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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
Rockwell swiftly moves into the country club as Christmas music is playing softly
in the background. He scans the dining room and sees Madison Stewart sitting at
a table. He was pleasantly surprised to get a message from his former fiancé
asking to meet him this morning. He has no idea why she wants to see him about
since the last time he saw her she made it clear that they were very over. "Are you sure this is for the best? I know you've had a rough go of it, but it is Christmas," Cole tells her. "Maybe things will be better after a visit from Santa?" "I am sure," Madi looks back at him. "I guess I wanted to see you one last time before I left, Cole. Despite everything, I do want the best for you." "And, I hope the same for you Madison," Cole smiles to her. "If you ever need anything, I mean anything at all, you know that I am there for you, right?" "I appreciate that Cole," Madi replies. "I think this time away will be good for me. I need to figure out who I am again." Cole chuckles back to her as he thinks about his own situation right now and how he feels the exact same way: he is trying to figure out who he is again right now too. "I understand that more than you will ever realize," he tells her. "Merry Christmas Madi, and travel safe." "Merry Christmas, Cole." *** Chase Cooper steps off the elevator at Blackmore Ltd. and quickly turns down the hallway to proceed to Dyhannah Cooper's office. He is still having a hard time believing that she revealed to Vivian Blackmore that they slept together even though Chase told Dyhannah that he did it as a form of revenge. He should have known this would have happened, but he didn't think Dyhannah would blab to everyone of their affair because he used her. Now, Vivian is furious with him. "I'm glad you're here, we need to talk," Chase says as he moves into her office. "And it can't wait." "Good morning to you too," Dyhannah stands up from behind her desk. "You know, Chase, I will always make time for you. I am assuming you've spoken to Vivian?" "You told her about my using you to exact revenge?" Chase huffs back to her. "You know damn well we didn't have an affair, but that's not how you made it seem." "From my recollection of the event," Dyhannah purses her lips together. "You enjoyed every last minute of it. The climax was not faked, Chase." "I am man," he reminds her. "It is bound to happen when you have sex with a woman." Dyhannah chuckles back to him. "It was more than sex and you know it. Listen, darling, I know that you think you and Vivian are meant to be, the minute you realize that you belong with me, I will be here waiting. I have always loved you, Chase and I always will. We could both be each other's Christmas presents." "Something else has happened," Chase reveals to her as they lock eyes. "Madison has left Kelsey Lake and I am not sure if I will ever see my daughter again." "I can't say that I am surprised," Dyhannah admits to him. "She has been troubled for some time now. Maybe some time away will be good for her? And, this is even more reason why you should be with me now. I can help you mend your broken heart, Chase. You know that I can give you everything you need; I am more woman that Vivian could dream about, and deep down, you know it is true." *** "Thank you all for agreeing to meet with me this morning," Vivian says as she looks at Kent Blackmore, Stacey Rockwell and Lexington Rockwell as they all stand in the main office at Blackmore Ltd. Vivian called a meeting today because she is determined to help her son, Houston Blackmore, get out of jail before the holidays. She can't bear the thought of her son spending Christmas behind bars. "This is important, and I think you all know why." "I am assuming this has to do with Houston?" Lex rolls his eyes back to her. "You are going to plead his case to us?" "What you don't understand," Vivian looks back at him. "Is that, we have all made mistakes. Houston is not innocent, but neither is anyone in this room." "He stole my baby," Stacey shakes her head back to Vivian. "He told my daughter was dead and he gave her to Celeste Baldwin! Do you have any idea what that did to me? Do you have any idea what it is like to believe you have lost a child?" "Actually I do," Vivian nods back to her. "If you remember, we thought that Houston was dead after that car crash years ago. The truth of the matter is that Lucinda, your grandmother, was holding him hostage to prevent the two of you from being together. Don't you see, Stacey, we have all had our share of making bad decisions that we believed were right. I'm not saying that what Houston did was right, far from it, but I don't believe that he should spend Christmas in jail." "What, exactly, are you suggesting Vivian?" Kent asks his former wife. "You want us to drop the charges against Houston?" "That's exactly what I am asking," Vivian replies to him and the others. "Actually, I'm not asking; I'm pleading with you. Please, don't make Houston spend one more night in jail." "I'm sorry Vivian," Lex shakes his head back to her. "Not only did Houston steal baby Poppy but he knocked me unconscious and locked me in a cage! From where I stand, Houston is exactly where he needs to be! He is dangerous and needs to realize that he can't get away with being