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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
heard a loud noise in here, are you alright?" Celeste Baldwin asks as she
opens the door to the main office at Rockwell Mining. She was at her desk outside
when she heard a loud thud; worried about Nathan Lockhart, who had a difficult
morning since it was his son's, Slate Lockhart's, memorial service, she rushed
into the office. Nathan looks over at Celeste as there is a shattered glass on the floor. "Why did you break that glass? Nathan? Are you okay?" Celeste quickly moves up to him, hoping he didn't hurt himself. Nathan sighs back to her as he recalls how he just saw video footage of the night Slate died; on the Rockwell estate by the pool, Nathan saw Slate take a punch at Mac Rockwell, his half-brother. Mac fell backwards and had a clinched fist before the video footage cut out; Nathan, can only imagine that Mac went after Slate, hit him and pushed him into the pool. It would explain why Slate had a huge cut on his forehead and why his son drown, when he was a good swimmer. He now suspects that Mac killed his son, and he wants to make him pay. "I'm fine," Nathan looks back at her. "I I just had a moment, that's all." "After everything you've been through the last 24 hours, that is completely understandable," Celeste tells him. "You lost your son, you're allowed to be upset, Nathan. Don't hold it in, okay? Let it out, let your frustration." Nathan smiles back to her. "Thanks Celeste," he looks at her. "You seemingly know exactly what I need to hear." Celeste grabs his hand and squeezes it. "I meant it when I told you that I am here for you, Nathan. Anything you need from me, anything at all, I'm right here." At the doorway of the office, Sabine Andrews looks on in surprise at the sight of her fiancé and Celeste holding hands and in close proximity to one another. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing, Celeste?" she whispers to herself, not pleased with the sight unfolding in front of her very eyes. *** Sabine moves quickly into the country club and proceeds to the bar, where she drops her purse down and orders a gin martini. She can't believe that she just witnessed a very close encounter between Nathan and Celeste; she hates that Celeste is back in Kelsey Lake and already seemingly up to her old tricks with causing trouble. "Sabine, you're having a martini? At this hour?" Cole Rockwell chuckles to his Aunt as he moves up to her and sits next to her. "I am assuming that Nathan is having a hard time with Slate's death?" "That is putting it mildly," Sabine tells him before she takes a sip of her martini. "The fact is, Nathan is devastated. I can't say that I blame him." "Neither can I," Cole admits to her. "I wasn't close to Slate, but I certainly didn't want him to die." "And to top it off, Celeste is working at Rockwell Mining." Cole arches his eyebrow as he recalls seeing a close moment between his uncle and his former fiancé at the company the previous day. He is wondering, now, if things have escalated which would explain Sabine's comments. "Celeste?" Cole plays it cool. "What does she have to do with this?" Sabine sighs back to him. "I just hate that she is back and putting herself in the middle of my relationship. That woman, she has to be stopped before I do something I will regret." *** "So, have you decided what you're going to do about your brother hearing those voices?" Quinn Cunningham asks Houston Blackmore as they stand together in the main office of Blackmore Ltd as she recalls earlier in the day when she and Houston saw Lexington Rockwell hearing voices in the office. Of course, Quinn knows that the voice of Mateo Santos was in the office because of the small bug she placed under the desk. She has been helping Mateo exact his revenge on Lex because he is blackmailing her as he knows one of her secrets. Houston licks his lips back to her. "I think I should go to my Dad," he reveals to her. "He will know how to help Lex the best." Quinn gulps back to him, not wanting anymore people involved in this as it could ruin Mateo's plan. She moves closer to him and puts her hand on his arm, which he notices. "Are you sure that's what's best?" she asks him as she bats her eyelashes at him. "Quinn, what are you doing?" he grins back to her as he notices her hand on his bicep. "I told you " "I know," she says moving up to his lips. She just hopes that her flirting with Houston will be enough to make him forget about Lex for a while. "I just can't help it." Before he can say anything, she kisses him on the lips. It only lasts for a minute before they look back into each other's eyes. