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![]() Written by: Dallas Walsh | ||||
Christmas Special "So, do you think you can handle this?" Mateo Santos asks his sister, Carmen Rockwell, as she paces back and forth in the master bedroom of the Rockwell mansion. This morning Carmen has to tell the Rockwell family that her husband, MacKenzie, has suddenly left town on a business trip; of course, the real reason why Mac is away is because Carmen believed she saw the woman she killed, Celeste Baldwin, and threw a lamp at the ghost, only the lamp struck Mac in the head and killed him. Together with Mateo's help, she buried her husband in the yard on the estate and now has to cover her tracks. Of course, with Christmas right around the corner, it might be a hard sell for the family to believe that Mac took off without any warning as this was always his favorite time of the year. "I'm going to have too," Carmen sighs back to him. "I don't have any other choice do I?" "No, you don't," Mateo replies to her. "Just stay strong; Mac went on business trips all the time; this is no different." "I know, I know," Carmen waves her hand back to him. "But, he loves the holidays. He always likes being with the family this time of the year. They will question me, I know it." "If they try to give you a hard time, just remind them that he missed some of Christmas last year because he was off marrying you," Mateo chuckles to her. "Then, after a few days, we can follow up with the next phase of our plan. Don't worry sister, we have covered our basis. Believe me," he looks into her eyes as she uneasily nods back to him. *** A short time later, the dining room table is filled with all the Rockwell's, including Lydia Rockwell, who often isn't invited to family meals anymore. Carmen, however, knew that Lydia should hear that Mac has left on a business trip as well, she only wants to make this announcement once. Behind the table, is a large Christmas tree, decorated in large white and blue diamond-shaped ornaments and soft Christmas music is playing. "Would anyone like more coffee?" Ingrid, the trusted maid of the Rockwell's, asks the family. "I would love some," Cole tells her as he takes a bite of his bacon. "Does anyone know what the purpose of this meeting was?" Stacey asks the family as she looks over at her son, Drake, who is fast asleep in his basinet. Carmen had sent out the invites but didn't say what the meeting was about. "Maybe Carmen wanted us to get into the holiday spirit?" Lex suggest back to Stacey, who rolls her eyes at him. She still hasn't forgiven him for changing her baby's paternity test results to show that Marat was the father of the baby, not Houston. She doesn't know if she ever will. "I highly doubt that," Lucinda chimes in. "That woman wouldn't know how to be festive if it bit her in the a " "Well it must be something important if she invited me," Lydia cuts off Lucinda's remarks. "I haven't been invited to a family breakfast in years." "I wonder why " Lucinda quips back to her. Before anyone can respond, Carmen walks into the dining room and clears her throat. "Well look who finally showed up," Lucinda says as Carmen makes her way to the head of the table. "Sorry to keep you all waiting," she announces to everyone, trying to keep her nerves at bay. "I have an announcement to make." "Shouldn't we wait for Dad?" Cole asks her back. "This is about your father," Carmen tries to act calm even though she has her heart racing inside her chest. "I just got off the phone with him; he's in Paris." "Paris? Daddy didn't say anything to me about going to France," Stacey gaps back to her. "He didn't tell anyone," Carmen continues to tell the family. "You see, it all happened very quickly. Some kind of business meeting that couldn't wait. He said he would be back by Christmas, though." Lydia arches her eyebrow listening to this story. Something in the pit of her stomach tells her that Carmen is lying, but why would she lie about something like this? And, how could she prove it if Carmen was lying? "I hope so," Lex says back to his step mother. "Dad loves this time of year. It's not like him to leave town during the holiday season." "Indeed," Lydia agrees with her son. "In fact, usually he postpones business trips until the New Year, so this must have been urgent," she darts Carmen a look, who steers her glances away from Lydia. "He didn't get into details with me but it sounded important," Carmen quickly continues to tell them. "Anyways, that's what I wanted to relay to you all. Your father is fine, and he will be home soon." With that, Carmen leaves the dining room. Once she's in the hallway, she leans up against the wall and tries to catch her breath. "Okay, that wasn't so bad," she whispers to herself. "They believed me! Now, to move on to phase two." *** "I don't believe a word that came out of her mouth," Lydia tells Lucinda as they sit across from one another at the country club with mimosas in front of them, as Christmas music can be heard playing. After breakfast, the two came to the club to have a drink together. "Carmen is lying through her teeth." "It is unusual for Mac to leave during the holidays but it certainly isn't the most insane thing I've ever heard," Lucinda replies as she takes a sip fo her drink. "Why would she lie about Mac being in Paris?" "Because," Lydia says back to her quickly. "I have been texting Mac non-stop and he hasn't replied once. That's not like him. Even if he was on some stranded island, he would reply to me!" "I will try to reach my son and see if he gets back to me," Lucinda says back to her. "Meanwhile, we have another problem." "We do?" Lydia asks her in surprise. "What is that?" "Celeste Baldwin," Lucinda whispers so no one will hear her. "She has disappeared." "What do you mean she's disappeared? Where the hell did she go?" "I don't know," Lucinda shrugs her shoulders. "She was staying with me and after she announced she would no longer gaslight Carmen, she disappeared. I haven't seen or heard from her " "Damn it," Lydia sighs as she cuts Lucinda off again. "If anyone finds out what we did, all hell could break loose! We have to figure out where the hell she went before someone else sees her." *** A short time later, Carmen moves into the kitchen of the Rockwell mansion and looks around for Ingrid. Since she only made the announcement about Mac at breakfast, she is feeling peckish and was hoping to grab something to eat. She, however, doesn't see Ingrid anywhere in the room. "Ingrid?' she calls out. "Are you here?" "In the back hallway," Carmen can hear Ingrid's voice call out to her. Carmen slowly moves to the hallway to see what the maid is up too. She arches her eyebrow when she sees the maid on her knees scrubbing the carpet, which has muddy footprints on it. "What on earth happened here?" Carmen gasps at the sight. "I wish I knew," Ingrid pauses and looks up at her. "These footprints appeared here this morning. One of the gardners must not have realized how dirty his shoes were." Carmen arches her eyebrow. "Yes, apparently. I'll speak to them about that," she says. "If you want that carpet professionally cleaned, you have my approval, just send me the invoice." "Thank you Mrs. Rockwell." *** "I can't put my finger on this but something isn't setting well with me," a half-naked Lex tells Mateo as they lay in the large bed in Lex's room of the Rockwell mansion, fresh from having sex with each other. At first, Lext wasn't sure if getting involved with Mateo was the right thing for him, but since they have been together, he has been getting all of his needs met and then some. "It's not like my Dad to take off around Christmas time." Mateo uneasily smiles back to him. "We just finished having this incredible sex and the first thing you want to talk about is your Dad? Am I losing my touch?" Lex looks back at him with a sly grin on his face. "Did it sound like you were losing your touch when I was begging for more?" "Fair enough," Mateo kisses him back. "Look, if it's really bothering you, just reach out to your Dad. Surely, he'll let you know what's really going on here. Maybe if you show interest, he'll even offer you a job back at