so reckless." "What are you saying to me?" Vivian tries to keep her composure. "We aren't dropping the charges against Houston," Stacey tells her. "Houston will spend Christmas in jail." *** "Can you believe the nerve of that woman?" Stacey asks Lydia Rockwell as they sit across from one another at a table at the country club a short time later. Stacey has a martini in front of her and just finished telling her mother about Vivian's request to drop the charges against Houston. "She has no idea what losing Poppy did to me; for her to ask me to drop the charges against Houston is outrageous!" "Leave it to Vivian Blackmore," Lydia chuckles before she takes a sip of her Manhattan. "The woman has no scruples!" "Anyways, Kent and Lex agreed with me that we would not drop the charges. So, Houston will spend the holidays in jail." Lydia slowly nods back to her as she recalls seeing Stacey and Kent together recently and they were holding hands. Lydia knows that she and Kent are seemingly in a good place in their relationship but the fact that Kent and Stacey share a daughter together has left Lydia with some insecurities. She doesn't want to believe that anything is going on between them but she can't help but think that there is a bond between them, especially now that they have baby Poppy back. "Mom, did you hear a word I just said?" Stacey asks her, which causes Lydia to come back into the present moment. "I was asking you if you've finished your Christmas shopping." "Oh, sorry darling, I guess I was day dreaming," Lydia looks back at her daughter. "Is everything okay? You don't seem like yourself." "I'm fine," Lydia forces a smile on her face. "I am just thinking about Christmas and how lucky we are to have Poppy back for the holiday. It is a blessing." "It really is," Stacey nods back to her. "I am feeling luckier than ever before." "So what is next for you, Stacey?" Lydia asks her quickly. "With Houston behind bars, does that mean that you have feelings for someone else? Is there a man in your life?" Stacey chuckles back to her as she thinks about her time with Kent. While she hasn't admitted it, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about him. But, she also knows that he is in a relationship with her mother and she doesn't want any of that complication, especially during the holidays. "No, there is no man in my life. And, for right now, that is just fine by me. I want to focus on myself and Poppy. That's all that matters to be right now." Lydia smiles back to her daughter, thrilled by her answer. At least she knows from Stacey's side, there is nothing going on with her and Kent. "That is good to hear," Lydia replies to her daughter. "There is all the time in the world for you to meet someone new; someone that will sweep you off your feet." *** Nathan Lockhart moves into the living room of the Rockwell mansion and sees his lover, Sabine Andrews, pouring herself a cup of coffee at the bar, while the Christmas tree's lights twinkling next to her. "Good morning beautiful," he says coming up to her and kissing her forehead. "I was wondering where you disappeared too this morning." "I didn't want to wake up," Sabine replies to him. "But, I was in need of coffee." "It smells delicious," Nathan says back to her. "Do you mind if I join you?" "Of course, not." "I am afraid I didn't have the best of sleeps last night," Nathan reveals to her as he pours a cup of coffee. "My mind was racing." Sabine arches her eyebrow back to him as he moves to the sofa and sits next to her. "What were thinking about, Nathan? Is everything okay?" "Remember how I left the room last night to get us one final night cap?" he asks her as she nods back to him. "Well, I was walking by the study and I saw something." "What did you see, exactly?" "Lucinda," Nathan continues to tell her. "My mother was in the study with Dane Ashby and they were huddled in a deep conversation." "Did you hear what they were talking about?" Sabine asks him quickly. "No, I didn't," Nathan tells her. "But, something was odd about it. I mean, why was Dane even here that late? What could they have possibly been talking about?" "I have no idea but I do know that Mac and Dane were in business together," Sabine reminds him. "Maybe it has something to do with Rockwell Mining?" "Maybe," Nathan shrugs his shoulders back to her. "But it seems odd that it was my mother and Dane. If it was something to do with Rockwell Mining, I would assume that Mac would have been involved in the conversation. Lucinda doesn't have a role at the company." "What are you thinking this means, Nathan?" "I wish I knew," Nathan replies to her. "But, I am going to get to the bottom of it. I am going to figure out what Dane and Lucinda's relationship is all about." *** Slate Lockhart opens the door to the mailroom at Rockwell Mining and moves inside, even though he is dreading his day of work at the company. He is still furious that Mac Rockwell refused to give him an executive level job at his family company. To top it off, the first day in the mailroom didn't go exactly as planned as he didn't organize some of the bins properly and the manager, Jimmy, had to educate him. Slate only hopes that today is a better day. "It's about damn time you showed up!" Jimmy urgently says to him. "We are in the middle of getting the mail in from the trucks; you should have been here 45 minutes