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me I can't be kissing you. You're my boss and well, I'm in love with another man. I I just get weak around you, Houston." Houston blushes back to you. "You're a stunning woman," he tells her quickly. "I'm very attracted to you, Quinn. I'm I'm trying to be good." "I know so am I," she purrs to him. "And, there's something else you should know." "What? Do I know this guy that you're involved with?" "Would that change your mind if you did?" Houston chuckles back to her. "No," he admits to her. "I can't help but think you're a babe." "Good," she winks back to him. "But, you should know that I am expecting a baby. I'm still early, but it might impact my modelling here eventually." "A baby?" Houston moves away from her as he wasn't expecting her to drop that bomb on him. "Yea, that definitely changes things, Quinn. I can't be kissing a pregnant woman." "You know what they say, don't you?" Houston turns to her with a grin. "What's that?" "That pregnant woman need it more " "Need what more?" Quinn comes up to him and runs her finger over his toned chest. "Men," she winks back to him as he blushes again. "Just think about it, okay? It could be fun," she says, pleased that she has distracted Houston from the matter at hand: getting Kent Blackmore involved with helping Lex. *** A short time later, Quinn is leaving the office as she wants to head back to the Rockwell Mansion to check up on Sabine to make sure her mother is doing okay with the passing of Slate. She knows how devastated both Sabine and Nathan have been since they learned of Slate's death and so she just wants to check up on her. She freezes, however, when she sees Marat Kafelinkov standing by the elevator doors. She turns her back, so she is in the hallway again and he isn't able to see her. She feels her heart racing, so she takes a deep breath. She turns her head and sees him move on to the elevator. She breathes a sigh of relief when the doors to the elevator close. "What the hell is he doing here?" she asks herself quickly. *** "I thought the service was rather lovely," Lucinda Rockwell tells Nathan as she moves into the living room and sees her son staring into the flames of the fire that is roaring in the fireplace. Nathan looks over his shoulder at his mother. "Thank you, I wanted it to be special. Because I know that he was with us." "He will always be with you," Lucinda comes closer to Nathan. "Never forget that, okay? And, remember, it is okay for you not to be okay right now. You lost something you can never replace, Nathan." "You don't have to tell me that," Nathan whispers back to her. "The truth of the matter is, Slate wasn't just taken away from me. He was killed." Lucinda looks back at him in surprise. "What do you mean? How do you know that Slate was killed?" "I increased the surveillance coverage for the engagement party," Nathan explains to his mother. "I was able to review the footage by the pool the night of the party." "And? What did it show? Who would hurt Slate?" "Mac," Nathan grits his teeth together, as Lucinda covers her mouth as she gasps. "Mac killed my son and I am going to make that son of a bitch pay." *** "Mac, it's me, Lydia, open the door," Lydia Rockwell calls out from the hallway of the country club while she knocks on the door to Mac's suite. "We have to talk and I'm not leaving here until we do." Mac opens the door and sees his ex-wife on the other side of the door. "What is this about?" Mac asks her as Lydia moves into his room. "I was just about to take a nap." "A nap?" Lydia asks him in surprise. "It's not even noon yet, why are you napping?" "Because," Mac sighs back to her. "I am exhausted, okay? Everything that has happened lately has just taken its toll on me." "Well, I'm here to tell you to snap out of it," Lydia puts her hand on her hip. "You need to pull yourself together, Mac, because that is the only way that we can band together to take down Nathan." Mac arches his eyebrow back to her. "You want to take down Nathan?" "I'm just saying," Lydia replies to her. "We can't let Nathan ruin Rockwell Mining or take over as the head of the company. We must stop him before he ruins everything. So, can you please get your head on straight so we can take him down?" *** "I hope you don't mind me stopping by unannounced," Stacey Rockwell says as she moves into the penthouse that Kent Blackmore lives in with her mother, Lydia. In her hands, Stacey is carrying a box filled with memorabilia that will be at Lydia and Kent's wedding, which is scheduled for the following day. "I just had these items for Mom for the wedding and wanted to drop them off." "I don't mind at all," Kent smiles back to her. "It gives us a time to have a quick catch up. I didn't get to ask you how you felt about Slate's memorial service?" Stacey sets the box down on the coffee table and looks back at Kent. "I would never say this to anyone else in my family, but I thought Nathan did a lovely job with the service." "I thought so as well. I know that you were close to Slate, how are you doing with his death? And don't lie to me about it," he uneasily chuckles back to her. Stacey shrugs her shoulders. "I am trying to be brave, but it is hard. Slate didn't deserve to die; he was too young to go." "Just shows that you only have one life to