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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
Rockwell slowly stands up from the sofa in the main office of Rockwell Mining
and grabs his pants as he and Celeste Baldwin just finished making love to one
another. Everything seemingly happened so quickly: Celeste came into the office
and saw Richard Coleman, the man that Cole was disguised as, about to open Nathan
Lockhart's desk. Celeste had been thinking that something was similar with Richard
Coleman and ripped off his moustache, revealing that he was actually Cole pretending
to be someone else. As he sits at the desk, he looks up in horror as he starts to hear voices again that sound like Mateo Santos voice. "Lexxxx ." The voice whispers to Lex. "It's time." "Time?" Lex calls out into the empty room. "Time for what? What do you want from me?" "It's time," the voice says back to him. "It's time for you to kill Houston!" Lex feels the blood drain from his face. "Who is this? And why do you want me to kill my brother? What do you want from me?" "Lexxxxx .it's time to kill Houston! Do it! Do it! Kill Houston! And do it now!" *** Meanwhile, on the small boat, the Silver Lining, that he is living on, Mateo looks at the screen of his phone as the incoming message from Quinn comes in. He smiles as he can see that she updated bug in the main office at Blackmore Ltd, which means that voice will now be telling Lex to kill Houston. This is all a part of his master plan to get revenge on Lex for trying to kill him in Cabo last year. "Once you think that you need to kill Houston," he whispers to himself. "You will be in my control completely. And, that's when the fun can begin." "Mateo?" a voice calls out from behind him. He turns and sees his sister, Carmen Santos, standing on his boat. "Carmen, I didn't hear you come in," he replies to her. "Are you okay?" Carmen feels her eyes swell with water as she thinks about Slate Lockhart, her husband who recently passed away. "I guess I'm just having a tough day thinking about Slate." "Oh Carmen," he sighs back to her as he pulls her into a hug. "That is understandable; his death is still so fresh. Just remember, he left you everything. Slate has taken care of you, even from beyond the grave." "I know," Carmen whispers back to him as a tear falls down her cheek. "But, I'd rather have him than all the money in the world." "You really did love him, didn't you?" "With my whole heart," Carmen admits to him as another tear falls down her cheek. *** "Kent, I wasn't expecting you," Stacey Rockwell says as she opens the front door of the guesthouse that is on the Rockwell estate. She looks at Kent Blackmore and immediately thinks back to how they made love earlier in the day; she had been trying her hardest to resist him, but she couldn't anymore. The worst part is, she is now getting ready for his wedding to her mother, Lydia Rockwell, which is scheduled for later in the day. Kent looks back at his lover and nods to her. "I was getting ready at the penthouse and I couldn't stop thinking about earlier." "You have to keep your voice down," Stacey tells him as she looks over her shoulder. "Marat is in the bedroom getting dressed. He's going to be my date to the wedding." Kent nods to her as he knows that Stacey has reunited with Marat Kafelinkov. He doesn't have to like it but he can't expect her to be single forever. "I won't stay long," he whispers back to her. "But after what happened, I had to see you." "What happened was a mistake," she replies to him quickly, not realizing that Marat is in the hallway and can hear their conversation. "We got carried away and it can never happen again, do you understand me?" "I understand," Kent says as he grabs her hand. "I am about to marry Lydia," he continues as Marat listens on. "But, the fact is, I can't get you out of my mind, Stacey. Earlier, at the penthouse, making love to you, it felt right." "But it wasn't right," Stacey shakes her head back to him as Marat feels his blood start to boil. He can't believe that Stacey and Kent made love hours before he is set to marry her mother. "We have to consider Lydia!" "I know, I know," Kent replies to her. "I guess I came here to make sure you still want me to marry Lydia today." "Of course I do!" Stacey insists. "You marry my mother and whatever happened between you and I, it can never happen again." *** Kent opens the door to the penthouse and slowly moves inside. He wasn't sure what he was expecting when he went to see Stacey, but he knew that he had to ask her if she was sure that she wanted him to go through with the wedding since they just made love. He knows that he hasn't been able to get Stacey out of his head and this morning was confirmation of what had been building for weeks between them. After they made love, Stacey rushed away as she was clearly distraught by what happened. Kent, knowing that today is his wedding day, had to see her to ensure she hadn't changed her mind about them being together. Deep down, Kent knows that if he had the chance to be with her, he would jump on the chance, regardless of his feelings for Lydia. "She made her decision," he