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Jensen Buchanan | ||||
SEASON ONE: Lydia and Mac divorced after spending years in a loveless marriage. Lydia immediately moved her lover, Kent Blackmore, into her penthouse with her. Kent suggested to Lydia that she try to take over Rockwell Mining, which she agreed after all the hell that Mac put her through over the years. She knew that she would have to get her children's proxy's to do so. After Cole quit the company, Lydia was able to convince him to sign over his shares to her. After Stacey revealed that she wanted to work at Blackmore Ltd, she agreed to give her mother her shares too. Lydia knew that Lex would be the most difficult child of her's to convince to hand over the shares because he was most like Mac. Lydia, however, was keeping a secret with Kent. Not only did Lydia reveal to Kent what Mac was going to bid on the Kelsey Lake mine, which caused Blackmore Ltd to outbid Rockwell Mining, but she changed her paternity test results to show that Mac was Lex's father, not Kent, to keep Mac from questioning the loss of the mine. Kent wanted to tell the truth but Lydia warned him not to reveal anything, or else. To get Lex's proxy, Lydia drugged her son. Under the influence, he was able to sign over his shares to his mother. Thrilled, Kent and Lydia celebrated. She then revealed to a shocked Mac that she was taking over his company. SEASON TWO: Lydia was thrilled by her takeover of Rockwell Mining. However, just as she was throwing Mac out of the office, they got word of Stacey's car accident. Lydia was worried sick about her daughter, who needed brain surgery following a head injury. Stacey survived but fell into a coma. Houston, however, wasn't so lucky as he was killed. Lydia wanted to tell Kent, but he learned before she could have the chance. Kent was devastated; Lydia tried to comfort him. Vivian Blackmore, Houston's mother, was also devastated by the passing of her son. Vivian and Lydia often had words. While Stacey was recovering, Lydia relished in the fact that she was the new CEO of Rockwell Mining. She shocked Lex by announcing that she was revoking the 5% clause in the Russian mine deal; Lex knew that by offering the Russians 5% profits, Rockwell was able to secure the mine. Lex told Mac, who was livid. Marat Kafelinkov soon arrived in Kelsey Lake and confronted Lydia, who stood her ground. Lydia, meanwhile, was shocked when Kent proposed to her, telling her that the family needed some good news during the crisis. Lydia happily accepted, to Vivian's dismay. She couldn't believe they were planning a wedding when Houston just died. Vivian vowed the wedding wouldn't take place. At Houston's will reading, he left Stacey his shares in Blackmore. Everyone was shocked to learn of the engagement. Lydia, having Stacey's POA, was in control of Blackmore as well. Lydia, and the family, then rejoiced when Stacey woke up from her coma. Lydia and Lucinda had to tell her that Houston was dead; Stacey was crushed. Lex, meanwhile, figured out that Lydia drugged him to get his proxy. He confronted his mother, who denied it. Celeste then arrived at Rockwell, wanting a job in the design department. Lydia agreed as long as she agreed to stay away from Cole. Celeste agreed. Shortly after, Lydia arrived at the mansion and saw Cole and Celeste together. Lydia confronted Celeste; during the altercation, Celeste fell down the stairs and miscarried her baby. Cole and Celeste blamed Lydia for the accident. Cole disowned his mother, while Celeste slapped her. Kent, meanwhile, told Lydia that losing Houston made him realize that he didn't want to lie about Lex's paternity anymore; he lost one son, he didn't want to lose his other son. Lydia warned him that it was a bad idea, but Kent revealed the truth! Neither Mac or Lex believed him, until Lydia confessed all. Mac and Lex were disgusted by her lies. When Stacey learned the truth, she was equally appalled. Lydia worried that all of her children were upset with her. Lucinda, meanwhile, vowed revenge on Lydia for revealing the truth about Lex's paternity. She told Vivian how Lydia helped Kent steal the Kelsey Lake mine from Mac years ago. Lydia still hoped that on the day of her wedding, her children would show up. None of them did. During the ceremony, Lydia was arrested for corporate espionage, since Vivian told the DA that she leaked information from Rockwell Mining to Kent so he could obtain the Kelsey Lake mine. While in jail, stocks for both Blackmore Ltd. and Rockwell Mining tumbled. Mac used the opportunity to get Lydia sign back over control of Rockwell, as she didn't want the company to suffer. Mac then revoked all of her shares, once