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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
Cole Rockwell slowly moves up to the front door of the large mansion and prepares to knock on it. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the previous day when he and Vivian Blackmore had a nice conversation at the country club. For so long, he and Vivian were at odds because of his relationship with Madison Stewart, so it was a nice for them to get along for a change. And, he has no idea why he hasn't been able to get her out of his mind. He looks at the large Christmas wreath on the door before he pushes the doorbell button. Within a few minutes, Vivian opens the door and looks at him in shock as she was not expecting him to be at her house. "Cole, this is a surprise," Vivian purses her lips together. "Come in, get out of the cold." "Thanks," Cole says as he moves into the mansion. "I don't know why I came here today, to be honest." "Come into the living room," Vivian tells him as they move into the living room. "I just lit the fire, so you can warm up by the flames. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon after our drink at the club." "I know, and I am sorry that I didn't call before," Cole looks back at her. "The truth is, ever since Madi left me at the altar, I've been feeling indifferent, like I haven't been myself." Vivian arches her eyebrow back to him. "I guess having a drink with you reminded me of some of the good times you and I had in the past," Cole looks back at her. "Is this crazy?" Vivian chuckles back to him. "Of course it's not crazy," she tells him. "It's like I told you yesterday, you're a good man, Cole. We have all made mistakes, it's just time that we try to move on from all of that." Cole nods back to her. "I'm glad that you feel that way," he replies to her. He turns his head and looks at her Christmas tree. "It's a beautiful tree this year." "Thank you," she comes up to him and looks at the tree with him. "I've always loved this time of year. The lights, the tree, the wreath, the mistletoe; it's all so magical." "Mistletoe, huh?" Cole chuckles as they lock eyes. "You know what happens under the mistletoe, right?" "Why don't you refresh my memory?" They look at another one for a moment longer before their lips are touching and they are enjoying a long, passionate kiss. *** "Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it," Sabine Andrew purses her lips as she looks in the large mirror that is in the bedroom that she shares with Nathan Lockhart in the Rockwell Mansion. She finishes putting on her diamond earrings and then turns to look at her lover. "And, I hope that means that you and Mac can finally get along?" Nathan sighs back to her as he recalls the previous day when he visited his brother, Mac Rockwell, at Rockwell Mining and Mac refuse to give him a position at the family company. Nathan wants, desperately, to be considered a Rockwell, but he realizes that it might take some effort in winning over Mac, which infuriates him. "The last thing I want to talk about this morning is my bull-headed brother," Nathan chuckles back to her. "Not when I have a beautiful woman standing in front of me." Sabine moves up to him and gives him a kiss on the lips. "You're the most wonderful man I've ever met, do you know that?" "Do you mean that?" "Of course I do," Sabine replies to him quickly. "Why would you think otherwise?" "To be honest with you," Nathan looks back at her. "Everything good in my life has always been ripped away from me. I am just trying to hold on to you for as long as I can." "I am not going to be ripped away from you, Nathan," Sabine looks into his eyes. "In case you hadn't noticed, I am head over heels in love with you." "I was going to wait until Christmas Day to give you a present but I feel like now is the time," Nathan replies to her as he moves to a drawer and opens it. Sabine's eyes open wider in surprise when Nathan pulls out a small black box from the drawer. "Nathan, what are you doing?" Nathan moves back over to his lover and opens the box while he drops to his knee. "I never want to lose you, Sabine. Let's stay together, forever? Marry me?" Nathan asks her as Sabine looks at the large white diamond that is in the box. "Is this a Rockwell original?" Sabine gasps at the ring, which is at least 20 carrots. "Of course," he giggles back to her. "But, you haven't answered my question and my knee is getting sore." Sabine chuckles as she drops to her knees and she caresses Nathan's face with her hands. "I love you so much," she tells him. "Of course, I will marry you!" *** "Are you ready to do this?" Kent Blackmore asks Stacey Rockwell as they step off the elevator at Blackmore Ltd. and move towards