whispers to himself as he closes the door. "She wants me to marry Lydia, so that's what I have to do. I have to get her out of my head, somehow, someway." "Darling, is that you?" Lydia Rockwell asks from the second level of the penthouse. Kent looks up and sees his bride to be, only wearing her housecoat. "Oh Kent, what are you doing here? I am getting ready for the wedding? Stacey should be here any time! I thought you were going to get ready with Houston? You know, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." Kent forces a smile on his face. "You're right, I'm sorry. I guess it slipped my mind," he replies to her quickly. "I'll grab my tux and head over to Houston's now." "Okay, I love you Kent," Lydia calls down to him. "I can't wait to be your wife." "You will be," he tells her. "Soon, very soon." *** "Dad, are you there? It's me, Cole," Cole Rockwell says as he knocks on his father's, Mac Rockwell's, suite door at the country club. He is desperate to see his father as he has important information for him regarding Rockwell Mining. Mac opens the door and sees Cole standing there. "Cole, are you alright? What is the urgency?" "I just got the latest stock reports from Rockwell," he says as he moves into the suite. "And, Dad, they are not good." Mac arches his eyebrow as Cole passes him the report in his hands. "We are down over 5 points per share," Mac says as he reads the report. "Exactly," Cole replies to him quickly. "It seems like the public is losing faith in Rockwell Mining under Nathan's leadership." Mac shakes his head back to Cole as he sets the report down and pours two scotches. He passes one to Cole, who takes a sip of the drink. "I was worried that something like this would happen, to be frank with you." "I've been trying to get more information but it has been proven to be difficult," Cole admits to his father. "I've been dressing up as an alter ego to hide the fact that I am snooping around." Mac looks back at his son, impressed with the lengths that he is willing to go to help him. "So, Nathan has no idea that you're this alter ego?" "None," Cole informs him. "But, Celeste was able to piece it together, but don't worry, I think I have her under control." "Celeste Baldwin," Mac shakes his head back to him. "I don't know that we can trust that woman, Cole. You need to be careful." "Don't worry Dad," he tells him. "Like I said, I think I have it under control. The question is, what are we going to do?" "I need to figure that out," Mac admits to him. "But don't worry; I refuse to let Nathan ruin this company. I have worked my entire life to ensure that Rockwell is successful, I won't let that son of a bitch ruin everything we have built up." *** Sabine Andrews steps out of the elevator at Rockwell Mining and quickly moves towards the main office. She wants to see Nathan because she can't stop thinking about how many close encounters she has witnessed between her fiancé and Celeste Baldwin and she wants to put an end to it now. She opens the door to the office and freezes when she sees Celeste putting some files on the desk for Nathan to review. She slams the door closed, causing Celeste to look over at her. "Oh Sabine," Celeste says looking over at her. "I'm afraid if you're looking for Nathan, you just missed him." "I was looking for my fiancé," she replies to her quickly. "But, seeing you will do perfectly fine." "Me? What I can help you with?" "For starters," Sabine moves up to her quickly. "You can stay the hell away from Nathan." Celeste chuckles back to her as she puts her hand on her hip. "That will be difficult to do, considering we work together, Sabine." "You can see him at the office," Sabine tells her. "But there are to be no more drinks at the country club, do you understand me? I am Nathan's fiancé, and you will respect that, Celeste." Celeste looks back at her in surprise. "Nathan and I are close," she tells her quickly. "I am not going to apologize for enjoying the company of the man that gave me a second chance." "I'm warning you," Sabine glares back at her. "You stay away from my fiancé, or you will answer to me." *** NEW YORK CITY "Okay, so I discovered that Quinn was staying at this hotel when she was working for Deacon," Dyhannah Cooper tells Chase Cooper as they sit on a bench in Central Park with latte's in their hands. She shows him the location of the hotel on her IPhone screen before she looks at her ex-husband. "Very good," Chase nods back to her. "I actually know the hotel manager of this hotel," he reveals to her. "I should be able to request any video surveillance footage of the hotel to see if we can track any of her comings and goings." "You think that would work?" Chase nods back to her. "If we can prove that Quinn was seen coming or going with any other man than Deacon, we have some evidence to prove that she might have been sleeping with someone else. That is all we will need to convince Deacon that he truly isn't the father of the child that she is carrying." "Oh Chase,"Dyhannah claps her hands together. "That is really want I want, more than anything else! I just have this feeling that Quinn is lying about the baby's paternity, and I hope that this will prove that." Chase grabs her hand and kisses it. "Don't worry, Dy, we will prove this, together, we will get to the bottom of this." *** Deacon Cooper sits at the bar in the country club with a beer in front of him. