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SEASON ONE: SEASON ONE: Mac and Lydia got divorced after 30 years of marriage. In the wake of the separation, Mac revealed to his family that he was engaged. His children, Cole, whom just returned from a stint in rehab, Stacey and Lex were all rather surprised to learn this. At the engagement party, Mac revealed that his fiancé was Celeste, unknowingly that Celeste and Cole had met and were flirting with one another. Mac soon married Celeste in a lavish ceremony. When Cole returned to Kelsey Lake, Mac insisted that his eldest son return to Rockwell Mining; Cole agreed. Mac was put off by Cole and Lexs sudden feuding, even though he knew that Lex was more like him. Mac went to Serbia to try to obtain a mine, but was outbid by his rival, Lydias lover, Kent. Fuming, he realized that he couldnt lose another mine and one was up for bid in Russia. Lex came up with the idea to offer the Russians an additional 5% of the profits from the diamonds. Cole was opposed to the idea, but Mac agreed that it was worth the chance. After his wedding to Celeste, Mac left for Russian and ended up securing the mine for Rockwell Mining. He raced home to be with his wife and almost caught her in bed with Cole. Celeste covered her tracks and told Cole that they couldnt continue on with their affair. Mac, meanwhile, rejoiced in the fact that he was able to obtain a mine. He randomly ran into Odette at the country club. Later, he went to the office and Lydia stormed in and announced that she had gotten the childrens proxys to take over Rockwell Mining! SEASON TWO: Mac was reeling from Lydia's explanation that she had taken over Rockwell Mining by obtaining the children's proxies. As Lydia was about to call security to throw Mac out of the office, he got a call telling him that Stacey was in a car accident. The family rushed to the hospital and learned that Stacey needed brain surgery as there was a serious head injury. They also learned that Houston died from the crash. The surgery was a success, however, but Stacey was in a coma. While Stacey was recovering, Mac couldn't help but notice how Rockwell was suffering with Lydia as the CEO. Lex informed him that Lydia revoked Marat Kafelinkov's 5% profits and the stock prices were dropping. Mac knew that he had to do something to get his company back. Mac, meanwhile, started seeing Odette at the club and the two engaged in conversation. Mac saw Cole and Celeste together and wondered what was going on; Celeste shocked him by revealing her pregnancy. Mac rejoiced and surprised Celeste with a nursery. Mac returned from visiting Stacey at the hospital, who woke up, and overheard Cole and Celeste reveal their affair over a baby monitor that he bought for Celeste. Mac was devastated. Later, Mac learned that Celeste fell down the stairs at the mansion and lost the baby. He arrived at the hospital and saw Cole comforting Celeste. Mac confronted them about their affair; he told Celeste it was over and he punched Cole. Mac retreated to work, desperate to get his company back. Lex was with him when Kent showed up and revealed that he, not Mac, is Lex's biological father. Neither Mac or Lex believed it, until Lydia arrived and confirmed it was true. Mac threw Lydia and Kent out, and was devastated. He turned to Odette and they slept together, unaware she was filming the sex. The next day, Mac told Odette that it was a mistake; she agreed and went away, not telling him that she taped their night together. Mac then confronted Celeste and admitted that he still loved her. Cole arrived just as Mac asked Celeste to finally choose between them: Celeste choose Mac. Cole was crushed. Mac and Celeste reunited and agreed to try to have a baby. Mac then saw Lex and they agreed that regardless of blood, they would always be father and son. Mac was supportive of Lex, when he finally came out of the closet and announced his marriage to Jarek. Lydia was arrested on her wedding day to Kent, and Mac used the opportunity to get Lydia to sign over control of Rockwell back to him because she didn't want the company to suffer. Mac was back on top. Odette then came to his office and tried to blackmail him with the fact that they slept together. Mac learned about Odette's past and how her husband died at his mine years ago. Mac realized she blamed him for her husband's death. Mac refused to give in to the blackmail, telling Odette that Jarek would be equally upset if he learned the truth. Odette fumed. The Rockwell's rushed to the hospital when Lex collapsed; there, Odette burst into the waiting room and shot her gun at Mac! SEASON THREE: Odette had fired her gun at Mac in the hospital; Cole ended up taking a bullet that was going