ago!" "Really? You didn't say anything to me yesterday," Slate replies to him quickly. "You didn't hear me say to be here by 8 am? It's almost 9, Slate." "I'm sorry," Slate shrugs his shoulders. "What do you want me to do? How can I help?" "The truck drivers are waiting for someone to get the bags of mail," Jimmy tells him. "Get out side and get the bags. We are sort them once they are in." "Okay, I'm on it," Slate nods quickly moving to the door, already annoyed by how the day is going. How is he going to move up the latter if he can't even handle a job in the mailroom? *** Meanwhile, upstairs in the main office, Mac Rockwell sits behind his desk and reads the screen of his laptop. He is looking at the most recent sale figures and he is pleasantly surprised that Rockwell Mining is experiencing this holiday season. Finally, he looks up when he hears his office door open and Mac sees Lucinda walking in. "Mother, good morning," Mac stands up from his chair and moves to greet her. "You look lovely this morning." "Thank you," Lucinda smiles back to him. "I am hoping you have some time for me this morning? I can only imagine that you're busy with the Christmas rush." "You know I always have time for you. What is that you wanted to discuss?" "Dane Ashby," Lucinda moves to the bar and pours herself a brandy. "Apparently he will be in Kelsey Lake for Christmas; perhaps we should extend an invitation for him to join us on Christmas morning? After all, no one should alone for Christmas." "I didn't realize he was still in town. How do you have this information and I do not?" Lucinda hates lying to her son but she knows that she has no other choice; she must lie to ensure that her deepest secret stays safe. "I was at the country club and I casually ran into him. He mentioned he was in town wrapping up some business. I certainly think we will have enough food at dinner, but I wanted to run it by you first, Mac." "Well he was already privy to the drama at Cole and Madison's wedding ceremony," Mac chuckles back to her. "So, I don't see why this would be a problem." Lucinda breathes a sigh of relief. "I will relay an invite to him when I see him then. What is going on around here? Anything I should know about?" "Funny you should ask," Mac chuckles back to her. "Slate requested a job at Rockwell Mining and wasn't too pleased when I gave him a job in the mailroom." "You didn't? Oh, MacKenzie. How are we ever going to get along if this is how you behave?" "I'm not trying to be cruel," Mac defends himself. "But Slate has no business experience! He must work his way up to learn about Rockwell. I will not hand him a position because he is my nephew! My children had to work their way up the ranks too. And the same goes for Levi, or fuck, Nathan, whatever his name is! If they think that they can just show up and take over my company, they are in for a rude awakening!" Lucinda sighs and takes a health sip of her brandy. "I just want a Merry Christmas, Mac. It is the first one with Levi in years. Please, let's try to get along?" "I have nothing against my brother or his son," Mac looks back at her. "As long as they remember their place." *** Vivian stands up when Houston moves into the visitor's room at the jail. Immediately, she wonders if he has lost weight as he looks smaller than usual. "Baby, how are you?" Vivian asks her son as they sit across from one another with a table between them. "I am as well as to be expected," Houston replies to her. "They have a loop of the same five Christmas songs over and over in here. If I hear that damn Mariah Carey song one more time..." Vivian giggles back to him. "I am glad you still have your sense of humor." "Do you have any news for me? Have you convinced Stacey and Dad to drop the charges?" he asks with a desperation in his voice. "I saw them, along with Lex, earlier today and I'm afraid they will not drop the charges. Lex, in particular, was adamant that you pay for your actions." "Ugh, of course he was," Houston huffs back to her. "Without me around, he's likely running Blackmore Ltd. just like a smug son of a bitch!" "It doesn't change the fact that it looks like you will be in jail for Christmas," Vivian sadly tells him. "I am sorry Houston, I tried." "We can't give up," he shakes his head back to his mother. "I think you have to go to Stacey and plead my case. We have so much history, on some level, she must still care about me. And, we still have a trump card with her." "We do?" Vivian asks him back in confusion. "What would that be?" "Drake," Houston reveals as they lock eyes. "My son with Stacey. She can't want me to miss Christmas and want to explain to Drake I'm missing. Please Mom, go to Stacey. Tell her that I need to see her for Drake's sake, I really think she will listen." Vivian nods back to him. "Okay, I will go to Stacey," Vivian tells him. "But Houston, don't get your hopes up too high because I have no idea if she will listen to me or not." *** "I can't believe how much Poppy loves the pool," Kent chuckles as he moves into the living room at the Rockwell mansion, with Stacey following. After their meeting with Vivian, they agreed to have some family time with Poppy, so they took her swimming. The activity completely tired the baby out, and she is now sleeping. "She is a water baby for sure," Stacey smiles back to him as she moves to the bar. "Kent, can I get