live," Kent replies to her quickly. "We have to take our opportunities when we have them." Stacey looks back at them and licks her lips. "That we do. How are you? Excited for the wedding tomorrow?" "I suppose," he grins back to her. "You know, this isn't my first trip down a wedding aisle." Stacey laughs back to him. "But hopefully your last?" "Yes, hopefully," he looks into her eyes as they start to feel the chemistry between them again. "Are you ready for the wedding?" "Of course," she lies to him knowing that planning the wedding has been hard on her because she does have feelings for Kent. "I think it will be a beautiful day and I am looking forward to you becoming my stepfather, Kent." *** A short time later, Stacey is sitting on the edge of the large king size bed in the master bedroom of the penthouse. In the adjacent washroom, Lydia is trying on her wedding dress. Stacey is there to help her mother with any last-minute alterations before the big wedding day. While Stacey waits for Lydia to emerge, she turns and looks at the two pillows at the head of the bed. She closes her eyes and imagines she's laying in the bed with Kent next to her, both of them are naked, fresh from making love to one another. She opens her eyes and sighs heavily to herself. "Stop this," she whispers. "This is where he makes love to your mother. You have to stop thinking about him this way." "Well, darling, what do you think?" Lydia asks as she walks into the middle of the room and shows Stacey her simple, white wedding dress. Stacey looks back at her mother and smiles. "Wow, Mom, you look beautiful," Stacey stands up and moves closer to her. "You make such a beautiful bridge." Lydia smiles back to her. "Thank you Stacey," Lydia beams. "It's not too simple? It's not my first wedding, after all." "It's not too simple," Stacey shakes her head as she gets tears in her eyes. "It's perfect." "Darling, are you okay?" Lydia grabs Stacey's hands. "Yes, sorry," she tries to chuckle as she wipes her eye dry. "Wedding's always make me cry, that's all." Lydia hugs her daughter. "I love you," Lydia whispers to her. "No matter what else happens, remember that, okay?" "I will," Stacey replies to her. "I love you too Mom, more than you'll ever know." *** "I am sorry that I couldn't be with you at the memorial service," Mateo Santos tells his sister, Carmen Santos, while they sit together inside the small boat, the Silver Lining, that he is living on. Mateo knows that he couldn't be at the memorial for Slate because everyone believes that he is dead; if he wants to continue with his revenge plan against Lexington Rockwell, he has to make everyone believe that he died last year in Cabo. "It is fine," Carmen purses her lips together. "I know that you would have been there if you could have been. The fact is, your entire plan would have been ruined had you been there." "How did it go?" Mateo asks her quickly. "I can't imagine that it was easy for you." Carmen pauses for a moment as she feels her eyes swell with some water. "It was a beautiful service," she gulps back to him. "Nathan did a lovely job. It's just hard because we were just married, you know?" "I know it is hard," Mateo grabs her hand and squeezes it. "But just remember that he left you everything, Carmen." Before Carmen can respond to him, she hears her cell phone ping with a new message. She opens her purse and grabs it out to see who is messaging her. She gasps when she reads the message from Nathan. "What is it?" "Look at this," Carmen passes Mateo her phone, who reads the message. "Mac killed Slate; Nathan has proof. That bastard killed my husband!" Mateo passes his sister her phone back as he sits in surprise. The last thing he thought was that Mac killed Slate but Nathan is claiming that he has proof. "That's it!" Carmen hisses back to her brother. "It's time that we make Lex pay, Mateo. That is the first step to taking down the entire Rockwell empire! I won't let these people hurt me anymore than they already have!" *** Once Mateo is alone again, he takes a long sip of his beer as he thinks about what he and Carmen just learned about Mac killing Slate. He can understand why Carmen is now hell bent on getting revenge on the entire Rockwell family now; if this is true, Mac killed her husband. "This has to end," he whispers to himself before he takes another sip of his beer. "The Rockwell's have to pay for what they have done." He grabs his phone and dials Quinn Cunningham's phone number quickly. "Quinn, it's me," he says into his phone. "We have to step up the plan with Lex. The sooner he pays, the better off we will all be." *** Deacon Cooper sits at a table in the country club with a coffee in front of him. He was expecting to see his parents, Dyhannah and Chase Cooper, for breakfast but they haven't arrived yet. He knows that they have been hellbent on proving that the baby that Quinn is carrying isn't his; while he wants to know the truth as well, he has started to believe that Quinn is telling him