she was released due to lack of evidence. Lydia vowed that her children would get back into her good graces. Shortly after, Lex collapsed. Kent and Lydia rushed to the hospital to see if he would be okay. Meanwhile, Vivian gleefully told Lydia that not only did she break up her wedding, but she was sleeping with Cole. SEASON THREE: Lydia demanded that the police find out who was drugging Lex. She was then devastated to learn that Lex's liver was failing him and he would require a transplant to survive. She was nervous when Kent agreed to donate; she didn't want to lose her son and her fiancé. Kent donated part of his liver and saved Lex's life, however. Odette then confessed that she was the one who was drugging Lex and Lydia confronted her. Odette didn't allow Lydia to bully her and told her that at least Jarek loves her; all of Lydia's children hate her. Lydia realized that she had to get back into her children's good graces and realized that if she could obtain the Russian mine from Rockwell Mining and bring it to Blackmore Ltd, maybe Marat would tell Stacey how wonderful she was and it would start the chain of forgiveness. Lydia, who was running Blackmore for a recovering Kent, called Yuri and made plans to visit him. Lucinda, meanwhile, continued to tell Lydia that she would get revenge on her for ruining her family. The day that she was travelling to Russia, her plane crashed and Lydia was presumed dead! Weeks went by before it was revealed that Lucinda was holding a very alive Lydia hostage in a cage in Lucinda's basement. Lucinda finally got her revenge: she faked Lydia's death and was planning to hold Lydia hostage until she died for real. Lydia begged for her release, but Lucinda refused. Shortly after, Lydia was horrified to discover that she wasn't alone in the cage: Houston Blackmore, Kent's presumed dead son was also being held hostage! Lucinda learned that he was engaged to Stacey and refused to let her Granddaughter marry a Blackmore, so she faked his death. Together, they tried to escape but Lucinda was too clever for them. Feared that they would never escape, Lydia and Houston became lovers in the cage. SEASON FOUR: Still locked in the cage in Lucinda's basement, Lydia pleaded with her captor to let her, and Houston, out but Lucinda refused. Lydia continued to have sex with Houston; and Sabine happened to walk into the basement and saw them! Lydia pleaded with her sister to save them, but a shocked Sabine left. When she didn't return, Lydia realized that with Lucinda doing construction work, they could try to alert the construction workers to their whereabouts. Soon, however, they smelled smoke as a fire broke out in the mansion! Lydia and Houston passed out from all the smoke but they were saved. At the hospital, Lydia reunited with Lex, Cole, Kent and Mac. She demanded that Lucinda be arrested for her role in the kidnaping, but learned that she was in a vegetable state. Lydia then learned of Stacey's shooting and vowed to make the culprit pay. At home, Lydia was floored to see Sabine. They clashed in her role of keeping Lydia from her family and Lydia exposed her sister to Mac, who threw her out. Mac and Lydia grew closer and he convinced her to forgive Lucinda. Meanwhile, Lydia accepted Kent's proposal, but Stacey revealed to her mother that Kent was responsible for her shooting. Lydia ended her engagement, but agreed to take Kent back after they spoke. At the party, however, a drunk Sabine announced that Lydia and Houston were lovers! SEASON FIVE: Lydia was caught in some debris following Odette blowing up the mansion. Mac saved her and she was rushed to the hospital, where she learned that she was paralyzed. She lashed out at Sabine for revealing her affair with Houston to everyone. Mac insisted that Lydia move into the mansion as it was more wheelchair accessible. Lydia agreed and moved in with Mac. Kent, meanwhile, was furious with her for sleeping with Houston. He dumped her. Stacey was also livid with her mother. Lydia asked Mac to help her get Stacey back in her good graces. Before Stacey was scheduled to leave for Russia, she made amends with Lydia, which thrilled her. She thanked Mac and they grew closer. She started to get the feeling in her legs back, but Lydia kept it a secret as she didn't want to get the families hopes up. Kent, meanwhile, realized he loved her still and professed his love to her. By this time, she had started to fall for Mac again. Mac then revealed to her that Kent and Sabine were going to have him and Lex arrested for insider trading unless Lydia return to Kent. Lydia was stunned but told Mac they should proceed. She revealed she was starting to walk again and she would snoop