Rockwell Mining since Kent fired you from Blackmore Ltd." Lex feels his blood boil as he thinks about how Kent fired him after he learned that Lex changed the paternity test results of Drake to show that Marat Kafelinkov, not Houston Blackmore, was the father; when the truth came out, Kent was livid and Lex lost his job. He hates that his feud with Houston cost him the CEO position, now he wants it back and will do anything he can to get it. "Maybe," Lex nods back to him. "But I still want to go back to work at Blackmore. I had so much unfinished business." "Then the question becomes," Mateo looks back at his lover. "How are you going to get back into Kent's good graces?" *** "I'm glad you could meet me today," Sabine Andrews tells Houston Blackmore as sit together at the bar of the country club. "I think we have to get a few things straight." Houston uneasily nods back to her as he thinks about how they ended up in bed together right before the truth about the paternity of Drake was revealed. He knows that if Kent or Stacey ever learned of their affair, they would be livid and all hell would break loose. "I'm guessing this has to do with our " "Yes," Sabine cuts him off. "We can't speak of it again, Houston. I mean that. If Kent ever found out, I'd have no chance at getting back together with him." "I agree," Houston nods back to him. "And, with Kent firing Lex, I might finally get to be CEO of Blackmore. It is for the best that we don't speak of it again." Sabine uneasily looks back at him. "What is it?" he asks her as they lock eyes. "We can't speak about it," she purses her lips together. "But don't think that I have forgotten. It was amazing." Houston
chuckles back to her. "Yes, it definitely was," he looks back into her
eyes. "Let's keep it a secret?" *** Cole sits behind the bullet proof glass window as he waits for Madison Stewart to be brought from her jail cell. After she plead guilty to murdering Celeste, Madi was sentenced to a higher security prison, which is why Cole can only visit her from behind the bullet proof glass. He still can't believe that she plead guilty to murdering Celeste; he knows that she wasn't the one who did the crime, so he is baffled as to why she changed her plead the way she did. Finally, a loud buzzer goes and a guard walks with in Madison, who moves towards the visiting booth. Cole picks up the telephone while Madi sits down and slowly picks up her receiver. "I wish you wouldn't have come," Madi tells him quickly. "I don't want you, or anyone, to see me this way." "I can't stay away from you," Cole replies to her quickly. "I love you, I can't believe this happened." Madi uneasily smirks back to him as the images of Cole in bed with a blonde woman that Chase Cooper and Vivian Blackmore showed her come rushing back to her. Yet, here he is claiming to love her? What a joke, she thinks to herself. "What happened Madi? Why did you change you plead? You didn't kill Celeste, I know that." "Do you really have to ask me that?" Madi looks back at him with intent. "You broke my heart Cole, the last thing I really care about is my freedom now. I'd rather be in here than get hurt by you again." "How did I hurt you?" a dumbfounded Cole asks her. "All I've done is support you and try to get you out of here!" Madi chuckles back to her. "I know about your girlfriend, Cole." Cole looks back at her in shock. "What are you talking about?" "My parents showed me pictures of you bed with that blonde bitch!" she snaps at him. "So you can stop acting all innocent with me, okay? I know damn well that you're cheating on me!" *** "When you called me and told me that Chase had forbidden you to run for office," Dyhanna begins to reply to her son as she takes a sip of her champagne cocktail. "I knew that I had to come here and make things right." "What does that mean exactly?" Deacon arches his eyebrow back to her. "How are you planning to make things right, as you put it?" "It's time that your father and Vivian Blackmore stop treating me and my family like we are second class citizens," Dyhannah tells him. "Vivian was the reason my marriage to your father ended all those years ago; that's when she got pregnant with Madison. I had tried to let your father have his happiness but now he is preventing you from running for office and why? Because of Vivian and her daughter? No, I've had enough of this. Your father will allow you to run for office and he will financially support you." "I'm not so sure about this mother," Deacon admits to her. "He was pretty adamant that I wait because of the trial." "Don't you worry about a thing," Dyhannah grins back to him. "I have an ace up my sleeve that will ensure he does whatever I want. Just wait and see." *** Meanwhile,
at Vivian's mansion, Chase pours two brandy's and quickly passes one to Vivian.
He then moves over to the roaring fire so they can sit together. Behind them,
is a large Christmas tree decorated in red and gold ornaments. "I just can't stop shaking," she admits to her lover. "I haven't been able to breathe since Madison changed her plead. Why would she do that, Chase? How could she have admitted to killing a woman we both know she did not?" Chase takes a sip of his brandy before he looks into the flames of the fire. "It is like I said at the court house, I suspect she was left heartbroken at the thought of Cole having an affair with that blonde woman. Heartbreak can cause people to do the craziest of things." "Then we simply must tell her the truth," Vivian looks back at him with intent. "If she knows that Cole hasn't been faithful, then she will change her plead and she can get out of jail. Oh Chase, wouldn't it be lovely if she was home for Christmas?" "I'm afraid it's not that simple Vivian," Chase replies to her quickly. "Now that she had plead guilty, it's not going to look good in the court if she tries to change her plead again." "So, what are we going to do? I refuse to accept the fact that Madison might spend so much time in jail for a crime she did not commit!" Chase pulls her into a hug as Vivian starts to sob. "I will think of something my dear," he whispers into her ear. "I promise you that Madison will be home by Christmas. There are no other acceptable alternatives." *** "This place is looking rather festive," Lex observes the Christmas decorations in the penthouse that his biological father Kent lives in. "I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit," Kent replies to him quickly. "It doesn't seem to be coming as naturally as some years." "I heard that you and Sabine are not on good terms right now," Lex nods back to him. "But, if you think about a year ago, you believed Vivian was dying and that turned out alright?" Kent uneasily chuckles back to him. "Can I get you a drink, Lexington?" "Sure, a scotch would be great." "I was a bit surprised to hear from you," Kent tells his son as he pours two drinks and then passes one to his son. "I haven't heard much from you since we saw one another at the hospital after Stacey had her baby." "I know," Lex takes the drink and immediately has a sip. "I wanted to give you some space." "Space? Why would you think I need space?" "Because," Lex uneasily looks back at him. "You fired me from Blackmore Ltd. I was hoping that with some time you'd realize that firing me was a mistake. Did I screw up by changing those paternity test results? Yes, I did. But I have learned my lesson from that Kent. Can you really look me in the eye and tell me that I wasn't doing a damn good job at Blackmore?" "You were doing a great job at Blackmore Ltd," Kent nods back to him. "But that is not the point, Lexington. This feud that you and Houston have going, it has to end at some point. You two are brothers!" "Putting him as the next CEO will not stop this feud," Lex quickly tells him. "If anything, it will make me want to get back at him even more. Trust me Kent, Houston is not ready for that job." "Let me decided that," Kent tells Lexington. "I hate to spoil your day, but if you came here looking for your job back, you came to the wrong place." *** "It certainly looks like young Drake is doing well," Marat tells Stacey as he peers into the crib and sees the small infant