you a rum and eggnog? It might help us feel festive?" "I can be convinced to have a drink with you," Kent winks back to her, as Stacey starts making the beverages. "So, tell me, what did you make of Vivian's meeting this morning?" Stacey moves to the sofa and hands Kent his drink. "First, a toast? To family time with the most beautiful girl in the world." "Girls in the world, cause Poppy's mom is pretty stunning herself," Kent replies as they lock eyes and lust comes over both Kent and Stacey. "You're too sweet." "Just honest," he says as they continue to look into one another's eyes. At the entry way of the living room, Lydia freezes when she sees her lover and daughter gazing into one another eyes. She can't help but wonder if something is going on between them; despite Stacey telling her she's not interested in anyone, the way she is looking at Kent certainly suggests something completely different. *** Slate opens the door to the country club and swiftly makes his way to the bar. He hates that he isn't making a better impression in the mailroom or that Mac refused to give him a better position at the company. What he really wants now is a stiff drink to help calm his nerves. "Fancy meeting you here again," Carmen Santos says as she comes up to Slate after he has ordered a drink. "Carmen, hello to you too. How've you been?" "Ugh, it's been a day, but I guess I can't complain. How are you? Based on your order of a double, I'd say you another great day at Rockwell Mining?" "It still pisses me off that Mac won't give me a better position. I mean, I'm fucking family!" "Mac is so far up his own ass, it's crazy." Slate chuckles back to her. "I think I'm ready to take you up on your offer of revenge," Slate locks eyes with her. "It's time we both get what we want." "I'm so glad to hear you say that," Carmen licks her lips. "I think together, we can accomplish a lot." Slate slams back his whiskey and then looks at her. "You're staying here, right?" he asks as she nods back to him. "Why don't we go upstairs and seal this deal the right way? I know I could use it." Carmen giggles before she moves up to him and kissed him. "You, Slate, read my mind." *** "This is a pleasant surprise," Casper Ross says as Cole moves into his office. Casper stands up to greet his lover but Cole gives him the cold shoulder when he goes to embrace him. "Oh. What's wrong? Have I done something to upset you?" "No, not in the least," Cole looks over his shoulder and back into Casper's eyes. "This is about me." "Well, Cole, I can tell that something is wrong, so what is it?" "This, whatever this is between you and I, it's over, Casper," Cole reveals to him as he turns to face his lover. "I have been feeling so lost lately; I have to take the time to rediscover who I am and what I actually want." "You want me, Cole. You prove that everything we have sex," Casper pleads with him. "I know that this will hurt you and I'm not trying to do that, I swear. But Casper, I mean it this time, we are over. I have to focus on myself." "If you think I'm going to wait around for you, you're sadly mistaken Cole. My Grindr was always buzzing before I met you." "I'm not asking you to wait because, I don't know what I am trying to find within myself," Cole admits to him. "I'm not trying to hurt you, I think you're a great guy but long term, this isn't going to work." Casper uneasily nods his head back to him. "Whatever, I'm glad you did this. I'm so tired of your back and forth anyways, Cole. Get out of my office, and please, never come back." Cole feels his heart break. He had hoped, at least, to remain friends. He can tell that it won't happen now. He moves to the door and then looks back at Casper. "I am sorry, for what it's worth." The minute Cole closes the door to the office, Casper covers his mouth and tears flood to his eyes. "Please come back," he whispers as a tear escapes his eye. *** A short time later, Casper moves to the bar at the country club, with his eyes glued to his phone, which has Grindr open. He can see that there is one faceless but toned chest/torso pic very close to him. "If the face is handsome, he'd be hot," Casper says as he pushes the fire icon on the profile to indicate that he thinks the guy is not. He sits at the bar and orders a double gin and tonic. He takes a sip of it as he can hear Michael Buble's version of "Santa Baby" playing softly behind him. Within a few minutes, someone sits next to Casper and he can hear them order a Manhattan. Casper turns and sees Grant Shaw sitting next to him. "Good choice with the Manhattan. One of my faves." Grant chuckles back to him. "G&T is a staple too." Casper nods back to him before he returns to his phone and can see that the Grindr profile he liked a few minutes earlier is even closer to him then before. He looks back at Grant and chuckles. "I totally just thought your Grindr profile was hot," he blushes. Grant looks back at him. "I'm flattered but I don't need the app to know that you're hot too." *** Meanwhile, Chase and Dyhannah sit across from one another in the dinning room at a table at the country club. "I must admit, I was surprised to hear from you," Dyhannah says as she picks up her champagne cocktail and takes sip of it. "Am I safe to assume that this meeting is regarding our earlier?" Chase nods back to her. "I thought I owed you a proper explanation, Dyhannah." "Well, I'm