around the penthouse in hopes of finding leverage to use against Kent. They agreed. Lydia moved back into the penthouse but told Kent they would have separate bedrooms. Kent proposed to Lydia and she was forced to say yes. She continued to snoop every chance she got, but never found anything. Celeste then paid Lydia a visit to tell her about her concerns with Lex. Lydia, then, realized how to get Kent and Sabine out of her and Mac's lives; she asked them over where she announced that she was going to confess to corporate espionage from years ago, which would also send Kent to jail, unless they dropped the blackmail. They agreed but were upset. Lydia and Mac reunited and made love. Shortly after, Garrett then summoned the Rockwell's together. At the meeting, "Toby" and Lex had a fight; the family was horrified as Lex appeared to be talking to himself, as Toby was a figment of his imagination. Garrett arrived and pulled a gun on the family. He announced that someone was gaslighting Lex, caused Stacey to drink more and had Cole arrested: an alive Odette! She pulled a gun on the family; Lucinda knocked her out as it turns out that Odette had been paying Dr. Chen to keep Lucinda medicated, but she was fine. Lex, then, pretended to see Jarek, which caused Odette to put the gun down. Mac wrestled with her and the gun went off: Odette was killed. Mac and Lydia remarried. Shortly after, however, they were fighting at Rockwell Mining. Mac drew closer to his secretary Carmen, while Lydia ended up Noel, her personal trainers, bed. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Lydia continued her torrid affair with Noel but they soon started to grow apart. The Rockwell children were not pleased with the pending divorce of Mac and Lydia. Lydia, however, was livid when she learned that Mac suggest Sabine move into the mansion. In her tiff, she signed the divorce papers. Stacey and Cole, however, got Lydia to realize that she did still care for Mac. Lydia realized that she had to get Mac to realize they were meant to be. Lydia was worried when Mac was late for Christmas Day and was upset when her returned and announced he was married to Carmen! GOLD DIGGERS: Lydia confessed to her children that she didn't believe Carmen was a good fit for Mac and that she was a gold digger. The children agreed to support Lydia's quest to separate Mac and Carmen. To her surprise, Lucinda was even on Lydia's side. The two enemies teamed up to prove to Mac that Carmen was no good. Mac, however, refused to listen to them. Lydia and Lucinda vowed to get to the bottom of it. Lucinda told Lydia that she saw Carmen with a younger man at the club together. Lydia wondered who he was. Lydia and Kent, meanwhile, shared a close moment and agreed to put their past behind them. On the day of Stacey's wedding, Lydia overheard Carmen and Mateo discussing and she realized what they were up too with buying stocks in Rockwell Mining. She went to tell Mac, but Stacey collapsed at her wedding first! After Stacey was checked out, Lydia wanted to talk to Mac but Madi was arrested for Celeste's murder. Lydia confronted Carmen, who admitted that she owed 51% of Rockwell Mining. Lydia told her she knew that she killed Celeste! Carmen admitted it and clocked Lydia over the head with a candlestick and blood pooled out of Lydia's head! WALKING DEAD: Lydia continued to try to warn Mac that Carmen was no good but her pleas fell on deaf ears. She went to Lucinda, who also believed Carmen was a gold digger, for help to break them up. Lucinda revealed that she had a secret plan but kept Lydia in the dark, which annoyed Lydia. Lucinda asked that Lydia keep Mac out of the mansion for a few hours at a time so she could execute her plan. Lydia helped but finally wanted answers; Lydia then heard a noise from the kitchen in Lucinda's home and was stunned to see an alive Celeste! Turns out she faked her death with Lucinda's help and she was appearing to Carmen as a ghost as they were trying to drive Carmen crazy. Lydia loved the idea and agreed to support the plan. Meanwhile, Lydia was worried about Stacey when she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She supported her daughter when Marat was revealed to the Stacey's baby's father. Shortly after, Stacey collapsed again as she went into labor. The baby needed a stem transplant, which caused Lex to reveal he changed the paternity results; Lydia was horrified. Thankfully, mother and grandson were okay. Lydia tried to get Mac to have another drink with her as Lucinda was going to have Celeste ghost Carmen again but Mac refused. Lydia warned Lucinda and Celeste that Mac was headed home; Celeste told the women that Carmen was getting too dangerous to continue the plan and refused to be a part of it any longer. CHRISTMAS