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about how he felt his baby kick Quinn's stomach earlier in the day; feeling the kick has made the pregnancy seem much more real to him. He knows that his parents are still under the impression that Quinn is lying about him being the father of the baby, but the more time he spends with Quinn, the more he believes that she is telling the truth. "When Mom and Dad get back into town," he whispers to himself as he takes a sip of his beer. "I will have to make them understand that Quinn is telling the truth. They have to drop this idea that she is lying to me and everyone else." "Deacon, hi," Quinn says as she comes up to him. She wasn't expecting to see him again so soon, but after her morning at Blackmore Ltd, she needed an escape. When she saw Deacon, she quickly approached him. "It is nice seeing you again so soon." "I was just thinking about you, actually," Deacon admits to her as she sits next to him. Quinn arches her eyebrow back to him. "Good thoughts, I hope?" "Very good thoughts," he chuckles back to her. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about feeling the baby kick. It was incredible." "Trust me," she purses her lips together. "Soon enough, the baby will be doing more than just kicking. He or she will be running around and driving us crazy, I'm sure." "I want to be a part of it," Deacon admits to her. "Every part of it, Quinn. I don't want to miss a moment of this child's life." "What are you saying?" Deacon looks over at her with a grin on his face. "I'm saying," he whispers to her. "I think we should get married. I think we should raise this child together and give him or her a real family." *** A short time later, Deacon is finishing his beer and paying his bill when Mac approaches him from behind. Mac was coming down the stairs of the country club and saw the young man at the bar and realized that he might be just the person he needs to speak to regarding Rockwell Mining. "Mr. Cooper," Mac says coming behind Deacon. "I don't think we have formally met before, I am MacKenzie Rockwell." Deacon turns and smiles back at Mac. "Mr. Rockwell, your reputation speaks for itself. It is an honor to finally meet you." "Likewise," Mac shakes his hand. "I'm glad we ran into one another, actually. I need to discuss something with you and it is incredibly important." Deacon arches his eyebrow back to him. "I can spare a few minutes if you'd like." They sit next to one another at the bar and Mac orders two whiskey sours. "I am not sure if you've heard, but my half-brother, Nathan Lockhart, has taken over Rockwell Mining from me. He went behind my back and had the board vote me out." "I heard that there were some changes at the company but I wasn't aware of the details." "I am desperate to regain control my company," Mac admits to him. "Nathan can't be in charge of my family's company because he has no idea what he is doing." "I'm not sure where I come in?" Deacon replies to him before he takes a sip of his drink. "How can I help?" "You ran for Senate, correct?" Mac asks him as Deacon nods back to him. "Well, I need to know if the government can get involved in this take over? Is there anything you or another Senator can do to remove Nathan from being the CEO of Rockwell Mining?" *** Celeste opens the door to the main office at Rockwell Mining and moves inside. She freezes in her tracks when she sees Cole in the office, but back in his disguise as Richard Coleman. She clears her throat causing Cole to turn around to look at her. "What the hell are you doing?" Celeste asks him in a hushed whisper. "I thought you were going to end this charade?" "I can't do that, not yet," Cole replies to her quickly. "I have to continue with this until I find out what I can do to help Mac get the company back. You know that my family means so much to me, Celeste." "You know how hard it is for me to lie to Nathan about this," Celeste tells him. "He gave me this job; he believed in me and my fresh start." "I know all of that," Cole says back to her. "And you know what we have together," he says as he moves closer to her. "We can have that again, Celeste. Please, I'm begging you, don't tell Nathan anything. Not yet." *** Lex moves to the bar that is in the corner of the office at Blackmore Ltd. He pours himself a scotch and takes a sip of it quickly. He still doesn't know, exactly, why he has been hearing voices in the office, but at least for now, they have stopped. "The voice," he whispers to himself. "Mateo's voice was telling me to kill Houston. Why? Why would anyone want me to kill my half-brother?" He takes another long sip of his drink and then looks up in horror when he hears the voice again. "Lexxxxxxx," the voice whispers fill the office. "You need to kill Houston! You need to kill him, Lexxxxxxxxxx." "Who is there?" Lex turns around and calls out, still not seeing anyone in the