fast asleep. He turns around and faces his former wife, who smiles back to him. "He is doing wonderfully," Stacey replies to him. "Dr. Jefferson has told me that there should be no lingering effects from the stem cell transplant. In fact, you can't even tell that he required it at birth." "I am just so glad that Cole found you when he did," Marat tells her, as he thinks about how Stacey collapsed after she went into labour. "God knows what would have happened." "That's all water under the bridge," Stacey smiles. "Drake and I are fine and we are getting healthier each day." "I am so glad to hear that." "How are you? This entire situation with Lex and the paternity test must have been difficult on you, Marat. I know how much you wanted to be a father again." "I can't believe that Lexington would be so careless with so many people's emotions," Marat sighs back to her. "I was most looking forward to being a father again but more importantly, I wanted to have a child with you, Stacey." "I know you did, Marat." Marat looks into her eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I love Ivan very much. But I was never in love with Celeste. That's why I wanted to have a child with you, Stacey. I have loved you for so long " "Marat " Marat cuts her off by kissing her passionately. Their lips part and he looks into her eyes. "It was this time last year," he thinks about how they ended making love last Christmas eve. "I know," Stacey nods back to him. "But I am with Houston now, and I have to keep my family together, for Drake's sake." Marat uneasily nods back to her. "Sure, I get it. Just know that I still care Stacey, I always will." *** Houston opens the door to the main office at Blackmore Ltd and sees his father sitting behind the desk. Houston can't help but get a smile on his face at the sight as he hasn't his father in the office in sometime because he had appointed Lex to the position. Of course, once the truth about Lex switching Stacey's paternity test results to show that Marat, not Houston, was the father of baby Drake came out, Kent fired Lex which has given Houston hope that he will be able to get the CEO position soon, since he feels like it is his birth right. However, the fact that he has been sleeping with Sabine must be kept a secret or his plans of becoming CEO could blow up in his face. "Happy holidays Dad," Houston smiles to his father as he moves into the office. "Hi Houston," Kent looks up from his paper work. "What brings you by? If it is about Christmas, you will have to forgive me if I don't want to see your mother this year. Not after everything she did last Christmas." "Don't worry," Houston waves his hand in the air. "I'm not going to try to get you and Mom back together again. I know that she is with Chase now and you are trying to get back with Sabine. I was hoping that this Christmas you'd want to be with Stacey, Drake and I. It is, after all, your grandson's first Christmas." "That sounds lovely," Kent nods back to him. "I can't tell you how happy I am that Drake is here and healthy, Houston. And, that you and Stacey are happy as a family. It's long overdue." "Yes, it is," Houston says back to him. "I'm hoping that with everything in my personal life going so well that my career will take a step in the right direction." "I know that you want the CEO position son." "I do Dad, and I think I'm ready. After Lex's lies came out, you have to admit that this would be the perfect time for me to step into the role." "I am considering some options," Kent reveals to him. "I'm planning to make an announcement on Christmas Eve about the future of Blackmore Ltd. You should be there for the announcement." Houston feels it in his bones that Kent is going to make him the CEO of the company. "I wouldn't miss it for the world Dad." *** "Was that Marat's car I saw leaving the driveway?" Lex asks Stacey as he moves into the livingroom of the Rockwell mansion and sees his sister pouring herself a brandy. "I'd love a brandy with you too if you're pouring." "You can get your own damn drink," Stacey hisses back to him as she moves over and peers inside the crib to see Drake still fast asleep. Lex sighs and moves to the bar to pour himself a drink. "I see you're still upset with me. I don't blame you Stacey, but it is Christmas, can't we find a way to get along? Especially with Dad away right now, it would be nice to have the rest of us getting along, don't you think?" "I don't think you understand what you did," Stacey snaps at him. "Not only did you lead me to believe that Marat was the father of Drake but you impacted Marat, Houston and almost killed my son! If you hadn't revealed that you switched the tests when you did, Marat would have donated stem cells to Drake that wouldn't have been a match!" "I know I fucked up, okay?" Lex moves closer to his sister. "I'm just trying to make things right with us again. I miss when we were closer, Stacey." "What the hell are you doing? Get away from my son right now," Houston grits his teeth together as he moves into the living room and sees Lex near the crib where his son is fast asleep. Lex looks over at Houston and sighs. "Didn't you hear what I said? Get the fuck away from Drake now!" "Ah, so that's how you speak in front of your child? Nice," Lex says as he moves away from the crib. "You know what Stacey? You can do better than this son of a never mind. I'm not here to fight with you two." "You have no business wanting anything but a fight," Houston tells his brother. "After everything you did, you shouldn't be anywhere near Drake!" Lex rolls his eyes back to Houston as he finishes his drink and then slams his glass down onto the end table. "Oh and before you go," Houston teases his brother. "I just came from seeing my father; he's making me CEO of Blackmore Ltd. There's an announcement on Christmas Eve, you should be there. I want to see the look on your face when I get your old job; the job that was always rightfully mine." *** "It's been 24 hours and nothing has happened," Mateo tells Carmen the next morning as they have breakfast together at the country club. Mateo knows that Carmen has been worried about what the Rockwell's think happened to Mac suddenly going on a business trip but so far they haven't been able to prove anything is fishy going on. "I know," Carmen uneasily says back to him. "I think that means that we can carry on to the next phase of the plan," she tells him as she takes a sip of her mimosa. "We have to think of a logical way that Mac would have died on the business trip," he whispers back to her so no one will hear what they are talking about. "I mean, I think it's pretty easy to say his driver crashed a car or something," Carmen shrugs her shoulders. "In any event, once we tell the family the news, we can claim the body is being shipped back to Kelsey Lake. Then we can dig up the body from the estate and have it arrive in a casket or something." "Yea, we can take it to a funeral home first and then can get him ready," Mateo uneasily nods back to him. "Good, then we are in agreement? Once I tell the Rockwell's that Mac died, we will dig up the body and have it prepared for his homecoming." "I somehow don't think the Rockwell's are going to have a Merry Christmas this year," he winks back to his sister as he takes a sip of his whiskey sour. *** "Good morning," Dyhannah announces as she opens the door to the main office at Blackmore Ltd. and quickly moves inside as she sees Kent behind his desk. "It has been far too long since I've seen you Kent Blackmore." "Dyhannah? Is that really you?" Kent gasps as he stands up and moves to give her a hug. "You're right, it has been a very long time. You haven't aged a day!" He finishes kissing both of her cheeks as she chuckles at his comments. "You always were a flirt," she says as she peels off her long black gloves and sits across from him. "You and I, though, we have unfinished business." Kent arches his eyebrow back to her. "Before I ask you what this business is, can I offer you a drink?" "I'd love champagne, if you have any." "Of course I do," Kent nods back to her as he moves to the bar and opens a bottle of champagne. He pours two glasses and then