily chuckles. "No, you shouldn't have. We agreed that it was a mistake and it would never happen again." "Yea, my bad," Brock tells him. "See you around." On the other side of the wall, Lex stands with his mouth open in shock having heard Brock and Cole admit that they had oral sex together. Lex can't believe that his lover and his brother were together in that manner. "What the hell is going on?" he asks himself as he takes another sip of his drink, realizing that he might need another one. Cole, meanwhile, is moving through the party back to Celeste, when Grant Shaw approaches him. "Cole Rockwell, we meet again," Grant extends his hand to shake Cole's. "Grant, it's good to see you here," Cole smiles back to him, knowing that they had a meeting in New York City when Mac first realized that the Kelsey Lake mine was going back on the market. "Are you having a good time at our party? You're practically the guest of honour!" Grant chuckles back to him a little. "You guys really didn't hold back on anything," Grant smiles back to him. "I'm glad I ran into you though. You were friends with Dixie Ryan, weren't you?" Cole feels the blood drain from his face hearing the name of the woman who died in their hotel room after overdosing on cocaine. "Yea, we were friends." "I could have sworn she told me she was going to be in Kelsey Lake," Grant tells Cole. "But, I haven't been able to track her down. Do you know where she is?" "I haven't see Dixie in a very long time," Cole quickly replies to him. "Why do you ask? How do you know her?" "She's my sister," Grant reveals to Cole, who starts to panic. *** Mac continues to search the party for the mysterious woman that reminded him of Odette. He can't get it out of his mind that she might be back and at the party. If she is back, he fears what she will do to him and his family. He can't allow anything bad to happen to anyone he cares about. As he's looking for someone, a drunken Sabine comes up to him. "Mac, please, listen to me," she slurs her words. "We have so much going for us. You can't just throw us away this way." "Sabine, I don't have time for this right now," Mac replies to her. "You're drunk and you're making a fool of yourself!" "I love you, and once upon a time, you loved me too! If you could just forgive me!" "We are over," Mac looks her in her eyes. "And, the sooner you realize that, the better." Just then, Lydia and Kent move to the center of the room and Kent clears his throat. "Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen," he calls out, as the crowd hushes down around them. "We have an announcement to make." Cole, Stacey and Lex look at one across the room, wondering what the hell is going on. The last time they saw Lydia, she was finished with Kent. Now, she's in the middle of their party making an announcement. At the back of the living room, Yuri enters just in time to hear the announcement. "Lydia and I have just gotten engaged, again," Kent reveals to everyone, as most of the crowds and starts offering congratulations. "We are going to be married, and this time nothing will stop us." "Well, isn't this just fucking perfect," a drunk Sabine calls out moving up to her sister. "Sabine," Lydia looks at her with an uneasy face. "You're drunk, please don't make a scene." "A scene?" Sabine laughs back at her. "You have taken everything from me, my entire life Lydia," Sabine spits at her. "And, now here you are, back with your fiancé, all the while stringing your ex-husband along too." "That's not fair," the crowd continues to watch the confrontation. "It's not my fault that Mac left you because of your lies!" "You're right," Sabine nods back to her. "I lied, but I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to be honest with everyone," Sabine spins around the room pointing at the crowd. "Do you all want to know what I saw when I found Lydia and Houston in that cage? Do you?" "Sabine, stop it!" Lydia forcefully says as Houston emerges and looks at Lydia, desperation all over his face. "Sabine, come on, let's get you out of here," Houston comes up to her. "Oh, this is so perfect," Sabine laughs. "You don't want me to say anything to do? Because, you know you will be the laughing stock of the town!" "What is she talking about?" Stacey asks, coming up behind Houston. "I saw Lydia and Houston in that cage," Sabine continues to tell them. "And, they were on the tiny little cot together having wild, passionate sex! They are lovers!" The entire crowd gasps out, as Stacey and Kent look at them in shock and horror. Just then, Mac sees the mysterious woman trying to leave the room. "Stop!" Mac calls out as he rushes through the crowd. "Stop, right there!" He grabs the mysterious woman he had been tracking all evening and throws her mask off, revealing Odette's face. "Odette, it is you! How dare you show up here!" "Hello MacKenzie," Odette purses her lips together. "It's been far too long. But, it won't last long." "What are you talking about? What are you doing here?" "I'm here to get my revenge," she says as she quickly kicks him in the groin. Mac calls out in pain as he stumbles back. Cole and Lex rush up to Mac to help him, as Odette opens her purse and pulls out a small box with a red button on it. "What the hell is that?" Lex asks Odette, looking back at her in horror, as Mac slowly gets up. "Did you really think you'd all get away with killing my Jarek?" she shrieks. She then looks over at Lex and glares at him. "You didn't even love your husband," she tells him. "But that will all change," she continues as an eerie calm overs over her and she looks at her little black box. "Tick, tock," she smiles to them. "Tick, tock." "My God, it's a bomb!" Mac yells to everyone causing the crowd to gasp in shock and awe, as Odette slowly pushes the red button and the entire Rockwell mansion feels the wrath for the first explosion. Guests go flying through the air before another explosion happens. Odette's body moves through the air and lands in the pool outside the French doors. A third and final explosion occurs, leaving all the guests on the floor. Some are bleeding, some are dead but fire, some are shocked by the events but smoke, fire and chaos surrounds them all. |
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