space. "Why are you doing this to me?" "It's time Lex," the whispers continue to say over and over as the voices start to have an impact on Lex's mind. "It's time for you to kill Houston!" Lex looks ahead and finds himself nodding to himself. "I have to kill Houston," he whispers to himself. "I have to kill Houston, and I have to do it now." *** "I can't thank you enough for letting me get ready for the wedding here," Kent tells Houston as they stand in one of the rooms of Vivian Blackmore's mansion. After Vivian skipped town to go visit her daughter, Madison Stewart, Houston moved into the mansion to ensure the day to day of the property is still maintained. Houston smirks back to him. "Of course Dad," he nods back to him. "I am just thrilled for you and Lydia. After everything you've been through, this wedding seems like it has been a long time coming." "It very much has been," Kent replies to him. "And, thank you for agreeing to stand up for me." "It is my pleasure," Houston says. "I am a bit surprised that you didn't ask Lex, if I am honest. He is, after all, your son with Lydia." "I thought about it," Kent admits to him as he fixes his bowtie. "But he has been so busy with this new campaign at Blackmore Ltd. I didn't want to add anything else on his plate." Houston nervously smiles back to him as he thinks back to seeing Lex seemingly talking to himself in the office and hearing voices. He doesn't know what is going on with his brother but he is starting to get worried. "Have you seen Lex lately?" Houston cryptically asks him. "He stopped by a few days ago and indicated that there were some weird water related situations happening at Blackmore. Is that still happening?" Houston sighs back to him before he passes Kent is blazer, which he quickly put son. "I just think there's something going on with him. Something isn't right with Lex, I just can't figure out what it is." "I'll tell you what," Kent looks back at Houston. "As soon as the wedding is over, I will go and check up on him. If I have learned anything it is that we all need support once in a while and if Lex needs support, then I will be there for him." *** Lydia slowly walks down the stairs of the penthouse wearing her simple, white wedding dress as she can hear the doorbell ringing. She is thinking that it is Stacey, who is finally at the penthouse to help her get ready for the wedding, even though she is almost ready now. She opens the door and is startled to see Marat standing on the other side. "Marat," Lydia purses her lips together as he moves into the penthouse. "The wedding isn't going to start for an hour or so." "I know," Marat replies to her as he pours himself a drink at the bar. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the conversation he heard between Stacey and Kent earlier at the guest house: they made love earlier in the day. He feels like a complete fool for thinking that he could keep Stacey away from Kent when they clearly have a connection. "I just needed a drink, Lydia. That's all." Lydia arches her eyebrow back to him. "Marat, sweetheart, you have to relax, okay?" she tells him. "I am about to marry Kent; Stacey should be here anytime now. And once the wedding is over, we will all be able to move on with our lives." "I hope so," he replies to her as he takes another sip of his brandy. "I guess I'm just feeling like nothing is the way it should be right now and I have no way of fixing it." Lydia looks back at him in surprise. "Whatever this is, Marat, it will be fine. Just remember that we are about to get everything we want; once I marry Kent, this entire mess will be over." *** A short time later, Marat is pacing back and forth in the living room of the penthouse while Lydia is back upstairs as she finishes getting ready for the wedding. He has no idea what he is going to do with the new information that he has about Stacey and Kent; should he even allow this wedding to go on? He has no idea but he feels like he has a million thoughts racing in his mind. "You're here already?" Stacey asks as she moves into the living room. "I thought we were going to come together but you had already left the guest house. What's going on with you?" "I guess, uh, we got our signals crossed," Marat replies to her quickly. "Your Mom is upstairs getting ready, if you want to go help her." Stacey moves up to him and looks him in the eyes. "Okay, I'll head up. You look very handsome, by the way." "Thanks." Stacey looks back at Marat in confusion as she can tell that something isn't right with her lover. "Marat? Is everything okay? You don't seem like yourself?" "I'm fine," Marat lies to her. "Go help your Mom and after the wedding, you and I, we'll talk?" Stacey nods back to him. "Okay," she says before she leans in and kisses him on the lips. "We can talk after the wedding." *** A short time later, Houston and Stacey are standing next to Kent and Lydia, respectively, while Marat and Cole sit on some chairs in the penthouse. The minister is performing a simple wedding ceremony, while Stacey nervously watches Kent marry her mother. Marat watches Stacey and can tell that she isn't as happy as she is pretending