to hit Celeste. Mac was relieved when it was just a flesh wound. Mac confronted Odette, who had been arrested. She told him that she would always hate him for killing Bernie. Mac, meanwhile, was devastated to learn that the drugs in Lex's system caused his liver to fail; without a transplant, he would die. To Mac's horror, Kent was a match to donate. Mac thanked Kent for donating part of his liver to save Lex's life. The transplant happened; Lex and Kent survived. Mac insisted that Lex and Jarek move into the mansion until Lex was stable; they agreed. Sabine Andrews, Lydia's sister, meanwhile arrived in town in the wake of the medical crisis. Stacey suggested to Mac that he hire her at Rockwell Mining since she was a well-known diamond cutter. Mac loved the idea; Sabine went to work at Rockwell Mining. Shortly after, Lydia's plane crashed and she was presumed dead. The Rockwell's were devastated. Lydia left Mac her wedding ring from their marriage; Lucinda told her son to stop grieving the horrible woman that she was. In the meantime, Mac pressured Celeste for them to continue to try to have a baby. When she didn't get pregnant, he suggested that she go to the doctor. Mac also noticed Cole and Celeste growing closer again, since he took a bullet for her. Mac then found birth control in Celeste's purse and realized that she was purposely not getting pregnant. He confronted her and asked her if she had feelings for Cole. She admitted she did; Mac agreed to divorce her so she could be with Cole as he didn't want to waste time, realizing how precious it is with Lydia passing. Sabine and Mac grew closer following his divorce. Soon, they were lovers, much to Lucinda's chargin. Mac, meanwhile, learned that some of Celeste's designs were stolen from Rockwell Mining. He was shocked to learn that Stacey took her designs over to Blackmore Ltd, as she was running the company after she obtained Lydia's POA. He told Stacey that he would get them back. On the day of Stacey's wedding, Mac had a police officer threaten to press charges against her. Mac walked Stacey down the aisle but the wedding never happened as Vivian crashed the wedding and announced that she had adopted Marat and Celeste's child! Mac and Sabine continued their love affair, unaware that she was helping Yuri obtain information about Rockwell Mining. SEASON FOUR: Mac admitted that he was falling in love with Sabine. Mac, meanwhile, comforted Cole over Celeste's betrayal. He sent his son to New York to meet with Grant Shaw, the foreman of the Kelsey Lake mine after he learned that the mine contract was up for renewal. At the same time, Mac saw Lex and told him he was proud of him, even though he wanted his "son" to return to Rockwell Mining. Lex, however, went head to head with Mac and was determined to keep the Kelsey Lake mine at Blackmore Ltd. Mac, then, proposed to Sabine, who happily accepted much to Lucinda's horror. Mac was hesitant but agreed to let Stacey return to Rockwell Mining. Cole, meanwhile, told Mac to add either an 11% or 12% bonus to win the Kelsey Lake mine back, since that is how Lex secured the Kremlin Diamonds contract. Mac thought it was brilliant. Mac was worried, however, that Dixie was with Cole as he didn't trust the young woman. On the day of Celeste's custody trial, Mac saw Cole and told him he needed to get to the court house ASAP or he would be arrested. Mac, then, noticed Sabine acting odd and questioned her. She admitted she thought she was going to lose him, so they agreed to a quickie wedding. Mac then learned that Stacey had been shot and rushed to the hospital. With Sabine by his side, Mac learned that there was also at fire at Lucinda's mansion. Sabine demanded that the firefighters go into the basement of Lucinda's, which was odd to Mac. Stacey survived surgery but Mac got a call from Cole telling him that Dixie was dead. Mac left the hospital and helped Cole dispose of Dixie's body, but he demanded that Cole go to rehab when he confessed he fell off the wagon. Back at the hospital, everyone was shocked to learn that Houston and Lydia were found alive in Lucinda's basement! Mac questioned Sabine about how she knew to search the basement of his mother's house but before she could reply, Mac learned that Lucinda was in a vegetable state because she had inhaled too much smoke from the fire. Mac visited his mother, trying to seek answers from her about what she had done. Lydia arrived at Mac's and told him that Sabine knew Lucinda was holding her hostage and didn't say anything. Mac threw Sabine out when she admitted it, and he grew closer to Lydia. He encouraged her to try to find it in her heart to forgive Lucinda. Mac and Lex, then, had a public fight about their quest to obtain