all ears, Chase," she says as she purses her lips together. She suspects that she is about to get everything that she has wanted: Chase back in her life, and her bed, full time. "I did come to your hotel room," he begins to tell her before pausing to take a sip of his scotch. "And, yes, we did make love. And, of course, I enjoyed it. Any man loves when he is in bed with a woman." "In case you couldn't tell, I loved every second of it myself." "But, as I mentioned, I did it to hurt you, which is not my proudest moment. At the end of the day, I am in love with Vivian. And, I am going to propose to her, Dyhannah." Dyhannah feels a large lump grow in her throat. She had assumed that he was going to try to reunite with her; instead, he is telling her that he is planning to marry Vivian now that Madi has left town. At the entry way to the dinning room, Vivian stands in horror seeing Chase and Dyhannah together, each with a drink in front of them. She feels her heart sink at the sight; while Chase claims to have only been with Dyhannah because he wanted revenge, he is now sharing drinks with her. There must be more going on, Vivian realizes. "I guess he's made his decision," Vivian whispers to herself. "Chase is back together with Dyhannah. She got her wish." *** Slate whistles as he moves into the living room of the Rockwell mansion. He just came from Carmen's hotel suite, where they had hot, passionate, sex with one another. He needed her more than he realized but it was a great release after the hellish day he had at Rockwell Mining. "Dad, hi," Slate says when he notices Nathan pouring himself a brandy. "Can I have a drink with you?" "Absolutely son," Nathan replies to him. "I've been meaning to ask you, how are things at Rockwell Mining? I know the mailroom isn't exactly the position you had hoped for." "That might be the understatement of the year," Slate huffs back to him as Nathan passes him a brandy. "It's beyond brutal. I can't say I like anything about it." Nathan takes a sip of his brandy. "I wish there was something that I could do to help but the fact is, Mac is CEO. We have to follow his rules." "From where I stand, it's bullshit," Slate admits to his father. "We may go by the last name Lockhart, but we are just as much a Rockwell as anyone in this mansion. Mac's lack of disrespect is astonishing." "Like I said, if I could change things, I would," Nathan says. "I mean, there must be something I can, we can do." Nathan hesitates for a moment as he takes a sip of his brandy while the lights on the Christmas tree twinkle and he recalls how he witnessed Lucinda and Dane in a heated conversation the previous night. He has no idea what was going on between them but he can't shake the feeling that it meant something. "I suspect I might I know what we can do," he cryptically reveals to Slate. "Lucinda and Dane Ashby were in the study last night and they were having an intense conversation." "Dane Ashby? The oil tycoon?" "The one and only." "What could he and Lucinda have been talking about?" Slate asks him as his curiosity rises. "Surely, anything to do with Rockwell Mining, Mac would have been present?" "Those are my thoughts," Nathan admits to his son. "I can't shake the feeling that the connection between Dane and Lucinda is deep." "We have to figure it out," Slate takes another sip of his brandy. "Our position in this family might depend on it." *** Mac swiftly moves up to the bar at the country club and waits for his take out order. He worked late and would have missed dinner at the mansion, so he pre-ordered a meal from the club and plans to take it back to the mansion and work into wee hours of the night. Since the truth about Celeste came out, he hasn't had the desire to see anyone, even though he can't deny that he misses the company of a beautiful woman, especially at Christmas time. "Are you hear for a drink?" a voice asks from behind him. Mac turns and sees Carmen standing there. He realizes that he must be lonely, because he can't help but think that she looks stunning. "Just grabbing some take out and heading home," he tells her quickly. "Not that I owe you anything, after what you put me and my family through." Carmen chuckles. "You should be thanking me, Mac. If it wasn't for me, you'd still be raising your granddaughter as your own child. So, you're welcome! Consider that my Christmas present to you." "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. We have been through a lot together, and most of it was not good, Carmen." "I don't still have any feelings for you, Mac. In fact, I'm seeing someone new. And he's incredible in bed." Mac turns to grab his order when his name is called. He turns back around and looks at his ex wife. "Good for you Carmen, but if you think I care, you're even more delusional than I thought. You tried to kill me and cover it up. I pity the poor guy that you've sunk your claws into you. Merry Christmas, thanks for my gift." Carmen feels her blood boil as Mac rushes away from her. "You will pay. And with Slate in my corner, we will make that happen." *** "I
really appreciate you coming over to see me," Vivian welcome Stacey into
the living room of her mansion. "I just wish Drake would have been able to
join us. I would have loved to have seen my grandson." The
door for the prisoner to move into the visitor's center opens and Houston appears.