the truth: why would she lie about being pregnant with his baby? He takes a sip of his coffee while he thinks about how upset she got when he requested a paternity test at her doctors appointment; that might be the one red flag that still lingers in his mind. "Maybe she was just scared," he whispers to himself. "I mean, I just sprung it on her that I wanted a paternity test. She reacted the only way that she knew how." Before he can say or think about anything else, he hears his phone ping. He looks at the screen of his phone and arches his eyebrow. "Your mom and I have left town for a few days, will be in touch, love Dad," Deacon reads the message from Chase. "Why did they leave town?" he asks himself. "They were so concerned about this baby, what could have taken them out of Kelsey Lake right now?" *** Sabine pours herself a glass of water as she stands in the large bedroom that she shares with Nathan in the Rockwell mansion. She has been going so quickly the last few days with everything that is going on, she hasn't taken a moment for herself and it is seemingly catching up with her. "I've been feeling faint all day," she whispers to herself as she takes a sip of her water. "I just need to breathe and remember to take care of myself. I have been running on empty the last few days and I haven't been eating or sleeping properly. I certainly won't be any help to Nathan right now if I'm not taking care of myself." She finishes her water and takes another deep breathe. "Okay, let's take it easy today and hopefully this feeling passes soon." *** Deacon is finishing his coffee at the country club when he notices Quinn moving into the dining room. He looks over at the woman that his carrying child and can tell that she is stressed about something. "Quinn," he moves up to her. "Hey, are you okay?" Quinn looks back at Deacon and forces a smile on her face. She knows that she is panicked about the call she got from Mateo earlier telling her that they have to pick up their plan to get revenge on Lex. She doesn't know what Mateo's next plans are but she is scared that if she doesn't help him, he will expose her deepest secret. "Yea, I'm fine," she finally replies to him. "Why? Is something wrong?" "No, you just looked a little stressed when you came in," he admits to her. "You know that stress isn't good for the baby." She puts a smile on her face as she likes that he is concerned about her and the baby. "I know and I appreciate your concern, Deacon. But I'm, we are, both fine. You're so sweet for caring." "Of course I do," Deacon nods back to her. "I only want what's best for you and our baby." Quinn grabs his hand. "That is the first time you acknowledged the baby as ours. Maybe this is a good sign? Maybe this means that we could raise the child together, Deacon?" Deacon licks his lips back to her, unable to hide his attraction to her any more. "I'd like that very much," he finds himself nodding back to her. *** Mac steps off the elevator at Rockwell Mining and moves towards the main office door. After talking to Lydia, Mac cleaned himself up and realizes that he has to do something, anything, to try to get the company back from Nathan. He can't let his brother take everything away from him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Nathan asks Mac as he moves into the office. Nathan immediately stands up from behind his desk and feels his blood start to boil. "In case you forgotten, this is my office, not yours." "I know," Mac calmly tells him. "I'm here because well, because I want this to end, Nathan. I want to work with you at Rockwell Mining. Together, we could make this company bigger than ever before." Nathan uneasily chuckles back to him. "You want to work with me now? You're a piece of work, Mac." "I mean it Nathan," Mac replies to him quickly. "I want us to work together. Let's end this feud once and for all?" Nathan glares back at him. "You know what's funny about the timing of this olive branch?" he sneers back to him. "Is that you are extending it a day after you killed my son!" Mac looks back at him in horror. "What the hell are you talking about? I didn't kill Slate!" "Of course you deny it," Nathan rolls his eyes to his brother. "The fact of the matter is, Mac, I have proof. I have the video footage of you and Slate by the pool." Mac looks back at him as he recalls Slate punching him the night of the engagement party when they were by the pool. Mac was going to go after him but stopped himself and walked away because he was drunk; he has no idea what happened to Slate beyond that, but he certainly didn't kill him. "Then you would have seen Slate take a swing and me," Mac tells him quickly. "And that I walked away because we were both drunk." "You won't get away with killing my boy," Nathan grits his teeth back to him. "I will make you pay, Mac! You will pay for killing my son!" "I didn't kill Slate!" Mac yells back to him. "You're delusional if you think that I did!" *** Lucinda paces back and forth in the study