SPECIAL: Lydia grew
worried when she was unable to reach Mac. She suspected something was going on
following Carmen's announcement that Mac had gone to Paris on business. Lydia
told Lucinda that they had to get to CABO WABO: Lydia worried about Rockwell Mining since Carmen was in-charge following Mac's death. She still didn't believe that Mac was truly dead, but Carmen manipulated documents to show that Mac's body didn't survive the plane crash. The Rockwell's were devastated. Lydia and Lucinda realized that if they could locate Celeste it would be their way to get rid of Carmen. Lydia, then, told Cole that Celeste is alive and if he found her, he could get Madison out of jail. Cole was stunned but vowed to find her. Lydia and Lucinda continued to think of a way to get rid of Carmen, especially once Mac's will was read and he left his shares of the company evenly between the children and Carmen, meaning Carmen was able to retain the CEO position. She pleaded with her children to think of a way to get rid of Carmen, however, it was Lydia who then produced an amendment to Mac's will that left all of his shares to Lex, who was then going to take over Rockwell Mining. Lydia went to Kent for assistance in ensuring everyone believed that the amendment was legitimate, even though it was forged. Carmen was lead to believe that it was real, however, Lex then disappeared. Lydia worried about her son but she and Lucinda continued to try to remove Carmen from Rockwell Mining. Lydia, then, was stunned to learn that Stacey and Kent had sex. Lydia confronted Kent. Lucinda then revealed to Lydia that Carmen was sleeping with Noel Baker, Lydia's former physical therapist. Lydia confronted the couple and they demanded 500 million dollars for Carmen to leave the CEO position of Rockwell Mining. Lydia was then floored when Mac turned up alive and well at the Rockwell Mining meeting. THE SWITCH: Lydia was revealed to be back together with Kent, which did not sit well with her family. Kent, secretly, however still longed for Stacey. Lydia was supportive of Kent, who was struggling to get over the death of the child he shared with Stacey. Lydia was also worried when Lex seemingly went missing. On the day of Cole's wedding to Madi, Lydia called Casper to help track Lex down. Lydia got word that Lex's car was seen at Lucinda's mansion. Lydia raced there and found Lex in the dungeon that Lucinda held her hostage in! Lydia was floored when Lex revealed that Houston locked him inside. CHRISTMAS MINI SERIES: Lydia and Kent continued their romance. Lydia, however, soon became insecure of how close Kent and Stacey had seemingly become since they got Poppy back. She witnessed a couple of close moments between the two of them. She asked Stacey if she had a man in her life, but her daughter said no. Lydia, then, went to Marat and suggested that he make a play for Stacey since Houston was behind bars. Marat agreed. Lydia and Kent made love and she was unaware that he was thinking of Stacey. On Christmas Day, Lydia was stunned to see Kent and Stacey in a steamy lip lock. SEASON SIX: Lydia was worried about Mac after his paternity was revealed. She was also concerned about how close Stacey and Kent remained. She encouraged Marat to pursue her daughter to ensure Stacey stayed away from Kent. Lydia, then, pressed Kent to be married. Kent agreed, despite having feelings for Stacey. Lydia asked Stacey to be her maid of honor. She and Kent married in a simple ceremony. Lydia, meanwhile, encouraged Mac to fight for his life after Nathan took over as CEO of Rockwell Mining. She supported Lucinda after Slate died and warned a fresh from jail, Celeste, not to hurt her family. After Lex and Stacey went to the hospital following a confrontation with Mateo, Lydia supported her children. She overheard Kent and Stacey admit they had sex the morning of her wedding to Kent! Furious, Lydia went to Kent and told him that she was going to expose his affair to the press, unless he gave her Blackmore Ltd. SEASON SEVEN: Lydia was floored when Nathan was shot. She supported Mac, who went to trial for "killing" Nathan. She had to testify and claimed that Mac wouldn't have killed anyone. Meanwhile, Lydia went to Kent and continued to tell him that she would go to the press with the fact that he and Stacey slept together if he didn't give her Blackmore Ltd. Feeling like this hands were tied, Kent agreed. He also gave her annulment papers, which Lydia signed. Shortly after, Stacey approached her mother and demanded to know what was going on. Lydia revealed to Stacey that she knew of her affair with Kent. A cat fight broke