His mouth opens in shock as he sees Stacey sitting at a table waiting for him.
He didn't think that she would actually come see him. "How do you think I am, Houston?" Stacey glares back at him. "I am making up for lost time with Poppy. Did you know that she didn't even know who I was? She had forgotten that I was her mother! The first few weeks of having her back, she cried for Celeste every damn night! Do you have any idea what that did to me?" "You have to know how sorry I am," Houston looks back at her. "I know it's not an excuse, but the thought of you and my Dad having a child together " "We do have a child together, Houston!" Stacey tries to keep her voice down. "Poppy is not someone you can erase!" "I am sorry," Houston tells her. "I really, really mean that. If I could go back in time, I would. But I can't, and I have learned my lesson Stacey. I will never do anything like that again, I swear." "I'm glad to hear you say that," Stacey nods back to him. "Because the pain you caused, some of it will never go away." "The pain that Drake is in right now will also never go away," Houston says back to her as they lock eyes. "Drake needs me, Stacey. Every day that I am away from my son, he is being impacted. Surely, you can understand that since you just experienced that with Poppy." "The big difference, Houston, is that I didn't have a choice to be away from Poppy. You told me she was dead!" "Don't punish Drake for my mistakes," Houston continues to look at her. "Drop the charges against me, Stacey. Let me be a father to Drake; you know he needs me just as much as you needed Poppy. Please, let's end this cycle; drop the charges and let's move forward?" *** Cole moves up to the bar at the country club and immediately orders a rum and ginger ale. After seeing Casper, he wants something to calm his nerves. The saving grace, to him, is that he and Casper did seemingly break up because he knows that in the past when he has tried to end things with Casper, it didn't go as planned. "Cole, it has been awhile," Vivian says as she turns and sees Cole sitting a few chairs done from her. "Why don't you join me?" Cole uneasily looks back at Vivian and is unsure if having a drink with her is a good idea. He can't help but think back to how Vivian drugged him, put him in her bed and then took pictures of them together to make it appear that he was having an affair on Madi. When Madi saw the pictures, she plead guilty to "murdering" Celeste and she was sent away to jail. "I'm sure I'll live to regret this, but why not?" Cole chuckles as he sits next to Vivian. "I am assuming that you've heard about Madi?" "I hate that my daughter left town," Vivian takes a sip of her champagne cocktail. "But, looking back, I guess I can't say that I am surprised. Chase and I, we really hurt her." Cole sighs back to her. "We have all done our fair share of hurting one another," he reveals to her. "I can't say that I am innocent in any of this." "That's big of you to take some ownership, Cole," Vivian purses her lips back to him. "What will do you now that Madison has left town?" "Honestly?" Cole looks back at her. "I'm trying to rediscover myself. Somehow along the way, I feel like I lost who I am. I need to get back to being who I truly am." "Whatever it is that you're seeking, Cole, I hope you find it," Vivian tells him. "Despite everything that has happened, you are a good man. Don't be too hard on yourself, okay?" "Thanks Viv," Cole smiles back to her, which catches her eye. "We've had some good times together, haven't we?" "We have had our share, yes," Vivian chuckles back to him. "And look, this might be the biggest Christmas miracle yet." "What is?" "You and I," Vivian looks back at him. "Having a drink together and getting along." *** Lucinda slowly pours herself a brandy while she stands in the study of the Rockwell mansion. She takes a sip while she stares into the fireplace and watches the large flames crackle against a piece of wood. She is feeling grateful that Mac has agreed to let Dane join the family for Christmas; she knows that he was pressuring her to let him spend one Christmas with his son; she just hopes that after Christmas is over, Dane will leave town and never been seen or heard from again. The longer he stays in Kelsey Lake, the more she worries that the truth about Mac's paternity will be revealed. "Oh, I am sorry, I didn't think anyone else would be in here," a voice calls out from behind her. Lucinda turns and sees Slate moving into the study. "I can leave you alone, if you'd like." "That won't be necessary," Lucinda tells him. "I feel like I've barely got to spend any time with you, Slate, and you are my grandson." Slate moves closer to his grandmother. "I'm glad someone remembers that we are family. It feels like some have forgotten that." "Who has forgotten that, Slate? Please, is someone is giving you a difficult time, I can talk to them." "It is Mac," Slate admits to her. "I don't know if you have heard, but I have taken a job at Rockwell Mining, except it is in the mailroom. I had hoped for something with more importance." "Ah, yes," Lucinda nods back to him before she takes another sip of her brandy. "MacKenzie did mention this to me. Can I give you some