of the Rockwell mansion, wondering how Nathan came up with this conclusion that Mac could have killed Slate. She knows that Mac wouldn't have killed Slate, but how and why Nathan suspect this, is beyond her. "There is no way that Mac killed Slate," she whispers to herself. "But for some reason, Nathan believes this to be true, which means he will want to get back at Mac." She sighs as she thinks about how heated things are currently between Mac and Nathan. "This is going to get worse before it gets better if Nathan thinks that Mac killed Slate. My God, how is this going to end?" She rushes up to the bar and pours herself a drink as her mind continues to wonder into dark places. "I have to get them under control," she takes a sip of her brandy. "Before they kill one another. I don't want my sons to kill each other." *** Cole ushers himself off the elevator at Rockwell Mining wearing his disguise of Richard Coleman. He, thanks for the fat suit he is wearing, waddles towards the office, hoping that he can, finally, find some information to help show that Nathan is ruining the company. He still wants to help Mac regain control of the company. He slowly opens the door to the office and breathes a sigh of relief when no one is inside. He was worried that after Slate's memorial service, Nathan would throw himself into work, which would make it more difficult for him to snoop around. "I'm glad you're taking some time for you," Cole whispers to himself as he moves closer to the desk. "Because it will give me some time to get some answers." He sits behind the desk and pulls out a small key from the large blazer he has on. He smirks to himself as he recalls how he was able to get keys to the desks and a laptop; now he can look at any file that he wants, whenever he wants, but he thought he would look at the desk first because he suspects that if Nathan was hiding anything, he would keep it in the desk. He slowly unlocks the desk and is about to open the drawer when the office door opens. "What the hell is going on in here?" Celeste asks as she rushes up to the desk. "Mr. Coleman, what are you doing?" Cole gulps back to Celeste as he tries to think of an excuse about what he is doing. "Ms sorry, what was your last name again?" "Celeste Baldwin," she glares back to him. "But you already knew that, didn't you?" "It must have slipped my mind." "I don't think so," Celeste looks back at him with intent. "I think I know exactly what is going on here and it ends now, do you hear me?" *** Quinn takes a deep breath before she opens the door to the main office at Blackmore Ltd. She is relieved that neither Lex or Houston are in the office because it gives her time to place a new bug in the office. She secretly met with Mateo earlier and he provided her with the new device that he wants in the office; the new bug will say different things to Lex that the previous bug did. Quinn sits behind the desk and places her well-manicured hand under the table until she finds the bug. "Okay, out with the old," she smirks to herself. "In with the new." She pulls out the new bug and places it back under the desk where the old one was. "Now, I need to get out of here before Houston or Lex catch me in here," she says as she stands up from the desk and quickly leaves the office. In the hallway, she pulls her phone out of from her large Chanel bag and sends Mateo a quick text. "All done," she types before she puts her phone back in her purse and makes a beeline for the elevators. *** "Houston, what are you doing here?" Lex asks as he opens the door to his condo and sees his half-brother standing on the other side of the door. While Lex and Houston have been getting along lately, the last thing Lex expected was for Houston to show up at his home. "I was worried about you," Houston admits to his brother as he moves into the living room of the condo. "You haven't been yourself the last few days, Lex, and I'd like to know why." Lex looks back at him in surprise. He didn't realize that anyone had seen him hearing the voices in the office at Blackmore Ltd. But, it does make sense that Houston, and maybe Quinn, would have seen him, or maybe even heard the voices. Of course, he still is rattled that he saw Mateo in the office the previous night. He hasn't been able to get the image out of his mind. "I'm I'm fine," he lies to Houston. "I have been having some weird experiences but don't worry, I am fine and I will be fine." "Look, I know we haven't always been close, but if you need help with anything, I am here for you," Houston tells his brother. "Thanks Houston," Lex nods back to him. "Now, what's up with you? Are you interested in Quinn?" Houston blushes quickly back to him. "What are you talking about?" "Oh come on," Lex chuckles back to him. "I've seen the way you look at her. You're attracted to her, aren't you?" "I mean, yea, I am," Houston nods back to him. "She's a beautiful woman. But " "But? But what?" "She told me that she's taken and that she's pregnant." "What? She's