the Kelsey Lake mine. Mac rejected Sabine at their wedding, telling her that they were over. Then, he had a meeting with Grant Shaw so they could discuss the Kelsey Lake mine; the next day, he learned he was successful in obtaining the mine! Lex was rehired, as he helped Mac get the mine back because he learned that Kent shot Stacey. Stacey was horrified but wanted to celebrate; Mac agreed to let her throw a masquerade party. At the party, Mac spotted a mysterious woman. He was worried that it was Odette, who had been released from jail early. It was Odette and she revealed that she had bombs at the mansion! SEASON FIVE: In the aftermath of Odette's bombs, the Rockwell mansion was in a state of chaos. Mac found an injured Lydia and helped her get out of the mansion and he referred to her as his wife. At the hospital, Mac and the Rockwell's learned that Odette had been killed in the explosions. Lydia, meanwhile, was left paralyzed. Mac insisted that she move back into the mansion, which was being repaired, while she healed as it was more accessible than the penthouse. Lydia agreed. Mac, then, was unnerved when Cole revealed that Grant Shaw was asking about Dixie, as Mac and Cole covered up her death. At Rockwell Mining, Mac found some land that appeared to have diamonds beneath it; he wanted to mine it, however it was on preserved land. Lex was against the idea since it would create a negative appearance. Cole wanted to proceed. Stacey, then, announced that she was leaving Kelsey Lake and was going to Russia with Marat, who was going to overtake the Kremlin Diamonds from Yuri, who was killed in the explosions. He encouraged his daughter to make amends with Lydia before she left, since Stacey was furious with Lydia for sleeping with Houston. Stacey and Lydia made amends; Lydia thanked Mac. Lex, who was out for revenge against Cole for getting a blow job from Brock, overheard Cole and Mac discussing Dixie's death. Shortly after, Mac and Lydia professed their love for one another. Kent and Sabine, meanwhile, teamed up to keep Mac and Lydia apart. They showed up at Mac's office and announced that they would send Mac and Lex to jail for insider trading unless Mac gave up Lydia. He had 24 hours to decide. He told Lydia and she told him that they would go along with it. She revealed she was getting the feelings back in her legs and she would snoop around Kent's penthouse in hopes of uncovering information to use against Kent. They agreed. Lydia moved back in with Kent; Sabine moved in with Mac, but he was cool with her. Cole was then arrested for Dixie's murder; Mac bailed him out and planned to help his son get out of the charges. Sabine tried to seduce Mac, but he rejected her. Mac then announced to Grant and Garrett that he found Dixie's body and had his own autopsy performed on it; he demanded that Cole's charges be dropped and suggested to Garrett that if his autopsy results had any different results than his, he would sue the police department for obstruction. Cole got off. Then, Lydia announced to Mac that she told Kent and Sabine that she would confess to corporate espionage unless they dropped this vendetta against Mac. They reluctantly agreed. Lydia and Mac reunited and made love. Garrett then summoned the Rockwell's together. At the meeting, "Toby" and Lex had a fight; the family was horrified as Lex appeared to be talking to himself, as Toby was a figment of his imagination. Garrett arrived and pulled a gun on the family. He announced that someone was gaslighting Lex, caused Stacey to drink more and had Cole arrested: an alive Odette! She pulled a gun on the family; Lucinda knocked her out as it turns out that Odette had been paying Dr. Chen to keep Lucinda medicated, but she was fine. Lex, then, pretended to see Jarek, which caused Odette to put the gun down. Mac wrestled with her and the gun went off: Odette was killed. Mac and Lydia remarried. Shortly after, however, they were fighting at Rockwell Mining. Mac drew closer to his secretary Carmen, while Lydia ended up Noel, her personal trainers, bed. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Mac ended up sleeping with Carmen as his marriage to Lydia was falling apart. She wanted his divorce to be finalized so they could be together. The Rockwell children, however, were upset that they parents were divorcing so soon. Mac was also upset with Lex's relationship with Grant Shaw. He tried to stop Lex from moving in with Grant, so Lex quit Rockwell and moved out of the mansion as Lex got the CEO job at Blackmore Ltd. After Kent moved out of the penthouse, Mac suggested Sabine move back in as he didn't want her to be alone at Christmas. She agreed. When Lydia found out, she was livid and signed the divorce papers. Mac and Carmen returned home on Christmas Day and announced they were married! GOLD DIGGERS: Mac and Carmen remained blissful in their new marriage. Mac was a little put off by the amount of shopping his new wife was doing, but passed it off to the fact that she wasn't used to money. Lydia and Lucinda warned him that Carmen was using him for his money but he told them to butt out. Mac and Celeste reconnected and vented to one another. Celeste soon kissed her ex-husband, but he told her that they could only be friends. She agreed. Carmen, however, witnessed another close moment between the two of them and was upset. Cole went to Mac and told him that Madi knew the truth about his affair with Vivian thanks to Celeste. They realized that something horrible could happen and went to stop a confrontation. When they arrived at Madi's office, they found Celeste's dead body! The police ruled her death a murder. Mac refused to listen to Lydia's pressing concerns about Carmen, unaware she was buying stock in Rockwell Mining with Rockwell money. Mac and Lydia raced to the hospital after Stacey collapsed at her wedding, but before Lydia could tell him information that she learned about Carmen, they went back to the house as Madi was arrested for Celeste's murder. WALKING DEAD: Mac continued face pressure from Lydia about Carmen being a gold digger. He told his ex-wife to butt out of his relationship. Cole, meanwhile, went to his father to ask him for help with Madison's trial. Mac refused claiming that it would be too obvious to the courts. Mac and Carmen remained close despite her harboring a secret that she killed Celeste. Mac was worried about Stacey when she collapsed so late into her pregnancy. The Rockwell's learned that Stacey had gestational diabetes; she would have to remain calm the rest of the pregnancy. Stacey then stunned the family by revealing that she didnt know if Houston or Marat was the father; a paternity test was run and Marat was announced the father. Shortly after, Stacey went into labor but collapsed so the family once again rallied around her at the hospital. Mac was horrified to learn that Lex had altered the paternity test to get back at Houston, which Lex confessed when the baby needed a stem transplant. He and Lydia grew closer as they welcomed their grandson into the world and Stacey was going to be okay. Mac then went home, where Carmen was losing control as she was being gaslighted by Lucinda, Lydia and Celeste. Mac was hit in the head by a lamp that his wife threw and collapsed to the ground! Carmen and Mateo believed he was dead so they buried him on the Rockwell estate. Once they left him, Mac's hand rose from the grave, still very much alive! CHRISTMAS
SPECIAL: Carmen told
the Rockell's that Mac had left to Paris on a business trip. The family thought
this was odd considering Mac's love for the CABO WABO: Still suffering from memory loss, Mac and Celeste continued to grow closer and continued to be lovers. Celeste, however, realized that they would have to leave the cabin in the camp ground as spring was coming and they could be discovered. She suggested to Mac that they take a road trip to San Antonio, since she has an apartment there. He agreed. They packed up the cabin and left for Texas. Celeste, not wanting anyone to recognize Mac, made it clear that she would do all of the shopping while on the road. Mac, meanwhile, started having memory flashes of his previous life but couldn't piece it together. Celeste realized that he was having memories and started to drug him in hopes of Mac not remembering everything. Mac soon after admitted that his memories were becoming hazier. They pulled in for gas and Celeste demanded that Mac wait in the car, however Mac went into the gas station and the gas attendant realized who he was! Mac demanded answers from Celeste, who finally admitted who he was and that she was drugging him to prevent him from remembering. Mac vowed to pay off the gas attendant, who let them go. Back in Kelsey Lake, Mac revealed to Celeste that he was going to crash a Rockwell Mining meeting and take back his company. Celeste, then, realized that she was pregnant with Mac's baby! At the meeting, Mac revealed himself to be alive and told Carmen that her games were over. THE SWITCH: Mac was visited by Lex, who suggested to him that he run Rockwell Mining. After Lex's kidnapping in Cabo, he took time to get his head sorted and he felt ready to return to work. Lex reminded Mac that he was engaged to Celeste, while finalizing his divorce to Carmen and they had a baby together, so it would make sense for Mac to step down. Mac agreed to think about it. Shortly after, Mac met with an oil tycoon, Dane Ashby, and they came up with a business