passes one to Dyhannah. "Now, I'm all ears. What business is this that we have to attend too?" Dyhannah takes a sip of her bubbly drink before she sets the glass down on the desk. "You recently received a cryptic note claiming that someone knew about your mining on restricted lands with the help of Chase, is that correct?" she asks him as Kent feels the blood drain from his face. "Oh don't worry Kent, it was me! I sent you that note." "You did?" Kent arches his eyebrow, suddenly wondering what she is up too. "Why would you do that, Dyhannah?" "Because, I want something Kent," she purses her lips together. "And, you're going to give it to me or else that information will see the light of day." Kent chuckles back to her. "You would throw your ex-husband under the bus like that?" "In a heartbeat," Dyhannah pronounces to him. "He hasn't treated me well in a very long time. It would be due justice." "I see," Kent nods back to her. "And what is that I can do for you to keep this between us?" "I thought you'd never ask," she smiles back to him. "My son, Deacon, is running for Senate. I fully expect you to financially support his campaign." "That's easy, consider it done." "There's one more thing," Dyhannah locks eyes with him. "I need a position right here, at Blackmore Ltd. I don't need to be CEO, but I expect it to be a top executive position, Kent. Now, those are my terms. Take them or leave them." *** "I simply can't believe that Madison thinks you are having an affair," Lydia tells as they stand together in the main office of Rockwell Mining. Cole just finished telling his mother about his trip to see Madison the previous day and she told him that she knew about his affair. He has no idea what she is talking about because he hasn't been with anyone else while she was in jail. "I know," Cole shrugs his shoulders back to his mother. "But she told me that Chase and Vivian showed her pictures of me with a blonde woman. I don't know how any of this is possible but I think it is the reason she plead guilty. She didn't want to deal with this head on." "Something doesn't make sense here," Lydia taps her finger on her cell phone. "Do you remember the day at the hospital when Stacey was in labour?" she asks him. "You told me you blacked out for a while the previous day before you found Stacey unconscious." "Yea, I woke up in my car at the mansion. I don't know how I got there." "You had been visiting Chase and Vivian, remember?" Lydia reminds him. "I think they drugged you, Cole. I bet you Vivian and Chase arranged for these pictures that Madi saw so they could split you two up. Now, you have to prove it and Madi will be yours once again." Cole shakes his head back to her in disgust. "My God," he whispers to his mother. "They did drug me! I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner. Damn Vivian, damn her straight to hell!" *** Stacey
pours herself a glass of red wine in the living room of the Rockwell mansion before
she moves back to the sofa and picks up her phone. She was expecting Houston to
be home so they could have dinner together but he has not arrived yet, which is
concerning to her because he is not usually late. Before she can say anything else to herself, Cole emerges in the entry way of the living room. "Stace, I'm glad you're here. We have to talk." "Cole?" Stacey stands up and faces her brother. "What is it? Is everything alright?" "No, it's not," Cole shakes his head back to her. "I think Vivian and Chase set me up to make it look like I had an affair on Madison. I think that's why Madi changed her plead." "What? My God, that woman has no morals." "That's why I'm here Stacey. I have an idea. But I need your help. What do you say? Will you help me?" "Of course I will," Stacey nods back to him. "I'll do whatever you need me to do, Cole." *** "Houston, we have to stop this, I mean it this time," Sabine tells her lover as she zips up her dress, fresh from making love to Houston again. They had agreed to stop but they keep ending up back in the same position that they always get in. "I know," Houston pulls his jeans up to his waist. "I can't help but want you every time I see you though. And, we are being careful, Sabine. No one can know that we are having this affair." "Your father would kill me if he knew what we were doing." "Trust me," Houston chuckles back to her. "I'm so close to getting the CEO position of Blackmore Ltd, there's no way in hell that I'm going to tell him what we have been up too, Sabine. Trust me okay?" "Okay," Sabine says as she kisses him passionately. "I want to say this was the last time but I think we both know it will not be." "As long as we are careful, we'll be fine." "Let's be in touch," she tells him. "I have to head downstairs, want to come with me? We can have a drink together before you leave?" "I'll come downstairs with you but I have to leave right away," Houston tells her. "I'm already late to meeting Stacey." "Okay, next time." They quickly leave Sabine's guest room at the country club and proceed to the stairs. As they walk down into the entry way of the club, Lex happens to turn his head from the bar and sees them together. He arches his eyebrow wondering what Houston was doing in Sabine's room. "Interesting," he whispers to himself. "Very interesting." *** Later that night, the Rockwell's are gathered again at the mansion in the living room when Carmen walks inside. She takes a deep breath as she listens to the various banter with the family members. She knows that she is about to turn everyone's lives upside down. "I'm glad you're all here," Carmen announces to the group as she moves to the bar and pours herself a brandy. "I have news and I don't think I could handle repeating this again." "News? What sort of news?" Lucinda asks her daughter in law back. "Is it about Daddy? When is he coming home?" Stacey asks the next question. "Please," Carmen puts her free hand up to silence everyone. "Just let me try to get through this." "You're starting to scare me," Lydia stands up and looks at Carmen. "What is going on?" "I just got a phone call," Carmen reveals to everyone. "There's been an accident involving Mac in Paris. I don't know all the details just yet." "Accident?" Lex asks her as the family looks back in concern. "What happened? Where is my father now?" "All I know is that he was in a car and the paparazzi started following him. Apparently the driver lost control of the car and there was a wreck," Carmen's voice cracks as she tries to keep her composure. "Accordingly to the phone call there were no survivors of the crash. I'm so sorry but my husband, your father he's dead." *** "You were quiet on the drive over here," Lucinda notes to Lydia as they move into the living room of Lucinda's lavish mansion. Following Carmen's announcement that Mac had passed away in a car accident, the two women made sure that a stunned Cole, Stacey and Lex were doing okay before they returned back to Lucinda's. Both of them knew that they had to get away from Carmen and the mansion so they could be alone together. "I guess my mind is just racing," Lydia admits to her. "Let's have a drink together, shall we?" "You read my mind," Lucinda tells her as she moves to the bar and pours two whiskeys as the lights on the Christmas tree twinkle. "I'm still numb about the news about MacKenzie. I can't believe my son is gone. It feels surreal, Lydia." "I don't think he's dead," Lydia immediately replies to her. "I think Carmen is lying. None of this makes any sense; first Mac leaving around Christmas time and now he's dead? I don't know Lucinda, I can't place it but something is off about all of this and it all leads back to Carmen." "What do you think she did? Forced him out of town and had him killed?" "I have no idea," Lydia takes a sip of her drink as the Christmas lights on Lucinda's tree twinkle. "But remember Celeste told us that Carmen was getting violent when we were gas lighting her? Maybe she lost it on Mac?" "I suppose that is a possibility," Lucinda nods back to her. "I wish Celeste hadn't disappeared; she could help us figure this out." "We have to find Celeste Baldwin," Lydia looks back at her with intent. "Her revealing to everyone