the main office. After they met the previous night, which included sharing a steamy kiss, they agreed to meet at the office this morning to discuss something critical with Lexington Rockwell, who is back running the company since Houston Blackmore was arrested. "As well as I ever will be," Stacey looks back at him. "I don't think Lex will take this news well, but we have to try, right?" "How can anyone stay mad at you?" Kent asks her as they lock eyes for a moment and immediately they both think about their kiss from the previous day. "Lex might not take it well but he will come to terms with him; I know he will." "I hope you're right," Stacey says back to him. "Okay, let's do this." Kent moves up to the door of the office and opens it. Lex, who is sitting behind the desk, looks up and sees his father and sister moving inside. "Kent, Stacey," Lex stands up from his chair. "Good morning, what brings you by?" "We have to talk to you," Stacey moves up to the office. "And, before you say anything, you have to hear me out, completely." Lex arches his eyebrow back to her. "Uh, okay? It sounds serious." "It is," Kent nods back to him. "It is about Houston and these pending charges against him." "I've decided that we should drop all the charges," Stacey's admission stuns Lex to his very core. "I know what he did was wrong, and I know you feel that way too." "You're damn straight I do!" Lex grits his teeth back to her. The last thing he wants to do is give Houston a free pass for the baby switch and kidnapping him and locking him in a cage. "That son of a bitch knocked me out and put me in that cage like some kind of animal! He needs to pay for what he has done!" "I agree," Stacey nods back to him. "But, at the end of the day, we aren't the only ones that are impacted by this, Lex. Drake, my son, your nephew, he needs his father, especially at Christmas time. The longer Houston is away from Drake, the more impact my son is having. I have to think of my son before I think of own needs." "That does make sense," Lex finds himself nodding back to her. "But I still don't like this, Stacey. Not one bit." "Look," Kent looks back at Lex. "We can make this arrangement with conditions; we drop the charges against Houston, but he has to stay away from you and the company. He won't bother you anymore, Lex, we can make sure of that." "He damn well better stay the hell away from me," Lex fumes back to his father. "Because, I won't play nice with him anymore! But, for Stacey and Drake, I will agree to drop the charges against Houston." "Thank you," Stacey moves up to her brother and pulls him into a hug. "You just made my son's Christmas wish come true." *** Lucinda Rockwell opens the door to the study in the Rockwell mansion and is startled to see Dane Ashby standing inside the room, looking into the roaring fire. She wasn't expecting Dane today but she knows that, in some ways, it is good that he is there because he can finally tell him that Mac has agreed to let him be present on Christmas Day. She also needs to make him realize that as soon as Christmas is over, he needs to leave Kelsey Lake for good. "Dane," she says, which causes him to look over at her. "I wasn't expecting you today. What brings you by, exactly?" Dane arches his eyebrow. "Really?" he replies to her quickly. "Wilfred, the head butler, called me and told me you had requested my presence? I came right over, thinking it was important." Lucinda waves her hand in the air. "There must have been some confusion," she tells him. "But, whatever, it is good that you're here. There is something that I need to discuss with you." "I gather you have discussed Christmas Day with MacKenzie?" Dane asks her quickly. "Please tell me that you have convinced him let me spend Christmas Day here at the mansion?" Lucinda moves closer to him. "I have convinced him to do just that," Lucinda reveals to him as Dane gets a smile on his face. "But, you need to listen to me very carefully, Dane," she glares at him. "After Christmas is over, you need to leave Kelsey Lake and never return. You know how dangerous it is for you to be here." "I will leave town after Christmas," Dane tells her. "Don't worry, Lucinda. I know that no one can ever know that Mac is my son and not Mortimer's. I have agreed to keep this secret for decades, it's not my intention to reveal the truth now. Believe me, okay?" Meanwhile, in his bedroom, Slate Lockhart feels his heart race a million times a minute as he listens in on their conversation via the bug that he planted earlier in the day. He never imagined that he would learn Lucinda's dark secret: Dane Ashby is really Mac's son, which means that Mac isn't a Rockwell at all. He feels himself become short of breath; this is the very last