advice?" "Of course," Slate says back to her as he sits next to her on the sofa. "Do what Mac says," Lucinda tells him quickly. "All of his children, Cole, Stacey and Lex, they all started in the mailroom," she reveals to him. "They all worked their way and, now, they are all top executives in the company. There is no shame in learning how every department works in a company, Slate. After all, each department does play a part in the success of the company." Slate uneasily nods back to her. "I just hoped to do something more important, that's all." "You will," Lucinda looks back at him. "I can see the drive in your eyes, Slate. That is half of the battle in today's world. Trust me, keep doing your job at the mailroom, and before you know it, you will also be at the executive level." Slate forces a smile on his face, even though this is not what he had hoped to hear from his grandmother. Just then, he looks down on the sofa and notices something gold next to Lucinda's leg. "What is this?" he asks her as he moves his hand and picks up her locket. Lucinda quickly takes it from his hand. "This is my locket," she reveals to him, glad that he didn't open it. Inside, there is a picture of Dane and Mac when they were much younger. She doesn't want anyone to ever see the picture inside. "It has a picture of my husband, Mortimer, in it. I wish he could be here today; he loved Christmas time so much. It's where Mac gets his love for the holidays from." Slate nods back to her as he thinks about his conversation that he had with Nathan where he admitted he saw Lucinda and Dane Ashby talking. Slate immediately wonders if finding out the truth about their connection is the way that he can have a true impact on the Rockwell family. "I guess it does run in the family because I too love Christmas," Slate smiles back to her. "And, I'm hoping to give everyone the best present ever." Lucinda chuckles back to him. "Just having you and Levi here will mean the world to us, trust me on that." *** Casper opens the door to his apartment and moves inside with Grant following him. As soon as they close the door behind them, Grant moves up to Casper and kisses him passionately. The kiss continues until they finally part ways but they look at one another with lust in their eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Casper asks Grant quickly, who nods back to him. "It's been a while for me," Grant chuckles back to him. "And, you're so hot, Casper. It was lucky that I ran into you at the bar just as you liked my Grind profile." Casper runs his hand over Grant's firm chest and grins back to him. "I have to tell you, I'm not looking for anything serious," he tells Grant. "I'm sort of just going through a break up of sorts." "Trust me," Grant licks his lips. "There's nothing wrong with two guys just having a good time, right?" Casper leans in and kisses him again. "My bedroom is this way," he tells Grant when their lips part and then men scurry off to the bedroom. *** "Is my mother here?" Stacey asks Kent as she moves into the penthouse where Lydia is living with Kent. As soon as Stacey left the jail where she saw Houston, she had to come see Kent because she had to tell someone about their visit. Because Kent is so close to the situation, she decided to come see him. "I was hoping we could have a talk in private." "She is at the Rockwell mansion," Kent tells her as he closes the door and follows her into the living room. "I guess Drake, Ivan and Ashlee are decorating gingerbread houses and she wanted to help. Can I get you a drink?" "I'd love a brandy," Stacey purses her lips together. "I just came from seeing Houston." Kent arches his eyebrow back in surprise at her admission. "You went to the jail to see my son? That is surprising. What brought that on?" "Vivian, actually," Stacey accepts the brandy and then takes a sip of it. "She told me that I owed it to Houston to go see him. I followed my heart and went to the jail." "Hmm, and what did my son have to say for himself?" "He apologized," Stacey reveals to him. "He said that the thought of you and I having a child together was too much but he realizes that what he did was wrong. And then, he played the Drake card." "He doesn't want to miss Christmas with his son?" Kent asks her back. "I can't say that I blame him for that." "Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day " Stacey chuckles back to him. "He wants me to drop the charges because Drake needs his father. I have to admit, Kent, Houston did make some good points. I was so focused on revenge that I didn't even consider Drake in all of this. I need Poppy, and we have her back. But Houston and Drake, they still need one another." "So, you're considering dropping the charges?" Kent asks her he moves closer to her. "You know, I support whatever you decide." Stacey sighs back to him. "I don't know. I am torn, to be honest. I guess I have some soul searching to do." Kent moves closer to her and looks into her eyes. "You're such a wonderful woman, Stacey," Kent smiles back to her. "Houston is lucky that you're even considering this." "We have Poppy back, that's all that really matters." "I agree," Kent nods back to her. "Regardless, it will be a very Merry Christmas." Stacey