that Carmen tried to kill her could be our only hope of getting this woman out of our lives and figuring out what really happened to Mac." *** About twenty minutes north of Kelsey Lake, there is a camp site with log cabins for rent. The site has been closed for the winter and is abandoned for the season. One cabin, however, has smoke coming out of the chimney and a dim light is illuminating the window. Inside the small, but quaint, cabin Celeste walks around and looks at the bed, where Mac is sleeping. She has a large bandage on his head, where he was clearly struck by an object. As she looks at the man sleeping, she can't help but think back to a few days earlier when she discovered Mac. Celeste had been at the Rockwell mansion as she was going to collect anything that she had left behind from gas lighting Carmen with. She, of course, was using the back entries to prevent any member of the Rockwell family seeing her. As she was leaving, however, she happened to see Mac stumbling through the back hallway. She has no idea what really happened to him, but he had a large cut on his head and he was covered in a combination of dirt and mud. When she approached him, he looked at her and ask her who she was. Celeste couldn't believe that he Mac couldn't remember anything, or anyone. He soon collapsed on the floor, reeling from whatever trauma he had just been through. That's when Celeste realized that she had to get Mac to safety so she could nurse him back to health, and hopefully, restore his memory so she could find out what really happened to him. She brought him to the cabins knowing that they would be safe there together until he regained his memory. Celeste looks at her ex-husband and smiles at the sight of him. "I will help you get better again Mac," she whispers to herself. "And when you're up to it, you can tell me everything that happened." *** "Morning, how did you sleep?" Cole asks his sister as he moves into the living room of the Rockwell mansion and sees Stacey with a Bloody Mary in her hand. He can only imagine that she slept as well, or as little, as he did the previous night after they found out about Mac's death. "I think I got a couple hours," Stacey admits to him as she gets tears in her eyes. "I just can't believe Daddy is gone, Cole. This is turning out to be the worst Christmas ever." "I know," Cole pulls her into a hug. "I think I'm still in shock. I always thought Dad was going to be here forever." "And now Drake won't get to grow up knowing his grandfather," a single tear falls down her cheek. "This doesn't seem fair." "We will get through this together Stace," Cole tells her. "We are Rockwell's, we can get through everything." "That's why we have to move forward with your plan to find out if Vivian drugged you," Stacey wipes her tears away. "Dad would want us to figure that out." "I'm glad you said that because I think we have to ask Lex for help. He might be the only one who can help us with this." *** Meanwhile, at the country club, Lex slowly moves up the stairs to where the guest rooms are. He moves up to Sabine's room and presses his ear against the door. He doesn't hear anything, so he moves back and pulls out his phone. "Did you hear about my Dad?" he sends the text to Sabine. Within a few minutes, he gets a response from his Aunt. "Yes, so sorry, with Lydia now," the message says back to him. Lex gets a devilish grin on his face as he moves back to the door. He pulls out a bobby pin and puts into the lock. Within seconds, he opens the door and moves inside Sabine's room. He looks around and sees the large king size bed. Across from the bed is a stand with the TV on it. He moves up to it and places a small device on the corner of the TV. "There," he whispers to himself. "Now I'll see what you and Houston are really up to when you're in here together." *** "I just can't believe Mac is gone," Vivian tells Chase and Deacon as she takes a sip of her coffee from her living room. News of Mac's demise has been spreading which has left everyone reeling. "He's always been such a strong man." "Even the strongest fall eventually," Chase uneasily replies to her. "It is still surprising to hear though, he wasn't that old yet." "It was a horrible accident," Deacon chimes in as they all hear the front door to the mansion open. "Good morning, everyone!" Dyhannah announces as she moves into the living room. "I'm glad you're all here." "Mom, hi, what brings you by?" Deacon asks her as he stands up and kisses her on the cheek. "Dyhannah? I had no idea that you were back in town," Vivian tells her as she looks at Chase with worry. She knows Dyhannah would only show up if she wanted, or needed, something. "I am back and I am ready to take control of my life and my son's," she announces back to Vivian. "Starting with the fact that I know what you did Chase," she tells her ex-husband. "You'll have to be more specific," Chase replies to her quickly. "I've done a lot of things in my life Dyhannah." "I know that you had Kent Blackmore pay for your political campaign in exchange to allow him to mine on restricted lands," she stuns him with the news. "Now, don't you worry about a thing," she smiles back to him. "I'm willing to put this all behind us, if you agree to my terms." "To make such claims without proof, dear, is not a wise decision on your part," Chase coldly replies to her. "Proof?" Dyhannah cackles back to him. "Like the documents you, Sabine and Kent tried to burn on the beach? Yes, I have proof Chase." "What the hell do you want?" Chase grits his teeth back to her as he feels the blood drain from his face. "For starters, Deacon is running for Senate," Dyhannah grins back to him. "You will not only support him but you will open your cheque book to help him with anything and everything he needs." Chase looks back at Deacon, who shrugs back to him. "You're siding with her on this, aren't you? You will regret this Deacon!" "Don't you speak to him that way," Dyhannah cuts Chase off. "Remember, I'm holding all the cards right now, not you, you better start remembering that or else." "What else do you want?" he rolls his eyes back to her. "This little arrangement you have here with this whore, this slut who broke up our marriage," Dyhannah glares back to Vivian. "It ends. Today. Dump Vivian or else you will go to jail for a very long time." "You can't be serious!" Vivian shrieks back to her. "Do I look like I'm joking?" Dyhannah snaps back at her before she turns her attention back to Chase. "The choice is yours, darling. Whatever will it be?" *** "I got here as soon as I could," Houston tells Sabine as she opens the door to her suite and moves inside. "Stacey was having a difficult time with the news of Mac's passing." "We are all a little stunned," Sabine replies to him. "I spent some good time with him. It's hard to believe he's really gone." "It makes you realize though," Houston looks into her eyes. "You have to spend the time you have on earth doing what you love to do." "What is it that you love doing, Houston?" she asks him as she purses her lips together. "I love making love to you," he admits to her. "I know that I shouldn't have said that considering I am with Stacey, but I can't stop thinking about you." "Just for today," she replies to him as she moves back from him and takes off her dress, revealing white underwear to Houston. "Let's just focus on what we need? Okay?" "God I want you," he says as he comes up to her and kisses her passionately. They continue to the bed where they start to make love, unaware the device that Lex planted in the room is watching their every move. *** "I can't believe the nerve of that woman," a fuming Vivian tells Chase as she pours herself a brandy at the bar in the living room of her mansion. "She walks into my home and tells me who I can and can't have a relationship with? Where the hell does she get off?" "She never got over the fact that you and I slept together while I was married to her," Chase shakes his head back to her, also reeling from Dyhannah's list of demands that she gave him. "I don't care what her excuse is," Vivian turns to him. "She can't actually think that you're going to end our relationship because