deal together. Mac was thrilled when Dane admitted he was going to stay in Kelsey Lake for a while, so Mac invited him to Cole and Madi's wedding. Mac invited Dane to dinner, and they spoke about Mac's up brining. Dane made it clear that he wanted to meet Lucinda. Later, Mac told Lex that he wasn't ready to step down. Lydia told Mac she was worried about Lex when he seemingly disappeared shortly after. Mac and Celeste, meanwhile relished in their life together with baby Charlotte. Celeste continued to press Mac to give Carmen a fair settlement in the divorce, which Mac refused as he still believed that Carmen was dangerous considering she tried to kill Celeste. Mac had no idea that Carmen was blackmailing Celeste into trying to get her a bigger settlement offer. Shortly after, Mac saw Kent talking to Celeste and Charlotte and warned Kent to stay away from his daughter. Soon, Celeste was thrilled when Carmen accepted their offer. On the day of Cole and Madi's wedding, Mac was thrilled when Stacey returned to town as she had been missing in action since her own child, Poppy, died. Before the ceremony, Mac and Lucinda were shocked when Nathan Lockhart, aka Levi Rockwell, returned town! Turns out, Lucinda had a second son, who wanted to emancipate himself because Mac's father, Mortimer, favored him as he was the oldest. Lucinda almost collapsed and Mac warned Nathan to stay away. After the Madi left Cole at the altar, Carmen entered the Rockwell mansion with a gun to Houston's back: she demanded that he admit what had happened. When he refused, Carmen revealed that Celeste miscarried her baby at the prison; together with Houston's help, Celeste took Stacey's child in as her own and told Stacey that Poppy was dead. Mac refused to believe it was true, but Houston and Celeste finally admitted the truth. Mac was floored; Celeste gave baby Charlotte to Stacey, who was reunited with her child. Later, Dane cornered Lucinda and revealed their secret: He is Mac's father, meaning Mac isn't a Rockwell at all! CHRISTMAS MINI SERIES: With Celeste in jail and Poppy reunited with Stacey, Kent returned his focus to Rockwell Mining and ensuring that the company was a success. He asked his children to help him keep an eye on Nathan and Slate as he believed that they would want positions at Rockwell Mining and he wanted to protect the family name. Sure enough, Slate arrived at the company and asked Mac for a job. Mac told Slate that he would have to work his way up, like his children did and gave him a job in the mailroom, which annoyed Slate. Nathan, then, arrived at the company and wanted a job. Mac told him that he would have to wait for a position to open, apply and then go through the interview process. The brother's clashed as a result. Lucinda, meanwhile, asked them to have a peaceful Christmas season. Mac was then cornered by Lucinda to ask if Dane Ashby could join the family for Christmas. Mac hadn't realized that Dane was still in town but agreed, which thrilled Lucinda. On Christmas Day, Mac and Nathan butt heads again after Nathan revealed that he was engaged to Sabine; Nathan, thanks to Slate, then announced that Dane was really Mac's father, making him a fraud! SEASON SIX: Mac was reeling from the fact that Dane, not Mortimer was his biological father. He refused to believe it until Lucinda confirmed it. Angry, Mac told her he didnt have a mother anymore. To make matters worse, Nathan and Slate rubbed salt in Macs wounds every chance they could. Mac was further crushed when Nathan got the Rockwell Mining board of directors to remove him as CEO and got the staff at the mansion to turn on him; Nathan took over as CEO and head of house. Mac turned to drugs to cope, which worried Dane and Lucinda. Cole agreed to spy on Nathan at Rockwell Mining for Mac. Sabine, meanwhile, felt caught in the middle between the feuding siblings. She got drunk with Mac and they ended up in bed together! In the wake, they agreed it was a mistake and not to speak of it again. Mac, however, crashed her engagement party to Nathan but he kept mum about the affair. Mac did threaten to kill Nathan before he and Slate got into it. Slate punched his uncle and Mac walked away; Slate slipped and fell into the pool, drowning as a result. Nathan saw part of the footage and blamed Mac for his sons death. Cole, then, told Mac he couldnt spy at the company anymore because Celeste figured out the truth. Mac said it was fine as he had to take action against Nathan. Shortly after, a mysterious person shot Nathan and left him for dead. SEASON SEVEN: Mac was floored to learn that Nathan was shot. At the hospital, he supported Lucinda while they waited for news of Nathan's health. They learned that Nathan fell into a coma