to be with the wedding. "Now Kent, please repeat after me," the minister looks over at the groom. "I Kent Blackmore, take thee Lydia Rockwell to be my wedded wife." Kent smiles back to Lydia. "I Kent Blackmore, take thee Lydia Rockwell to be my wedded wife." "To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for as long as we both shall live." Kent looks over at Stacey before he returns his focus on Lydia. "To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, for as long as we both shall live." "And Lydia," the minister says next. "It's your turn. I Lydia Rockwell, take thee Kent Blackmore to be my wedded husband." A beaming Lydia grabs Kent's hand. "I Lydia Rockwell," she begins to say as a tear falls down her cheek. "Take thee Kent Blackmore to be my wedded husband." "To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, for as long as we both shall live." Lydia repeats the sentence quickly. "To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, for as long as we both shall live." The minister smiles back to the couple as he clears his throat. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," the minster says as Houston, Stacey, Marat and Cole start to clap. "You may kiss your bride." Kent makes eye contact with Stacey one final time before he leans in and kisses Lydia on the lips, while the guests continue to clap at the newlyweds. *** A short time later, Cole moves to the bar at the country club as he wants to have a drink. He knows that the wedding of Lydia and Kent was supposed to be a joyous occasion but he felt like there was some weird tension during the ceremony. He sits at the bar and orders a brandy before someone sits next to him. "I'm glad I ran into you," Celeste says before she looks over at her lover. "We have to talk and it can't wait." "Celeste," Cole replies to her as he takes a sip of his drink. "I am assuming this is about Richard Coleman? Have you given anymore thought to my proposal?" "I haven't been able to think about anything else," she admits to him. "And Cole, I'm sorry, as much as I'd love to get back together with you, I can't lie to Nathan about this. I have to tell him the truth. Nathan has to know what you've been up too." *** Sabine moves into the living room of the Rockwell mansion and puts her hands out to catch herself from falling. Her hands find a tall table and she stops to collect her breath. "I have been feeling faint all day," she whispers to herself. "What is wrong with me? I have purposely tried to make sure I was eating better today and I've had a lot of water. So, what the hell is going on?" She pauses as the wheels in her head start to turn more. She moves to the sofa and sits down. She grabs her purse and pulls out her phone from inside. "No, it can't be," she whispers in horror. "My period is late. Could I be pregnant?" *** Mateo hears his phone ping as he sits on his boat and he quickly grabs it as he is expecting another update from Quinn on their plan to get revenge on Lex. Mateo still wants to ensure that Lex pays for trying to kill him last year in Cabo, which is why he has been blackmailing Quinn into helping him carry out his plan. Now that Lex is hearing Mateo's voice, which is instructing him to kill Houston, Mateo believes that it is only a matter of time before his plan will really be kicked into high gear. He gets a devilish grin on his face when he reads the incoming text from Quinn. "This is perfect," Mateo whispers to himself. "I will get everything I want out of this plan. I know I will." *** Houston steps off the elevator at Blackmore Ltd. and makes a beeline towards the main office. He knows that Lex has been busy with the new campaign, but he is floored that he didn't show up for Kent and Lydia's wedding. Houston, now, is determined to figure out what is going on with Lex, because something clearly isn't right. And, he knows that Kent should be following him closely, so together they can try to understand what is happening with Lex. "There you are," Houston says as he opens the door to the office and sees Lex sitting behind the desk. "You were missed at the penthouse earlier." Lex slowly stands up and doesn't say anything back to him. "You know, Dad and Lydia got married," Houston continues as Lex looks back at him in a trance. "It would have been nice had you been there. I know this campaign is important Lex, but your parents just got remarried." Lex moves from behind the desk and slowly closer to Houston. Houston looks back at him and arches his eyebrow. "Did you hear a word I said? What the hell has gotten into you?" Lex looks at Houston and nods to him. "I have to kill you," Lex whispers back to him. "And I have to kill you now." Before Houston can respond, Lex raises his hand and slams a paper weight into Houston's head! Houston's body crumbles to the ground as Lex looks on in delight. At the doorway, Quinn gasps at the sight of Lex knocking out Houston. She turns and leans up against the wall as she covers her mouth. "What have I done?" she asks herself in horror before she turns and sees Lex standing over Houston's unconscious body. |
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