she knows some secret that happened years ago! She's crazy!" Chase sighs back to her. "I " "Wait," Vivian cuts him off. "Please tell me you're not falling for this act, Chase! Tell me that you're not actually thinking about giving in to her demands!" "I don't know what choice I have," Chase admits to her. "You know that I love you, Vivian. But, what good am I to anyone if I am in jail? Should Dyhannah reveal what she knows, that's exactly where I would end up." "So what are you saying? It's over? You're leaving me when Christmas is in two days?!" "I'm sorry my dear," Chase uneasily looks into her eyes. "But that is exactly what I am saying." *** "I'm glad that you're awake," Celeste sits next to Mac on the bed in the small cabin that they are staying in. "You slept a lot last night." "I suppose I did," Mac looks back at the woman who is taking care of him. "I wish I could remember how I got this cut on my head, but it must be taking it's time to heel. And, I still have no idea how I was buried under all that dirt Thank God, I got out when I did." "The rest is a good thing for you," Celeste nods back to him. "We can figure out what happened, exactly, when you are better. Speaking of your head, have you remembered anything at all?" Mac shakes his head back to her. "No, I'm sorry. I know you said that I should know you?" "That's right," Celeste tells him. "You and I, we were married for a while." "Really?" Mac looks back at her in surprise. "I must have been a fool to let a beautiful woman like you get away." Celeste chuckles back to him. "It is a very long story," she replies to him. "How are you feeling today? Do you think you have enough strength to walk around? We could go for a walk outside. The fresh air might do you some good." "I think I could handle that, as long as you stay with me." "I wouldn't be anywhere else," she tells him back. *** "What the hell are you doing in my father's office?" Lex asks Carmen as he, Cole and Stacey move into the main office at Rockwell Mining. They can't believe that Carmen is sitting behind Mac's desk. Carmen stands up and looks at her step children. "I have stepped in as CEO," she announces to them. "With the passing of your father, I am going to take over the company." "Like hell you are," Cole replies to her immediately. "You have no experience running a company, Carmen. We need someone with more experience." "Like me," Lex says back to her. "I was CEO of Rockwell before and I just finished a stint at Blackmore Ltd." "Look," Carmen crosses her arms over her chest. "I know that you want to have the CEO job but it's not up for discussion. I was Mac's loving wife and, in case you have forgotten, I am majority shareholder of this company. It makes sense that I take it over now that Mac has left us." "This is our company!" Stacey replies to her quickly. "We won't just sit back and let you ruin it!" "Good," Carmen purses her lips together. "Because, I have no intention of ruining anything." *** "I heard about Mac this morning," Marat looks across the table at the country club to Lydia, who has red eyes. "I hope you and your family know how sorry I am. Mac was always very good to me. I can't believe that he's really gone." "Thank you," Lydia reaches over and grabs his hand. "We are trying to stay strong but it is a very trying time." "If you, or anyone, need anything from me, please let me know. I'm happy to do what I can." "We all appreciate that more than you know," Lydia smiles back to him. "Marat, tell me, how is Ivan doing?" Marat nods back to her. "He's getting bigger and bigger each day," he tells her. "I wish that Celeste was still here to see him grow up. He's going to grow up without a mother and that's not going to be easy to replace." Lydia uneasily nods back to him. She had hoped that by visiting Marat and asking about Ivan, she would be able to see if Celeste had made an appearance to her son. She is desperate to find out some kind of information or a lead as to where Celeste disappeared too. "Well you know that you can bring you little boy over to see me or Stacey anytime," Lydia tells him. "We can't replace Celeste, but we can be figures in his life." *** "What the hell are we going to do about Carmen?" Lex asks his siblings as they move into the elevator in the Rockwell Mining building. "We can't let her run this company, she will run it into the ground." "I'll call Dad's lawyer," Cole replies to him. "Surely, there is something we can do to prevent this from happening." "I just wish Daddy was still here," Stacey tells her brothers. "None of this would be happening if he was still alive." "We all wish that," Lex replies to her as he grabs her hand. "But this might be our new reality." "Speaking of reality," Cole looks back to his brothers. "Madi's will be staying in jail unless I can prove that Vivian drugged me." "What? Vivian drugged you?" Lex gasps back to him. "It's a long story," Stacey replies to him. "But we need your help to prove it, Lex. Can you help us?" Lex looks back at his sister and feels his heart warm since she is finally seemingly forgiving him for the paternity test scandal. "I'll do whatever I can to help," Lex nods back to his siblings. "We have to stick together as Rockwell's. Now, more than ever before." *** A short time later, Lex moves up to the front door of Vivian's mansion. He had been filled in completely but Cole and Stacey about how Cole woke up outside the Rockwell mansion after visiting Vivian and Chase; then, Madi revealed that she saw pictures from her parents of Cole in bed with a blonde woman. They all suspect that Vivian drugged him and made it appear that Cole had an affair. "Okay," he whispers to himself. "Let's do this." He tries opening the door and is surprised when it is unlocked. He creeps into the house and quietly closes the door behind him. He can hear Vivian and Chase's voices in the living room. He turns and slowly walks up the large staircase until he reaches the second level of the mansion. He quickly moves down the hallway until he finds Vivian's bedroom. Inside the bedroom, he starts looking around in the drawers for anything that would give him a clue that they did drug Cole. He moves to the large walk in closet and immediately gets a smile on his face when he sees a blonde wig on top of some of Vivian's shoes. "The only wig in the entire closet?" he asks himself as he picks up the wig. "Gotcha Vivian." *** "Why am I not surprised to see you with a champagne cocktail in front of you?" Chase asks Dyhannah as he approaches her table at the country club. He is still having a difficult time believing that she is blackmailing him into financing Deacon's Senate campaign and into leaving Vivian. "Darling, why don't you take a load off and join me? You look like absolute hell. You probably could use a bourbon or a scotch? If you stay, I'll even make it my treat." "Someone is feeling generous," Chase replies to his ex-wife as he sits across from her. "I suppose I would be too if I had been blackmailing my way to the top." "That's such a disgusting word," Dyhannah takes a sip of her champagne cocktail. "I much prefer to think of it that I saw an opportunity and I am making the very most of it." "Whatever your reasons, I suppose this means that you win." "What does that mean?" "I ended things with Vivian earlier today," Chase reveals to her. "Ah," Dyhannah claps her hands in delight. "That whore who broke up our marriage is finally getting everything she deserves! We should toast?" Chase uneasily chuckles back to her. "You certainly are something else, you know that?" "It is why you fell in love with me in the first place Chase Cooper," she winks back to him. "Maybe it's high time you remember that." *** The next morning, Lydia sits at a table at the country club with Kent sitting across from her. She hasn't seen her ex in sometime and with the news of Mac's passing, she thought it was high time that she saw him. "I still can't believe that Mac is truly dead," Kent tells her as he takes a drink of his whiskey sour. "You and me both," Lydia nods back to him. "It is Christmas Eve, I have no idea how the children are going to cope with not having their father tomorrow on Christmas