pregnant?" Lex gasps back to him. "She didn't tell us that before we hired her." "Maybe she didn't know? Look, I like her but I won't cross any lines. I've done enough of that in my life and I'm trying to be better," Houston tells his brother. "I'm impressed," Lex smiles back to him. "You really have changed Houston." *** NEW YORK CITY "Goodness, I have missed being here," Dyhannah tells Chase as they walk down a block in the upper east side in Manhattan. Being a business woman, Dyhannah has spent a lot of time in the Big Apple and she is realizing that she has missed the energy that she gets from the city. "This city really is like no other place in the world," Chase agrees with her. "Oh, that reminds me, there's a great little bakery about three blocks from here." "Pastries?" Dyhannah chuckles back to him. "I'm sold." "Great," Chase looks back at her. "After we eat, we can come up with our plan of action on how we are going to uncover Quinn's secrets while we are here." "Yes, I have a few ideas," Dyhannah tells him. "Because at the end of the day, that tramp will not suck Deacon into her web of lies. I refuse to let that happen." *** The following morning, Lydia sits at the bar of the country club with a glass of champagne in front of her. She is celebrating because it is her wedding day; by the end of the day, she will be Mrs. Kent Blackmore and she cant wait. Mostly, she is just happy that she is getting the man that she has loved for so many years and whatever was going on between Kent and Stacey is a thing of the past. "Well, you look like you're on cloud nine," Marat Kafelinkov says as he comes up to the bar. "You must be excited about your wedding day." "You have no idea," Lydia purses her lips back to him. "By the end of the day, I will be married to the man of my dreams." Marat smiles back to her. "I am happy for you Lydia, I really am." "Thank you," she nods back to him. "But, I couldn't have done this without you, Marat. You keeping Stacey occupied has really helped me. I owe you a lot." "You don't owe me anything," Marat replies to her quickly. "You love Kent and I love Stacey; we are just making sure everyone ends up happy." "I'll drink to that," Lydia picks up her champagne and takes a sip. "By the end of the day, I will have everything that I have always wanted and nothing will stop me from getting it." *** "I thought I was supposed to meet my Mom here to help her get ready for the wedding?" Stacey says as she moves into the living room of the penthouse. Kent, who only has a towel wrapped around his waist, follows her as he was just crawling out of the shower when the doorbell rang crosses his arms over his muscular chest, which Stacey notices. "She decided to treat herself to breakfast at the club," he tells her. "I guess she wanted to ensure she had a nice big meal before the wedding." "I suppose that makes sense," Stacey can't stop looking at his muscular arms. "I guess I can take off and come back when she gets back." "You don't have to leave," Kent stops her from leaving. "I mean, you can stay and wait for her, if you'd like." "I don't think that's a good idea," Stacey quickly tells him. "I mean " Kent moves closer to her. "What? You can't even be alone with me? It's my wedding day, Stacey. I thought we had moved past this?" "We have," she gulps. "I mean, until, well, you're almost naked, Kent." Kent looks back at her as she blushes. "You like what you see?" "Kent!" "Sorry, I can't help it," he moves closer to her. "I'm flattered that a beautiful woman like you is noticing me." "It's impossible not to," she licks her lips back to him as their eyes lock. "We should stop," he leans in and kisses her passionately on the lips. Their lips part just long enough for Stacey to pull his towel down. "Are you sure?" he asks her as lust fills her eyes. "I want you so badly," she says before she kisses him. "Make love to me Kent. Give me what I need." *** "What are you talking about? What is going to end now?" a shaken Cole asks Celeste as they continue to stand in the office at Rockwell Mining. He is still wearing his disguise to make himself look like Richard Coleman and has no idea what Celeste is talking about. "You know," Celeste purses her lips together. "From the first time I met you, I thought there was something about you that was familiar to me and I realized what it is." Cole feels his cheeks flush. "I have one of those faces?" Celeste chuckles back to him. "Nice try," she says as she moves her hand closer to his face and she rips off his fake mustache! "Ah ha! I was right, it is you, Cole. What the hell are you doing?" "Fine, fine! You caught me, okay?" Cole whispers back to her. "But you can't tell anyone what is going on here, Celeste. This is too important for me to get caught by Nathan now." Celeste shakes
head back to him in disgust. "You want me to lie to the man that has given
me a second chance? That has given me a job and this fresh start?" |
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