thing he expected to uncover. He feels like the entire world as he knows it has been forever changed. Mac not being a Rockwell means he has no real claim over Rockwell Mining or the mansion. "I think I just uncovered a way for Dad and I to get everything we have ever wanted," Slate whispers to himself as a wicked grin comes over his face. *** Meanwhile, in the living room of the mansion, Mac moves to the bar to pour himself another cup of coffee. He takes a sip of it before he moves up to the Christmas tree and admires the sight of all the presents piling up underneath. "It certainly looks like it will be a Merry Christmas this year," Nathan announces as he moves into the living room. Mac turns and sees his brother. "I sure hope so," Mac replies to him. "I do love this time of the year. And, despite you and I having our differences, Nathan, I am glad that you and Slate are here for the holiday this year." "I appreciate that," Nathan tells him. "I do want us to get along, Mac. I hate having this fighting between us." "How about a truce?" Mac suggests to him. "Let's try to put Rockwell Mining aside, at least until after the holidays?" "I can do that," Nathan shakes Mac's hand. "But, if you think that I'm going to just forget that you're trying to keep me from being a part of this family's legacy, you have another thing coming Mac. I deserve to be at Rockwell Mining just like you, Cole and Stacey are." Mac uneasily chuckles back to him. "As soon as a position opens, Nathan, you will be the first to know about it, okay?" "Right, sure," Nathan rolls his eyes. "Just remember what I said; that is my family name on the building, I will be a part of the company. You can't keep me out forever." *** Cole opens the door to the country club and quickly moves inside. He makes a beeline for the bar as he needs something to calm his nerves down. He can't believe that he and Vivian, of all people, just shared a steamy kiss. He knows that they always had crazy chemistry but they haven't been together in a very long time, mostly because he was engaged to her daughter, Madison. However, he can't help but deny that it felt good to kiss her again. "Isn't it a bit early to be drinking?" a voice asks Cole, who turns around on the bar stool and sees Casper Ross approaching him. "Casper, hey," Cole says back to him. "If this is going to be another attempt for us to get back together " "It's not," Casper shakes his head back to him. "In fact, Christmas has come early for me." Cole arches his eyebrow back to him. "What does that mean, exactly?" Casper chuckles back to him. "I've already met someone new; he's hot and great in bed." Cole feels his cheeks flush. "Why are you telling me this, Casper? What are you trying to prove?" "Nothing," Casper replies to him quickly. "I just you to know that I'm not sitting around pining after you anymore; you made your choice and I'm moving on with Grant." "Well, good for you," Cole smiles back to him. "I'm happy for you, Casper. I really am." *** A short time later, Cole parks his Lamborghini Veneo in the front driveway of Vivian's mansion. He was just here a short time ago, but after hearing that Casper has moved on with Grant, he felt compelled to return to see Vivian. Something in him brought him back, he just doesn't know what it is. He bangs his fist on the front door and impatiently waits for Vivian to open the door. "Cole," Vivian says as she opens the door. "You're back so soon? Did you leave something here? What brings you back here so quickly?" "Can I, uh, come in?" "Of course," Vivian lets him into the foyer, still wondering what is going on with Cole. "Cole, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself?" "Actually," he smirks back to her. "For the first time in a very long time, I am feeling more like myself." "Is that so? What brought on this change?" "You did," Cole admits to her quickly. "I can't explain it, Viv, I just had to see you again." "Well, here I am." Before either one realize what is happening, Cole is kissing her again, even more passionately then the their kiss earlier in the day. "I want you," he whispers to her as their lips part. "God help me, I want you too," Vivian moans to him as she grabs his hand and leads him towards the stairs. *** "Please tell me that you've changed your mind?" Dyhannah Cooper asks Chase Cooper as she sits across from him at his table at the country club, as he just collects his bill from the waitress. Before she leaves, Dyhannah tells the waitress that she wants a champagne cocktail. "Change my mind about what, exactly, Dyhannah?" Chase asks her quickly, not sure of what she is referring too. "You proposing to that wench, Vivian," Dyhannah takes a sip of her drink, which arrives in the nick of time. "You