morning." "You will be there for them the way you always have been." "You're a doll for saying that," Lydia looks back at him. "How are you, Kent? I know you fired Lexington after the truth about the paternity test results came out, not that I blame you. But, are you ready to go back to work?" Kent shrugs his shoulders. "If I am honest with you, I rather enjoyed the break from the day to day." "So? Does that mean you're going to name a new CEO of Blackmore Ltd?" "There is an announcement coming this afternoon," he reveals to her. "I won't say anything more than that." Lydia chuckles back to him. "That's fair. And my sister? I know you and Sabine are on the outs, is there any chance of a Christmas miracle for you two?" Before Kent can reply, Sabine approaches their table wearing a sparkling red dress. "Lydia, Kent, hi," she purses her lips together. "I don't mean to intrude, but Kent, I was hoping to have a word with you." Kent looks over at Lydia, who takes a sip of her mimosa and then back to Sabine. "Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Lydia, she knows what is going on here." "It's Christmas Eve," Sabine looks back at him. "I guess I was just hoping that you could find it in your heart to finally forgive me? We should spend the holidays together, especially after the tragic news of Mac. Life is so short, Kent, let's not waste it? Let's be together." "Come to my office around 2pm today," he looks back at her. "I'm making an announcement about the future of Blackmore Ltd and my own future. I'd like you to be there to hear it." "I wouldn't miss it," Sabine smiles back to him, hoping that this means that Kent has finally forgiven her and is ready to make a future with her. *** Meanwhile, Lex opens the door to Sabine's guest room at the club and scurries inside. He locks the door behind him and quickly moves over to the TV stand. He immediately pulls the small recording device off the back of the TV and looks at it. "I have over 24 hours over coverage on here," he whispers to himself. "Whatever you and Houston are up, I will find out about it now." *** "I hope you know the reason I called you over here is only because I wanted to give you your Christmas present," Vivian tells Chase as they stand in the foyer of her mansion. "I know that Dyhannah will lose her cool if she sees us together, so I will make this quick." "I'm sorry it has to be this way Vivian," Chase looks into her eyes. "You know that I wanted to give you a Christmas you'd never forget." "Me too," she nods back to him as she feels her eyes swell with tears. "But your ex-wife has made it clear that it is impossible. Come on, let's get this over with before I turn into a complete mess." They walk into the living room and gasp at the sight of a blonde woman standing in front of the Christmas tree. Her back is to them so they are unable to see her face. "Who are you? What the hell is going on here?" Vivian gasps, realizing that the hair is the same hair that she wore when she drugged Cole. The woman slowly turns around and Stacey is revealed to be wearing the wig! "Surprise!" she glares back to Chase and Vivian. "Stacey? What are you doing here? Why are you wearing that wig?" a confused Vivian asks her. "You mean the wig that was in your closet?" Stacey asks as she moves closer to the couple. "You put this one after you drugged my brother and took pictures with him to make it appear he was cheating on Madison. Do I have my facts right?" "I don't know what you think you're doing young lady, but that is enough," Chase demands from her as he moves up to her. "Don't you even think about touching me," Stacey grits her teeth together. "Answer me, Vivian! Tell me the truth before I go to Houston and Madison with this theory! You know damn well that they will believe me and everything I have to say!" "Fine!" Vivian yells back at her. "I drugged Cole so Madison would end her relationship with Cole! Are you happy now?" "Bravo," Cole emerges from the hallway clapping his hands before he pulls out his cell phone, which was recording the entire confession. "You two are disgusting but that can wait. I'm about to give Madison the best Christmas gift I could give her." "Cole, wait," Vivian pleads with him as she looks at Chase with worry. "Save it," Stacey yells at her as she throws the blonde wig in Vivian's face. "As usual, you've lost, Vivian." *** A short time later, Stacey is back in the living room of the Rockwell mansion sipping on a glass of champagne as she wanted to celebrate her and Cole's victory when Houston emerges in the room. "Houston," she turns to look at him. "Where have you been?" Houston gulps wondering if she somehow knows that he has been sleeping with Sabine. "Uh, what do you mean?" "I mean," she looks back at him. "You're always late these days or running off to these mysterious meetings. What is going on with you?" "I'm sorry." "It's Christmas Eve!" Stacey looks back at him. "Is it too much to ask that I can spend some time with you and Drake together as a family? It's our first Christmas together." "I know, I'm sorry," Houston feels his cheeks flush. "Kent is making an announcement in a couple of hours about the CEO position of Blackmore Ltd. I'm really hoping that he makes me the next CEO. I'd love for you to be there with me when he makes the announcement. Drake too?" "I wouldn't miss it," Stacey looks him in the eyes before she kisses him on the lips. "I know how much you've wanted this, Houston. If it means that much to you, it means that much to me." "I don't deserve you," Houston pulls her into a hug. "With everything going on with your Dad, you could be a complete mess and not want to be there. I can't thank you enough for that." "I miss my Dad every minute of every day," Stacey bites her lower lip. "But, if he taught me anything, it is that family comes first. You and Drake, you're my world now Houston." Houston uneasily looks back at her as he can't help but think about making love to Sabine just a few short hours earlier. *** "I don't know why you came back here," Madison tells Cole as they sit across from each other in the visitor's center of the prison. The bullet proof glass is once again separating them. "It is Christmas Eve," Cole says into the telephone receiver. "You don't think I'd miss wishing you a Merry Christmas, did you?" "After our last conversation, I didn't think I'd see you again." "I didn't have an affair on you Madison," Cole looks back to her. "I love you too much to let that happen." "But " "No but's," he cuts her off. "I know what Chase and Vivian told you and showed you, but listen to this." Cole puts his cell phone to the receiver and plays the recording from earlier in the day where Vivian admitted to drugging Cole so Madison would dump him. Madison gets tears in her eyes listening to the conversation. "My God," she gasps as Cole puts the phone back to his ear. "Are you okay? My mother drugged you?" "I am fine," Cole shakes his head back to her. "I am so sorry that they did this to you. But now, you know the truth, Madi. I never slept with anyone else. You mean way too much to me for me to do anything remotely like that." Madi lets a tear fall from her eye. "I love you Cole. I'm in such a mess now because of them. I'm so sorry I believed them and didn't trust you." "Don't worry," Cole looks back at her. "I'm meeting with your lawyer as soon as the holidays are over. We will get you out of here, mark my words." *** A short time later, Vivian and Chase are at the visiting center waiting to see their daughter. Vivian looks over at Chase with worry on her face. "Do you think Cole has been here already? Or do you think we can try to do damage control?" she asks him, hoping that he can ease her worry but she already knows that Cole was already here. "Cole was here, I'm sure of it," Chase uneasily replies to her. "I was thinking the same thing," Vivian admits to him. "How should we play this?" "That we want to get her out of jail," Chase tells Vivian. "We only want the best for our daughter." Madi then emerges and sits down across the bullet proof glass from her parents. She slowly picks up the phone and Vivian picks up the other end. "What the hell do you two