looks back at him. "That's what I'm hoping. I just want some peace this holiday season." "Me too," Kent continues to look at her. "You look so beautiful in these twinkling Christmas lights. You're a beautiful woman, no wonder Poppy is so adorable." Stacey blushes. "Kent, you're with my " But before she can finish her sentence, Kent moves up to her and kisses on her lips. Instead of pulling away, Stacey responds to his kiss with passion. *** "Well, I'd say making gingerbread houses with the children was an overwhelming success," Lydia tells Marat as they move into the living room of the Rockwell mansion. "Although, they all had so much icing, I'm not sure how they will ever get to sleep." Marat chuckles. "I'm glad we have a moment alone, Lydia. Let's talk over a drink?" "Is brandy okay?" "Oh, absolutely," Marat says as Lydia pours two drinks at the bar. She moves up to him and passes him a glass. "I can only assume that this is about my suggestion that you try to reunite with Stacey?" Marat takes a sip of his brandy and then looks back at her. "I have been thinking about it, yes." "And?" Lydia asks almost dying of excitement. She knows that if Marat moves in on Stacey it will squash anything that she might have picked up on when she saw her daughter with Kent. "Tell me you have decided to pursue my daughter again?" Marat chuckles back to her. "I will do what I can, Lydia. Because, you're right, the one thing that always got in our way was Houston and with him out of the picture, maybe this is our chance to finally be happy?" Lydia clasps her hands together in excitement. "This is wonderful, Marat! This truly will be the best Christmas ever!" *** The following morning, Mac sits behind his desk at Rockwell Mining and reads over some more sales reports. He is still pleased with how well the holiday sales are going. He looks up from his desk when he hears a knock on the door. "Nathan, what brings you by?" Mac asks his brother as he stands up and looks at Nathan. "And, you're very lucky I remembered to call you Nathan. It is still a struggle not to call you Levi." Nathan rolls his eyes back to him. "Well, brother, I appreciate the effort on the name front," Nathan replies to him. "Because, Levi died a long time ago; I had to shed that skin to become the man I am today. That being said, I am still a Rockwell at heart." Mac folds his arms across his chest. "I have been waiting for this moment," he tells his brother. "You have? So, you know what I am going to say?" "You are here because, like Slate, you want a job with the family company?" Mac guesses the reason Nathan is standing in the office. Nathan chuckles back to him. "I understand that Slate needs to start from the ground up," he tells Mac. "But surely with my expertise in real estate, there is a more suitable position for me here? After all, I am also Mortimer's son, Mac. You can't expect me, or my son, not to want to be a part of our father's legacy." "Of course not," Mac shakes his head back. "I have been expecting this, Nathan. The problem is, real estate and diamond mining are not exactly the same industry. What do you know about Rockwell Mining, other than it is has your name on the building?" "If you think you're going to steer head me out of a position here, Mac, you have another thing coming," Nathan grits his teeth together. "I have played the second fiddle too damn long! I want a position here, and I will not settle for anything less than an executive title. How about I find the next pieces of land that we will mine for new diamonds? Doesn't that sound like it can work?" "So, you'd like me to fire our current executive in that role, right at Christmas time, so you can have a job handed to you on a silver platter?" Mac asks him back. "No, I'm sorry brother, you will have to wait until a position opens up; then you can apply and go through the interview process like everyone else. I will not play favorites because you suddenly want to show interest in being a member of this family, and that's the end of this discussion." *** Slate slowly opens the door to the study at the Rockwell mansion and he quickly moves inside. He closes the door behind. He looks around the room carefully before he pulls a small bug out of his pocket. He looks at the listening device and gets a grin on his face. "I have to find the perfect place to leave this little guy," he whispers to himself as he continues to look around the room. He moves up to a lamp, and places the bug just under the shade, where no one can see it. "Perfect," he tells himself. "Now, I have to get Dane Ashby and Lucinda together. If father thinks they have a secret together, I must figure out what it is; it could help Dad and I get cemented into this family." He moves over to the phone that is sitting on the desk. He quickly dials a number and moves the phone to his ear. "Yes, good morning," he says into the phone. "This is Wilfred from the Rockwell mansion. Mr. Ashby, Ms. Lucinda Rockwell has requested to see you this afternoon at the mansion, in the study. She said she has something important to discuss with you." "You will be here?" Slate grins. "Perfect, I'll be sure she is waiting for you." |
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