know damn well that you can do better than her, Chase. I am right here, waiting for you, you do not need Vivian Blackmore. In fact, she is the very last thing that you need." Chase chuckles back to her. "I'm glad that you are so passionate about this," he tells her before he finishes his coffee. "But, the fact remains that I love Vivian. I am going to see her right now to propose to her. I want her to be my wife." Dyhannah rolls her eyes back to him before she takes another sip of her champagne cocktail. "Well, I guess congratulations are in order," she manages to say to him. "But, don't say that I didn't warn you, Chase. Vivian Blackmore is pure evil, that woman will destroy you, mark my words. But I wish you nothing but the very best, sweetheart." *** Chase moves up to the front door of Vivian's mansion and prepares to ring the doorbell. He shakes his head and smiles to himself. "No, I'll just go inside," he whispers to him. "I want to surprise her. Her seeing me arrive would ruin the element of surprise; I want to sweep her off her feet." He opens the door, which is unlocked, and moves inside. He drops his coat in the foyer and moves into the living room, which is empty, despite a fire raging on in the fire place. "Vivian, darling, where are you?" Chase calls out, but doesn't get a response. He arches his eyebrow and recalls seeing another car out front, a very expensive car at that. "I wonder if she has company and they are upstairs in the library," he tells himself as he exits the living room and moves into the foyer. He starts to move up the stairs and immediately can hear Vivian giggling before hearing some other moans of delight. "What on earth is going on?" he whispers to himself as he moves closer to the master bedroom. He freezes in shock at the sight in front of him: Cole and Vivian are in the depths of having hot, intense sex with one another. Both of them are enjoying each other so much, that they don't see Chase standing there, watching in absolute horror. *** Slate knocks on the door at the suite above the country club with a bottle of champagne in his hands. He is still riding on cloud nine after finding out Lucinda's deepest secret: Mac is not a Rockwell! He heard Dane Ashby admit that he is really Mac's father, not Mortimer Rockwell, which means that Mac's entire life has been a lie. In fact, he doesn't even have the power to run Rockwell Mining or be the head of the Rockwell Mansion. Slate, after finding out this information, came to the one place where he knew he could celebrate in the way he needed too most. "Slate," Carmen Santos says as she opens the door and sees him standing in the hallway. "I wasn't expecting you. Come in?" "Thanks," he replies to her as he moves inside her suite. "I brought champagne because we have to celebrate, Carmen. Something has happened and it will change everything." Carmen arches her eyebrow and then smiles back to him. "Are you going to fill me in?" Slate chuckles back to her. "Maybe after this," he moves up to her and kisses her passionately. "I need you Carmen. I need to make love to you." Carmen purrs back to him as she undoes his pants. "I love the way you think, stud." *** "That son of a bitch," Nathan opens the door to his bedroom at the mansion and storms inside. Sabine, who is sitting on the sofa with her laptop on her lap looks back at Nathan in surprise. "What is going on, my sweet fiancé?" "Mac," Nathan fumes back to her. "He still insists that I don't have a role in Rockwell Mining until a real position comes up. Let me ask you this, did Cole, Stacey or Lex ever have to wait for a fucking position to open up in the family company to have a job?" "No, and I hate to rub salt in these wounds Nathan," Sabine stands up and moves up to him. "But, when I first came to Kelsey Lake, I was given a position at Rockwell pretty easily because I was Lydia's sister. I do think that Mac is treating you completely differently than everyone else in the family." "He's just so damn arrogant," Nathan continues to fume back to her. "There must be something that I can do to get the upper hand in this power struggle; the question is: what?" "Darling," Sabine moves up to him. "I thought we agreed that we would try to have a civil Christmas? What happened to that?" "Ugh," Nathan groans back to her. "Mac just suggested a truce until after Christmas as well. But you know what? I just feel like the longer I hold off on getting what is rightfully mine, the more time he has to come up with more and more excuses to prevent me from being a part of this family. No, Sabine, I have to figure out what I can do to get what is rightfully mine. Our entire future depends on it." *** "I honestly don't know what to say," Houston explains as he moves into