out between the two women! Lucinda broke it up; in the wake, Stacey filed a restraining order against Lydia, who was devastated that she could see Drake or Poppy. Lydia, meanwhile, worked with Carmen on the idea that they should merge Rockwell Mining and Blackmore Ltd together. The families were horrified. After Mac escaped death, both mother and daughter realized that life was too short to be upset. Stacey agreed to move past her fight with Lydia, if her mother dropped the merger. Lydia went to Carmen and told her the merger was off but Carmen pulled a gun on her and forced her to sign the official documentation. Lydia, then, realized that Carmen was the one who shot Nathan. At the press conference, Lydia saw Helena Grant arrive and realized that the police must have figured out who shot Nathan. Lydia used a pen that she was clutching to stab Carmen in the leg! She rushed away from Carmen, who grabbed her gun and fired at Lydia! The police, meanwhile, shot at Carmen, who was killed. Lydia only suffered a flesh wound. Stacey told her mother that she was scared she was going to die; she asked her mother to make things right and give Blackmore back to Kent; Lydia agreed. SEASON EIGHT: Lydia saw a close moment between Dane and Lucinda and got concerned that Lucinda was moving too quickly with her man since she felt like they really didn't know Dane very well. Lydia voiced her concerns to Mac, who told her to leave him out of it. Lydia went to Casper Ross and asked him to look into Dane's past, which he agreed too. Lydia, then, reached out to Kent for support as he was dealing with Vivian's medical crisis. Lydia was worried when Mac revealed to her that Lucinda decided to file for divorce from Mortimer so she could marry Dane; she pressed Casper to uncover some secrets. Soon, Casper revealed to her that Dane had a child with a married woman; as a result, the woman put her baby up for adoption but the identity of that baby is Dyhannah Cooper! Lydia revealed this to Mac, who was stunned. CHRISTMAS - JINGLE BELL ROCK: Lydia's reveal to Mac that Dyhannah was his half-sister left him reeling. They went to tell Lucinda the truth, but she informed them that her divorce to Mortimer had been finalized. Mac and Lydia agreed to their news a secret as Mac worried that Nathan would use the information to his advantage. Shortly after, Lydia saw Mac and Sabine kissing. She confronted her former husband, and he revealed that he was seeing Sabine again. Lydia warned him that he was playing with fire. She, then, told Nathan about the affair, and he seemingly didn't care. Lydia took Nathan some champagne after he officially took over as Mortimer's power of attorney, and they ended up sharing a kiss. On Christmas Day, Lydia and Nathan returned with the news that they got married! Mac was stunned and confronted Lydia, who reminded him that he was with Sabine. They mentioned Dyhannah being Dane's daughter, unaware that Lucinda overheard. Lydia, meanwhile, noticed that Lex was down. He admitted that he fell in love with Casper, but he left town. Lydia recalled how she got Casper to leave town as he did the investigation into Dane and didn't want him to suffer any fallout. Seeing Lex upset, however, Lydia called Casper and asked him to come home, which he did on Christmas Day. SEASON
NINE: Still being
in the newlywed mode, Lydia and Nathan made love and THE
Lucinda demanded that Lydia turn over power of attorney of Nathan, but THE BACKSTABBERS: Lydia spoke to Mac about their kiss that they shared on Christmas Day, but he claimed they were under the mistletoe and it didn't mean anything, which crushed her as she longed to reunite with her former husband. Lucinda, meanwhile, pressed Lydia to sign over Nathan's power of attorney since she helped get Sabine out of Kelsey Lake. Lydia agreed and signed the POA to Lucinda. She told this to Mac, and they worried that Nathan would get out of the hospital and want to get revenge on them. Lydia, then, came face to face with Nathan, after he was sprung from the hospital. Nathan informed her that he wanted a divorce, and she agreed. Lydia told Mac that Nathan was oddly nice to her, unaware he was planning revenge against her. Lydia and Mac continued to work at Rockwell Mining as the launch of the Pink Roses was getting closer. Lydia was stunned when she saw Mac in bed with Cassie Nova, whom he hired to help with the launch. Lydia confronted Cassie, who told her to mind her business. Lydia and Mac had a heated confrontation but they put it aside when Lucinda revealed to them that Nathan and Dyhannah were sleeping together. They warned Nathan that Dyhannah would hurt him. |
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