want?" Madi asks her mother. "Madi, we had to come." "I don't want to see you," she replies coldly to her mother. "Neither of you. You're both dead to me, do you hear me? I never want to see either of you ever again. Oh, Merry Christmas." With that, Madi slams the phone down and walks away from Vivian and Chase. Vivian slowly hangs up the phone as tears flow from her eyes. Chase pulls her into a hug as Vivian sobs into his arms. *** "I am so proud of you my baby," Dyhannah pulls Deacon into a deep hug as they stand in the entrance way of the country club, where Deacon just held a press conference officially announcing he is running for Senate. "All your hard work is finally paying off." "I couldn't have done this without you, mother. I can't thank you enough." "Oh my precious baby," Dyhannay cups his face with her hand. "You must know that I would do anything for you." "I do now," Deacon smiles back to her. "Merry Christmas, mom." "Merry Christmas my baby," she hugs him. "And, don't you worry. This is just the start of us getting everything that we deserve. I won't stop until you and I are on top of the world." *** "Where's Lex?" Lydia asks her family as they stand in the office of Rockwell Mining, as they are having a meeting as the latest press releases about the company are not good as the press and public are worried that Carmen has taken over the company and she has no experience running such a large company. "He said he had something to take care of before Kent's announcement," Stacey tells her mother. "Which, I will have to leave shortly so I'm not late. Houston wants me there." "Well, we have to do something about this press," Lydia tells her children. "They are not happy with the fact that Carmen has taken over for Mac." "I don't know what we can do," Cole shrugs his shoulders back to her. "Carmen is Dad's widow and she has majority shares right now. If she wants to run the company, I'm not sure I know what we can do." "I have an idea about that," Lydia looks back to them. "But, if I am going to pull this off, I'm going to need your help." "What is your idea?" Stacey asks her mother. "Your father's will is the key," Lydia replies to them. "If he appointed someone as CEO, Carmen wouldn't have a leg to stand on." "That might work," Cole says back to her. "The only thing is, do we know what Dad said in his will?" "No," Lydia waves her hand in the air. "But I could fake an amendment, claiming he made it after our last wedding and never filed it with the attorneys. " "That's illegal Mom!" Stacey gasps back to her. "I know," Lydia looks back at her with intent. "But I don't care. I will do whatever it takes to make sure this family's legacy is left preserved and not ruined by that gold digger!" *** The Blackmore Ltd. main office has been transformed into the site for a major press release. Kent is standing behind a podium with Sabine next to him and Houston on the other side of him. Kent turns and looks at Sabine. "I'm sorry I've been so cold," he looks into her eyes. "After this is over, I want to take you away for Christmas and make it to you." Sabine feels her eyes swell with water. "Do you mean that Kent? I love you so much." Houston looks over and gulps seeing their interaction. "I mean it, I love you too Sabine. It's time we get back on track." "I'd love that," she smiles as she looks over at Houston and then immediately feels uneasy. Kent turns and moves to the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen," he says as the press calms down. Lex and Stacey stand next to each other in the crowd. "If I can have you attention, please, I have a very important announcement to make about the future of Blackmore Ltd." The crowd calms down and starts to listen to Kent. "As you all know, I have taken a back seat from the day to day operations of my company. I have enjoyed this more than I thought I would and will continue to do this going forward. However, as we just lost our CEO, there needs to be a new one to run the company." Lex feels his blood boil at the thought of losing the CEO position because of Houston. Kent looks back at Houston, who is smiling. "My son, Houston, he has been by my side from day one. He has learned the ropes of how to manage tight situations and can get jobs done right," Kent says. Suddenly, Lex darts forward toward the podium. "Kent, wait," Lex calls out as Houston rolls his eyes, annoyed at the interruption. "Dad, don't listen to this. It's just another trick," Houston yells. "You know he can't handle the fact that you're going to make me CEO!" "No, shut up Houston," Lex looks back at Houston. "Kent has every right to know what the hell is going on here." "What are you talking about?" Kent asks Lex back. "I'm in the middle of something." "I know, but watch this," Lex says as he pulls out a device and pushes a button. Suddenly, on the large TV behind Kent, a video of Houston and Sabine having sex starts to play. Sabine gasps out in horror as Houston covers his face in shock. "What the fuck?" Stacey gasps out as she rushes out of the room, unable to watch anymore of the footage. She immediately realizes why Houston has been late or away so often lately; he has been in bed with Sabine! "Stacey!" Houston yells but his calls fall on deaf ears. Kent looks back at Lex in absolute horror, then to Sabine and finally to Houston. "You son of a bitch," Kent looks at Houston, as he feels the blood drain from his face and Sabine lets a tear fall from her eye and runs down her cheek. *** "Are you sure that no one is home right now?" Mateo asks Carmen as the carry shovels towards the spot where they buried Mac's body. "I'm positive," Carmen replies to him. "They are all at corporate meetings or something." "It's Christmas Eve?" "I know, just start digging," Carmen tells him as they start to remove some of the dirt that they piled on Mac's body. "We have to get the body so it arrives the day after Christmas. They will be expecting the body to arrive." "I still can't believe this plan is going so well," Mateo tells his sister as he shovels some dirt over his shoulder. "Why wouldn't it? It's not like anyone can prove anything differently," Carmen says back to him. They continue to shovel more and more dirt over their shoulder. "Why haven't we found anything yet?" Carmen asks him as she looks in worry. "Where is Mac's body?" "We must have buried him deeper?" Mateo shrugs his shoulders. "What are you thinking? That the body is gone?" "He's not here Mateo!" Carmen drops her shovel with panic all over her face. "Where the hell is my husband's body? And why isn't here we were buried it?" *** "It's nice that we found a small Christmas tree while we were on our walk," Mac tells Celeste as they see the small tree in the cabin. They only had tin foil, so they made some ordainments for it but it's not a very fabulous tree. "It is Christmas Eve," Celeste looks back to him. "It is a lovely touch, Mac." "I thought since we are spending the holiday here together, we should at least make festive. Do you have family that you're missing out on by being here?" Celeste puts her head down. "I have a son," she admits to Mac. "I miss him every day." "Let's go to him? You should be with him on Christmas, Celeste." "I can't," she shakes her head back to him. "It's a long story." "We have nothing but time here. Why don't you tell me about it?" Celeste feels her eyes swell with water. "It all started when I agreed to do something to help you," she reveals to him. "And now, I don't know when I'll see my son again." Mac pulls her into a hug. "I don't know what you did to help me, but I can't tell you how much I am appreciating you taking care of me and making me feel better." "Am I actually doing that?" she asks him as they exit their hug. He wipes her tear away with his hand. "Of course you are," he looks into her eyes. "Hey, don't cry. It's Christmas?" "Merry Christmas Mac." "Merry Christmas Celeste," he looks into her eyes before he leans up and kisses her passionately. They part lips for a moment before she kisses him again. They fall onto the bed, their lips never leaving each other's as they strip their clothing away. |
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