the penthouse and sees Kent, Stacey and Lex all standing in the living room. He is still in shock that he was able to convince Stacey to drop the charges against him, yet alone Lex. But, here he is: home for Christmas. He is feeling very overwhelmed by it all. "You all agreed to drop the charges against me, I can't thank you enough." "You have to know son," Kent looks back at him with intent. "This was not an easy decision, even with your plead about Drake. What you did was very wrong." "I know what I did was wrong," Houston nods back to his father. "And, I vow to be a better person. I will never make that type of mistake again, you all have my word." "You have to forgive me if your word means little to nothing," Lex huffs back to him. "Just remember what the terms of this release was, Houston. You are to stay the hell away from me and Blackmore Ltd. If you even think about coming after me again, so help me God, I won't be responsible for my actions." Houston uneasily nods back to him. "I understand Lex," he tells him. "The most important thing for me right now is to be better and to be a father to my son, Drake. That's all that I want." "Good," Stacey looks back at her former lover. "Then Drake will have a Merry Christmas, and that is all that matters right now." *** A short time later, Stacey moves into the country club wanting to have a drink. After seeing Houston out of jail, she has wants to have a drink to calm her nerves. She doesn't know if releasing him was the best thing for her, but she knows that it was the best thing for Drake. As a parent, she knows that she sometimes has to put the needs of her child before her own. Still, it was difficult to see Houston knowing that he told her that Poppy was dead when in fact she was alive and well. She moves to the bar and orders a drink, but she can't stop thinking about Kent at Houston's homecoming. She knows that he looked good in his tight polo, showing off his bulging biceps. She thinks back to their kiss the previous day and feels herself touching her lips. "What are you doing?" she scolds herself quickly. "He is with your mother! You have to get Kent Blackmore out of your head, right now!" She hears a loud cackle of laughter coming from the dining room, so she turns her head and freezes at the sight unfolding in front of her: Lydia and Kent are at a table, with a bottle of red wine, laughing together. She immediately feels her heart sink at the sight. "This is just confirmation that you have to get him out of your head," she whispers to herself. "He is happy with Lydia. There is no future for the two of you." Meanwhile, at the table, Kent pours Lydia another glass of red wine, as Stacey scurries out of the restaurant, needing a change of scenery. "How are you truly feeling that Houston is home?" Lydia asks him as she takes a sip of her wine. "If it makes Stacey happy because of Drake, then I support it," Kent replies to her. "I never wanted my son to go jail but I can't deny what he did with Poppy was incredibly wrong." "Yes, I couldn't agree more," Lydia nods back to him. "Stacey certainly showed a lot of bravery allowing him to be released from jail. Not every person would have done that." "Stacey is a wonderful woman, that is for sure." Lydia freezes at the sound of his words about her daughter. She immediately feels insecure and jealous about his connection with her. "Some more good news on the Stacey front," Lydia takes another sip of her wine. "It appears that Marat is going to make a play for her again now that Houston is out of the picture." "Really?" Kent asks her back in surprise. "How can you be so sure about that?" "Marat asked me about it," Lydia lies to him, knowing that she planted the bug in Marat's ear. "And, I told him that it was the perfect time to see if there is still something between them. After all, the only reason Marat and Stacey never worked out was because of Houston. With Houston not in the picture, I don't see why they wouldn't be together." Kent uneasily smiles back to her as he takes a sip of his wine. "I suppose that's true," he nervously says, unable to stop himself from thinking of another man being with Stacey. *** Stacey
quickly opens the door to the Rockwell mansion and scurries inside. She moves
to the living room and immediately moves to the bar, where she pours herself a
brandy. She needs a drink to calm her nerves after she saw Kent and Lydia together
at the country club. She doesn't know why the sight of Kent and Lydia together
was so upsetting to her but she finds herself drinking the brandy rather quickly,
while the Christmas tree lights twinkle next to her. "Thanking
you?" Lucinda cackles back to her. "That'll be the day." |
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