but survived surgery. Shortly after, Nathan woke up and detective Helena Grant visited him; Nathan claimed that Mac was the one who shot him! As a result, Helena arrested Mac for attempted murder. Mac maintained his innocence to everyone. Chase offered to represent Mac, which he accepted. They started to build his case but then got word that Nathan died! Chase warned Mac that he would be charged with murder. At Mac's trial, Chase warned his customer not to get emotional during the trial as it would reflect badly on him. Mac sat through testimony's from Lydia, Sabine, Cole, Stacey, Lex and Celeste. At the end of the day, the Judge found Mac guilty! Mac was furious and lashed out at the Judge. As a result of having little respect for the court, the Judge sentenced Mac to the death penalty! Mac and the Rockwell's were gutted. When Chase's appeal didn't go through, Mac was given time to say goodbye to his children. Mac had emotional conversations with Cole, Stacey and Lex. He wondered where Lucinda was, who dashed off to a mysterious business meeting. Just as Mac was about to get his lethal injection, Lucinda arrived with proof that Mac was innocent: an alive Nathan! Mac was released and demanded answers from his mother. Lucinda claimed that she faked Nathan's death in hopes of ending her son's feud; she always thought that Chase was going to get the charges against Mac dropped. Mac was stunned. Shortly after, however, Mac went to Nathan and suggested they bury the hatchet. Nathan agreed. Dane was also surprised when Mac suggested that they put the past behind them and have a relationship. Lydia was put off when Mac admitted he asked Helena out on a date. Nathan, then, learned about Mac and Sabine's affair and vowed revenge on his brother. SEASON EIGHT: With a new lease on life, Mac romanced Helena and they soon became lovers. He admitted to Lydia that he felt like Helena might be the woman for him, which upset his former wife. Lydia, meanwhile, admitted to Mac that she was worried that Lucinda was getting involved with Dane too quickly. Mac asked her to keep him out of it as he didn't want to ruin his relationship with his parents. Mac and Nathan, meanwhile, seemingly buried the hatchet and started to work together at Rockwell Mining. On Nathan and Sabine's wedding day, Nathan announced that he and Helena had an affair! Mac confronted his lover, who admitted it. He dumped her on the spot. Mac, then, learned that Lucinda was going to file for divorce from Mortimer so she could marry Dane. Mac and Lucinda were, at first, worried about Nathan taking over as Mortimer's primary care giver, but Lucinda wanted to live her live. Chase filed the divorce papers, and Mac was asking him questions about it. Dyhannah interrupted and was livid with Mac as Chase could have lost his license had revealed anything. Shortly after, Lydia told Mac that her private investigator uncovered a secret about Dane: Dyhannah is his child, making her Mac's half-sister! CHRISTMAS - JINGLE BELL ROCK: Mac was stunned to learn that Dyhannah was his half-sister from Lydia. They agreed to tell Lucinda the truth, but when they went to tell her, Lucinda revealed that her divorce from Mortimer was finalized. Mac didn't tell Lucinda about Dyhannah because he worried that Nathan could use the information to his advantage, since he would be taking over as Mortimer's care giver. Lydia agreed to keep quite. Soon after, Mac and Sabine reunited and became lovers again. This annoyed Lydia, who warned her ex-husband about getting involved with her sister. Shortly after, Nathan confronted them about their affair but Mac told Nathan he threw Sabine away. Mac, meanwhile, reached out to Dyhannah and offered her a job at Rockwell Mining; she turned him down flat, and he wondered how he could mend the fences with her. On Christmas Day, Mac, and the family, was stunned when Lydia revealed that she married Nathan! While asking Lydia what she was doing, Mac mentioned Dane being Dyhannah's father, unaware that Lucinda heard! SEASON
NINE: Mac was supportive
of Sabine when she revealed that she was going to THE
DIAMOND THAT STOLE CHRISTMAS: Mac and Lex continued to work at Rockwell Mining
with Natasha Calimo THE BACKSTABBERS: Mac continued to work on the launch of the Pink Roses campaign with Roboto. Lydia discussed their kiss, but he claimed that it was Christmas time and he got caught up in the moment. Shortly after, he met Cassie Nova and was taken with her, unaware that she was working with Dyhannah and Kent to ruin the launch. They slept together, which upset Lydia. Mac was concerned when Nathan was released from the hospital, but he moved forward with planning the launch. |
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